Agenda item

Proposed Scheme to increase parking space capacity for High Lane Car Park, High Lane

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


The report provides the details for the options available to the Area Committee as part of a feasibility study to increase the amount of parking spaces, whilst maintaining good accessibility for High Lane Car Park.


The Area Committee is recommended to comment on and approve the report.


Officer Contact: Rory Cannell, 0161 474 4890, or email



A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the details for the options available to the Area Committee as part of a feasibility study to increase the amount of parking spaces, whilst maintaining good accessibility for High Lane Car Park.


RESOLVED – That the Area Committee give approval following a feasibility study for Option 3 - F/4271/Opt3 to burn off existing spaces and changing layout (converting some spaces to angled bays) to increase capacity, whilst maintaining good accessibility for High Lane Car Park at a cost of £3,375 to be funded by this Area Committee’s Delegated budget (Marple South & High Lane ward allocation).


Supporting documents: