Agenda item

Mayor's Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund - Heaton Norris Park Bridge

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration.


This report gives details of the results of the consultation exercise carried out for the Heaton Norris Park Bridge proposals to replace the current Hatton Street footbridge over the M60 and associated links to Heaton Norris, Heaton Moor and Heaton Chapel including a pocket Park on Belmont Street, 20mph zones, a crossing on the A6, works at Manchester Road and in Manchester Road Park. 


The Area Committee is requested to recommend the Cabinet Member (Economy and Regeneration) approve the proposed measures and associated traffic regulation orders.


Officer Contact: Sally Laws on 0161 474 4923 or email:



A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the results of the consultation exercise carried out for the Heaton Norris Park Bridge proposals to replace the current Hatton Street footbridge over the M60 and associated links to Heaton Norris, Heaton Moor and Heaton Chapel including a Pocket Park on Belmont Street, 20mph zones, a crossing on the A6, works at Manchester Road and in Manchester Road Park.  


The following comment was made/issue raised: -


·         It was noted that the proposals for the scheme were very positive for the area including the pocket park and for the residents living in the neighbourhood.

·         The support of the Friends of Heaton Norris Park and I Love Heaton Norris had been helpful in the process.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration be recommended to give approval to the proposed measures for improved connections to the proposed new Heaton Norris Park Bridge (as detailed in Section 3 of the report) and:-


(i)            give the necessary approvals to permit the submission of a planning application for a new cycling and walking bridge over the M60 and A560 (Great Egerton Street) and the associated ramps and steps.


(ii)              give approval to the legal advertising of the associated package of Traffic Regulation Orders (as detailed in Appendix D of the report), and subject to the receipt of no objections within twenty one days of the advertisement date, the subsequent making of the Orders.


Supporting documents: