Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Programme (MTFP)

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services and Education.


The Summer Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan highlights the continued uncertainty, complexity and volatility facing local government funding - presenting significant challenges for local citizens and their local public services. To do this responsibly, whilst also supporting the ambition for Stockport, the Cabinet introduced a medium term strategy (fig.1) in 2018 to frame the choices the Council will make about its budget, both next year and in future years.


The Cabinet remain committed to engaging widely on proposals and this report includes those draft proposals that fall within this Committee’s remit. Alongside any new proposals this paper also includes an update on those proposals which were agreed for further development by Cabinet in February 2019.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider and comment on the report.

Officer Contact: Holly Rae on Tel: 0161 474 3014 or email:



The Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services and Education submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the opportunity for the Scrutiny Committee to comment on the Medium Term Financial Programme and on the development of proposals which had been agreed by the Cabinet in February 2019.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-

·         Councillors discussed the response to the SEND inspection undertaken in September 2018 by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission. They noted the excellent work undertaken by officers in the Directorate and thanked them for their efforts.

·         The impact of proposed savings on staffing.

·         The successful efforts undertaken to recruit and increase the number of Foster Carers – it was acknowledged that this was a continuous challenge and that the ambition was always to place children in care within the borough.

·         The Chair sought assurances that every effort would be made to mitigate the impact of the proposals on individuals effected by the SEND Transport proposals.

·         The Committee discussed in detail the proposal relating to Stockport Local Transport and noted the Cabinet Members response in respect to the mitigating measures that will be put in place in an effort to protect the most vulnerable children and young adults.



RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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