Agenda item

The Chief Executive

The Chief Executive has been invited to the meeting to discuss issues relevant to the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.


The Chair welcomed the Chief Executive (Pam Smith) to the meeting and invited her to outline her view of the role of scrutiny in Stockport, and the role of the Co-ordination Committee, particularly in light of the outcomes and recommendations of the Committee’s Review ‘Undertaking Scrutiny in Stockport’.


The new Statutory Scrutiny Officer (Kathryn Rees, Service Director for Strategy & Commissioning) was also in attendance.


The Chief Executive explained that she believed robust scrutiny was a measure of the health of governance of organisation, and that decision-making was improved by supportive challenge from members. She stated that she had initially been surprised by the number of scrutiny committees operating in Stockport given the practice in many council had been to adopt a one-committee model, but that given the particular circumstances in Stockport there was merit and success in the model adopted here.


The Chief Executive then moved on to highlight specific, such as:-


·         the scope for undertaking thematic scrutiny, examining services or proposals along the whole ‘pathway’ a resident may experience, citing the example of those with disabilities transitioning through services over time, and the role of this committee in explore and encouraging this approach

·         understanding the differences between Stockport and other in Greater Manchester, and whether these were appropriate or not, citing the Unified Public Services agenda;

·         having a clearer role for, and engaging with, local residents in scrutiny;

·         the importance for this committee to ‘set the tone’ for scrutiny in Stockport.

The Chief Executive referred to the recent appointment of Kathryn Rees, Service Director for Strategy & Commissioning, as the Statutory Scrutiny Officer.


Members of the Scrutiny Committee then asked questions, including:-


·         Given the responsibilities of the Service Director for Strategy & Commissioning the Chief Executive confident this would complement the role of Statutory Scrutiny Officer and how did she envisage this working? In response, the Chief Executive emphasised the importance of a ‘fresh pair of eyes’, but also someone with a role that gave them an overview across the whole Council and someone able to identify issues that may need closer scrutiny as commissioning is reviewed. The Service Director would also have access to the Corporate Leadership Team and the Chief Executive to raise issues of concern. It was acknowledged that the arrangement was novel, and there would be a degree of learning as the role evolved, but it was hoped this would be helped by having a high calibre colleague with managerial status within the organisation.

·         The Committee had previously stressed the importance of ‘parity of esteem’ between scrutiny and executive functions; how would this be achieved, or the balance maintained between the competing demands? In response, the Chief Executive again stressed the importance of the appointment of the new Statutory Scrutiny Officer, but also that she felt at there was a parity in Stockport, but stated that this assumption would need testing to make sure members felt their views were being acted on, not just listened to.

·         Scrutiny in Stockport had not changed significantly since its introduction, so how well was Stockport doing this? In response it was acknowledged that it would not be possible to introduce ‘efficiency’ by moving toward one scrutiny committee, but to explore issues more depth, and thematically, rather than focussing on scrutinising reports going to the Cabinet. The Chair commented that the rigidity of the current scrutiny arrangements would make this approach difficult, but that the work being undertaken by the Constitution Working Party to review the current constitutional underpinning of scrutiny to make it more ‘agile’ may make this easier to achieve.

·         Comment was made that the Children & Families Scrutiny Committee was planning to engage with young people during the year, but outside of the formal committee setting. In response the Chief Executive welcomed the approach being suggested.

·         It was commented that while cabinet members and officers were always willing to engage, there were not always such positive relationships with external agencies.

·         The Chair commented that she would hope for scrutiny to be engaged in ongoing work to review governance arrangements of TLC, LifeLeisure and other arms length/ outside bodies.

RESOLVED – (1) That Pam Smith be thanked for her attendance and presentation.


(2) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to make arrangements for the Chief Executive to be invited to the first meeting of the next municipal year.