Agenda item

Public Realm

The local Public Realm Inspector will attend the meeting to provide an update on matters raised at the last committee meetings. Councillors and Members of the public are invited to raise issues affecting local environmental quality.


Carolyn Turner, Public Realm Inspector, attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to highway and environmental quality issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The following update was provided:-


·      Monthly highway inspections were ongoing throughout the month.

·      Repairs had taken place to the gully outside Bridgefords in Hazel Grove.

·      United Utilities had accepted responsibility for the carriageway depression at Commercial Road/Butley Street and were seeking permissions to allow for repairs.

·      An order had been placed to repair a depression in the carriageway at the junction of the A6/Southwood Road

·      A trial dig on Lake Street had been made safe and further work was needed.

·      Community Payback activity had been completed on the green area outside the Hazel Grove clinic site; vegetation trimmed back on Cromley Road opposite Kinross Avenue; work had been arranged for Trawden Green.

·      The defective lamp post on Woodsmoor Lane was actually a warning sign and was awaiting a connection by Electricity North West. The leak on this road had also been referred to United Utilities but would require suspending supply to a number of homes.

·      Letters had been sent to the land owners for the hedges overgrowing the footpaths on Offerton Road near the small layby.

·      Routine gulley cleansing was ongoing and crews would respond to ad-hoc issues.

·      There was a campaign to encourage responsible dog ownership and removing dog waste.

·      In response to concerns raised about the Council’s gritting and cleansing practises it was stated that the Council did not grit all footways but where grit had been spread these footways would not be swept as this would remove the grit. Where footpaths were not gritted footways would continue to be cleansed, especially in autumn to remove fallen leaves before they became slippery. The grit was put down to prevent ice from forming, once the ice has formed the grit would not melt the ice. 

·      Planned resurfacing work was being undertaken on Hillcrest Road; Torkington Road; Tannock Road; London Road; Talbot Road and Norbury Grove.

·      Formal Notices were served on a property in Offerton and a property on London Road Hazel Grove in relation to accumulation of waste. In both cases this resulted in removal of waste by the residents.

·      A Formal Notice has been served on a property in Great Moor requiring the cutting back of a hedge that was obstructing the footpath. Fourteen days has been given for the works to be carried out.

·      Details of a vehicle in Hazel Grove had been passed to the DVLA for removal.

·      A resident of Offerton had been interviewed under caution after evidence was found in a fly-tipping instance relating to a domestic premises where the resident had passed their waste to an unknown third party. Residents had a responsibility to ensure that they only passed their waste to a registered waste carrier and that they were licensed with the Environment Agency.

·      Following reports of Anti-Social Behaviour around fast food related premises off the A6 the Police working with the Neighbourhoods team had been increasing patrols in the area. The perpetrators have been identified and  have been issued with Anti-Social Behaviour Contracts with referrals to the Youth Offending Service where necessary.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·      A timescale for the resurfacing of footways on Beech Avenue was requested.

·      The replacement/ reinstatement of the ‘No Ball Games’ sign on Wynchagate Road Green was requested.

·      Due to the intensity of usage of businesses in Hazel Grove at the weekend it was again asked if additional routine cleansing could take place during the weekend.

·      Following the litter picking outside the clinic in Hazel Grove it was asked whether the vegetation could also be cut back.

·      There was a damaged illuminated bollard at the junction of Torkington Road and the A6 that needed replacing.

·      There was regular flytipping near the waste bins on Catherine Street and this needed addressing in conjunction with Stockport Homes.

·      A gulley was blocked outside the garages on Paythorne Green.

·      A car had been abandoned on Kyle Road.

·      Action was needed to prevent vehicles being abandoned outside the former Royal Oak pub.

·      A request was made for the dog warden to attend Chapel Street.

·      The recent cold weather had caused problems for residents leaving housing estates such as those off Oaklands Road and Edale Road as they were not part of the routine gritting regime. It was requested that grit bins be provided in these locations.

·      Carriageway surfaces on Magda Road and Leyburn Road were in a poor condition and should be considered for repair or resurfacing.

·      There remained areas of hedging on Bean Leach Road that had not be cut back.

·      A request was made to replace the temporary dog waste warning signs at the Boothby Street play area.


RESOLVED – That Carolyn Turner be thanked for her attendance and presentation.