Agenda item

Parking Strategy update report (TR51)

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Transportation)


The report summarises the responses to the draft parking strategy consultation process and the proposed amendments to the final parking strategy in light of the comments. The Strategy itself sets out the requirements and aspirations of the Council for the borough’s car parking.


The Executive is recommended to:


·         note the consultation responses and the Council’s response as shown in appendix I

·         approve the revised parking strategy as shown in appendix II as Council Policy.


Officer contact: Sue Stevenson, 0161 474 3451,


The Executive Councillor (Transportation) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider the responses to the consultation on the Council’s Parking Strategy and suggesting amendments in light of the comments received.


The Executive Councillor (Transportation) reported that a number of the responses received to the consultation were specific suggestions on improvements to parking facilities and that while these were not appropriately captured with the strategic document, where practical and appropriate these would be pursued in conjunction with the relevant area committee.


RESOLVED – That the consultation responses to the Parking Strategy, as detailed at Appendix I of the report be noted and the revised Parking Strategy as detailed at Appendix II be approved.

Supporting documents: