Agenda item

Horizon Scanning

Representatives of the Council and partner organisations present at the meeting will be invited to identify any emerging issues that may be interest to the Scrutiny Committee during 2015/16.


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,


The Chair invited representatives of the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (FT), Public Health Service and Healthwatch Stockport to provide a brief outline of the key challenges or projects for their organisations in the upcoming year. The information would then inform the Scrutiny Committee’s programme of work for the 2015/16 municipal year.


Many of the areas discussed by partners overlapped between organisations.


Clinical Commissioning Group


Gaynor Mullins, Chief Operating Officer highlighted the following areas:-


·         Stockport Together – this was a major programme of reforming health and social care services in Stockport, bringing together the Council, CCG, FT and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. The Programme was in line with the outcomes of the Health & Social Care Congress held in February 2015. It was anticipated that by Autumn 2015 new models of care would have been developed and consulted on.

·         Greater Manchester Devolution – further work was planned to develop and extend primary care services.

·         Healthier Together – a decision on the next phase of the programme was due from the CCG Committees in Common in Summer 2015.


Stockport NHS Foundation Trust


James Sumner, Director of Operations and Deputy Chief Executive, highlighted the following areas:-


·         In response to Stockport Together, the FT had redefined its strategic outlook to provide greater focus on Stockport and the population need for older people and people with cancer and other chronic conditions.

·         Greater emphasis would be given to providing services outside of the hospital setting.

·         In relation to Healthier Together, the Trust remained committed to wanting Stepping Hill Hospital to gain Specialist status.


Public Health


Dr Donna Sager, Deputy Director for Public Health, highlighted the following areas:-


·         In relation to Stockport Together, Public Health was leading on the Engagement and Prevention work stream.

·         Public Health would continue to work toward embedding prevention within Council services and working toward addressing the wider determinants of health, such as planning and environmental issues.




Tony Stokes, Chair, highlighted the role of Healthwatch in scrutinising and acting as a critical friend toward both commissioners and providers. In particular the recent report on challenges with hearing aid usage called “It’s in the Drawer” was highlighted.


Adult Social Care


Mark Warren, Service Manager, highlighted the work of the service in conjunction with the CCG, FT and Pennine Care as part of the NHS England ‘Vanguard’ project into developing new models of care, including the development of multi-disciplinary/ speciality teams.


The following comments were made:-


·         In relation to queries raised about 7 day working, it was reported that Stockport Together, GM Devolution and Healthier Together included elements relating to expanding access to primary care. The proposals would not necessarily be simply increasing GP surgery opening hours, but would aim to provide a broader range of primary care services, as well as the clustering of surgeries to enhance access to a (limited) range of services. Mastercall would continue to provide urgent access to GP services out of hours.

·         The need to address data sharing and communications between partners was important to the success of collaborate services. A significant element of Stockport Together sought to address information management, as well as work to develop a common system for GPs to allow them to communicate with a community care system. Ensuring that staff understood the need to operate differently was also an important element of improving information sharing.

·         In relation to queries about the role of mental health in Stockport Together, it was reported that mental health services were part of each work stream and would form part of the models of care being developed. Concerns were raised about the training and knowledge of GPs in relation to mental health and the need to ensure not only that there was sufficient expertise within practices but that GPs were seeking to address underlying causes rather than simply seeking to treat symptoms.

·         The importance of self-care and the role of technology to support that was discussed. It was commented that technology provided opportunities for those with long-term conditions to better manage their own care. Councillors cautioned that not all members of the public were comfortable with technology and reliance of this could lead to greater stress exacerbating existing conditions. It was also commented that those who took a strong interest in their care tended to have better health outcomes.


RESOLVED – (1) That Gaynor Mullins, James Sumner, Donna Sager, Tony Stokes and Mark Warren be thanked for their attendance and participation.


(2) That the Scrutiny Committee would welcome reports to a future meeting on the following issues:-


·         Role of Mastercall

·         Self-Care and the opportunities afforded by technology

·         Updates on Stockport Together and Healthier Together as appropriate.