To consider a report of the Corporate Director for People.
A representative of the Corporate Director, Services to People submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) in relation to:
a) Catchment Areas for maintained primary Schools in 2016/17;
b) Admission arrangements for Maintained Primary Schools in 2016/17;
c) Stockport Local Authority school terms and holiday dates 2016/17.
Members raised questions on the potential impact of the establishment of a free school in the catchment area of the proposed new ‘Cheadle Hulme School’.
Members discussed the proposed changes to the catchment area for Norris Bank Primary School, St Thomas’ CE Primary School and Tithe Barn Primary School, the suggested changes to the oversubscriptions criteria to mitigate the impact of the changes for parents with children currently at the school and the timing of the introduction of the change to catchment areas.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted;
(2) That the Forum supports the proposal to change the catchment areas for Norris Bank Primary School, St Thomas’ CE Primary School and Tithe Barn Primary School and introduce revised oversubscriptions criteria from September 2016;
(3) That the consultation document make clear that whilst the additional oversubscription criteria will be implemented for 3 full academic years, this decision will be reviewed annually and may be extended if considered desirable;
(4) That with regard to school term and holiday dates for 2016/17 the authority consult on Options A and B contained in the report;
(5) That the consultation on school term and holiday dates make clear the option adopted by the majority of AGMA authorities and specifically that of neighbouring authority areas.
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