Council Meeting involves all members of the Council and usually
meets every six weeks in the Council Chamber, Town Hall,
The Council Meeting is chaired by the Mayor of Stockport.
The responsibilities of the Council Meeting
include making decisions on the strategic direction of the Council
through the adoption of the Policy Framework and Budget, and for
amending the Constitution.
The Council Meeting also appoints Leader of the
Council (Cabinet Leader) and the membership of the Scrutiny and
Ordinary Committees, in addition to the Mayor and Deputy
At each Council Meeting members of the public are
permitted to ask a question to a specific Councillor.
Questions must be submitted in writing 3
hours prior to the start of the meeting.
You can also submit a question electronically
using the 'Online Form'
Watch the Council
Meeting Webcast
Meetings of the Council Meeting are available
to view ‘live’ or up to twelve months after the meeting
has taken place by visiting out webcast