About the Area Committee
Bramhall and Cheadle
Hulme South Area Committees represents the wards of Bramhall North,
Bramhall South & Woodford and Cheadle Hulme South.
The Area Committee
meets every 6 weeks at Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church, Ramillies
Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, SK8 7AL at 6.30pm, unless the individual
meeting or agenda state otherwise.
Public Questions
At area committees
members of the public have the opportunity to ask questions about
any matters within the Area Committee’s powers (except on
legal or confidential matters). You can submit a question and view
the Code of Practice using the
online question form.
Ward Funding
Council has delegated £3000 to each ward to allow Community
Groups and other non-commercial organisations to apply for
contributions toward funding for projects within the
fund is administered by the Democratic Services Manager in
consultation with the Ward Councillors.
A copy of the application form and associated guidance is available
on our
Ward Funding page.
Planning Matters
Area Committee have powers to deal with certain types of planning
applications, and Councillors have the power to call up
applications that are ordinarily dealt with by planning officers,
to be considered and determined by the Area Committee.
of the public also have the opportunity to address the Committee
during consideration of a planning application for a total of 3
minutes. One person will be permitted to address the Area Committee
for 3 minutes in objection to the application and one person for 3
minutes in support of the application.
If you wish to speak on a
planning application it is advisable that you arrive 5 minutes
prior to the commencement of the meeting in order to inform the
Democratic Services Officer.
In addition, Bramhall and
Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee operates Open Forum arrangements
which allow groups to make presentations to the Committee on issues
that effect the local community. The
Open Forum is governed by the
Code of Practice.