Agenda and minutes

Appeals Panel - Wednesday, 9th October, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room 5, Stockport Town Hall

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.



RESOLVED – that Councillor Shan Alexander be elected Chair of the Appeals Panel for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Election of Vice Chair

To elect a Vice Chair for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.



RESOLVED – that Councillor Dallas Jones be elected Chair of the Appeals Panel for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2022.


The minutes (copies of which were circulated) of the meeting held on 30 August 2022 were approved and signed by the Chair.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interest which they may have in any of the items on the agenda for this meeting.



Councillors and Officers were invited to declare any interests that they may have had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations were made.



Exclusion of the Public and the Public Interest Test

To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the public during the consideration of Agenda Item 4 – ‘Appeal review the suitability of accommodation offered to resolve the customer’s homelessness under Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness Act 2002’ which has been marked "not for publication" by virtue of the categories set out in the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).



RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Agenda item 6 to prevent the disclosure of information relating to an individual. It would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose this information because the disclosure of the personal information would be unfair to the appellant and breach their data protection rights.



Appeal to Review the Suitability of Accommodation Offered to Resolve the Customer's Homelessness Under Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness Act 2002

To consider an appeal to review the suitability of accommodation offered to resolve the customer’s homelessness under the Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness Act 2002.


Additional documents:


To consider an appeal to review the suitability of accommodation offered to resolve the customer’s homelessness under the Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness Act 2002.


A representative of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) explaining the background and chronology of events that led to the decision that the Council’s statutory homelessness had ended following a suitable offer of accommodation.


Both the appellant and the Panel then asked questions of the representatives of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration and the appellant then set out their reasons for appealing the decision and was also asked questions.


RESOLVED – That the Panel upheld the decision of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration that the appellant had been made a suitable offer of accommodation and as a result the appellant was no longer owed a statutory homeless duty.  The Panel requested that Stockport Homes continued to work with the appellant to try and resolve the issues in relation to damp and mould and communication, albeit they no longer owe any homelessness duty towards the appellant.