Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: George Cox 0161 474 2981
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 were approved as a correct record. |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Chris Walsh. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Forum were invited to declare any interest they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations were made. |
Matters Arising Additional documents: Minutes: The following comments were made/issues raised:
(i) The Chair informed the Forum that Jonathan Broad had resigned from the Forum since the previous meeting and thanked him for his contributions. (ii) The Chair enquired as to whether the final version of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) had been signed off by the relevant cabinet member. In response, members of the Forum were advised that this was still outstanding as officers were waiting for further comments, however the Forum would receive copies once it had been signed off. (iii) The Chair enquired as to whether outstanding Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) had been addressed by the legal team within the Council. In response, members of the Forum were advised that officers has not received a response but that they were happy to provide feedback on specific cases. Members enquired as to the two PSPOs on public rights of way where gating orders have been converted to PSPOs, and what the review process was, if any. In response, members of the Forum were advised that officers had not heard anything back but that it would be followed up, including what the review process entailed. (iv) The Chair enquired about the status of funding for repair for the path on the river Goyt at Lowerdale Farm, as this was becoming a longstanding issue. In response, members of the Forum were advised that officers were still looking at possible solutions and alternative routes. Members commented that a diverted should be sought even if it required compensation for the land owner, who would need to be approached. (v) The Chair enquired about the removal and modification of access barriers on rights of way, as new contractors had been hired to complete work. In response, members of the Forum were advised that the year’s programme had been confirmed by respective area committees and that this work would be put to the contractors. Members expressed their frustration that funding had been missed out on from groups such as Sustrans due to the Council not having plans in place. In response, members of the Forum were advised that the money from Sustrans was discussed but that Sustrans had informed the Council that no money was available as originally thought, and that plans were in place for 2025. Members requested that a list of locations where access barriers were due to be removed or modified be provided to the Forum. (viii) The Chair announced the completion of GM Ringway walking route, completed via lottery funding in partnership with the Ramblers and CPRE, stating that it was a great addition to walking opportunity in Greater Manchester and Stockport. |
Discussion on Member Training To consider a discussion item in relation to training for members of the Forum.
Members of the Forum are invited to discuss options for member training. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Forum were invited to discuss options for training sessions for the Forum.
The following comments were made/issued raised:
· The Chair reported that the item had been adjourned from the previous meeting as no decisions had been made, although two ideas for training were proposed regarding Rights of Way law and whether the Forum was achieving the aims set out in the terms of reference. · Members commented that it would be useful to have a training session on the different types of rights of way, including what is not a right of way and what other kinds of footpaths are and the legal position on this. Members added that this could be better suited to the Rights of Way Forum. · The Chair suggested that some training could come from the resources available to the committee as many had connections or backgrounds in rights of way law. |
Non-Public Right of Way and Greenspace Paths Update To consider a verbal update in relation to non-public right of way and greenspace paths, led by the Thriving Places Neighbourhood Manager.
Officer contact: Jane Bardsley | Additional documents: Minutes: A verbal update was to be given in relation to non-public right of way and greenspace paths, led by the Thriving Places Neighbourhood Manager.
RESOLVED – That the item be adjourned to the next meeting due to the absence of the Thriving Places Neighbourhood Manager. |
Stockport Local Access Forum Annual Report To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report is a draft Annual Report for 2024 that summarises the activities and considerations of the Stockport Local Access Forum.
The Forum is invited to comment on and note the report.
Officer contact: George Cox | 0161 474 2981 | Additional documents: Minutes: A report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance was submitted as a draft Annual Report for 2024 that summarises the activities and considerations of the Stockport Local Access Forum for 2023/2024.
· The Chair commented that there seemed to be a recycling of items across meetings as issues take a long time to be resolved. · Members commented that an action tracker could be put in place to keep track of issues so they did not have to come up as recurring issues in meetings. In response, members of the Forum were informed that this would be looked into.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted and approved as the Local Access Forum annual report for 2023/2024 pending the completion of the Chair’s comment. |
Recent Activity To consider a verbal update/ discussion item in relation to recent activity, led by the Head of Highways & Transportation.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson | Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Highways & Transportation provided an update on recent activity.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· It was reported that some work had been undertaken at Strines but that some work was still due to be completed at Bridleway 158M to restore a short erosion patch and that Bridleway 159 was awaiting an estimate. · It was reported that contractors had visited the bridges on footpath 5BR and footpath 86M, which was indicative of work progressing. · It was reported that there was work planned on the damaged boardwalk on footpath 91BR; that work had been done on flood damaged gate on footpath 6BR and two sets of steps on the Macclesfield canal; and that footpaths 221 and 223 had been repaired following erosion damage. · Members enquired about work at Ladybrook Valley and whether this was proceeding. In response, members of the Forum were advised that this work would be going ahead as the funding was in place and a lot of discussion had taken place between the Council and the Environment Agency on the form of ramp that was preferred near to the river. Additionally, the work near Sandringham Field should be starting in the coming fortnight and a closure notice will be provided, although the Council will endeavour to maintain access even if not on the footpath, so that it is available for the winter period. · Members requested that updates for work are made publicly available. In response, members of the Forum were advised that the information should be available on the website soon.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Forward Plan Members and officers are invited to suggest agenda items for future meetings of the Forum. Additional documents: Minutes: Members and officers were invited to suggest agenda items for future meetings of the Forum.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Members proposed a standing agenda item on access controls. In response, members of the Forum were advised that this would be best included in the proposed action tracker, but that there was no news other than work being done as part of the capital programme and that the plan was in place. · Members proposed a standing agenda item on Definitive Map Modification Order processing and definitive map consolidation as there had not been a made order completed for a long time. · Members commented that an officer had previously raised the issue of whether particular urban paths should be claimed as rights of way and that the process should start before the current deadline of 2031, which could be part of a more general discussion about urban routes. |