Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Review Panel - The Council's Relationship with Privately Run Children's Care Homes - Thursday, 13th December, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2012.


The minutes (copies of which have been circulated) of the meeting held on 1 November 2012 were approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and Officers to declare any interest which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


The following interests were declared :-








Councillor Wendy Orrell



As a Councillor who performs Regulation 33 visits to children’s homes on behalf of Stockport Council.


Councillor Paul Porgess


As a Councillor who performs Regulation 33 visits to children’s homes on behalf of Stockport Council.



Exclusion of the Public and the Public Interest Test

To consider whether it is in the public interest and necessary to exclude the public during consideration of the confidential appendix to agenda item 4 (Information Notes for “Multiple Services and Differing Relationships 2: Supporting Local Communities”) which contains information “not for publication” by virtue of Category 1 ‘Information relating to any individual’ and Category 2 ‘Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual’ as set out in the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


RESOLVED – That it would be in the public interest and necessary to exclude the public during consideration of the confidential appendix to agenda item 4 (Information Notes for ‘Multiple Services and Differing Relationships 2: Supporting Local Communities) Learning and Achievement’) which contains information “not for publication” by virtue of Category 1 ‘Information relating to any individual’ and Category 2 ‘Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual’ as set out in the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Information Notes for Multiple Services and Differing Relationships II: Supporting Local Communities

This report contains information relating to Youth Offending, the Police, and Planning. Members are invited to note the following sections within the report and use them as a base to support a wider discussion on the key issues as identified by the Panel: -


·         LAC Young People Known to Stockport Youth Offending Service (Barry O’Hagan)

·         The Views of Stockport Police in relation to Offending, Anti-Social Behaviour & Community Safety Issues associated with Children’s’ Homes within Stockport (DCI Koran Sellars)

·         Children’s Homes & Young Persons Residential Institutions – Planning Policy (Mark Jordan)

·         Inspection of Children’s Homes Framework for Inspection (for information as requested by the Panel)


The Panel is requested to note the report.


Contact Officers: George Gilmore Tel: 0161 474 5656 Email: and Dominic Tumelty Tel: 0161 474 6786 Email:


A representative of the Corporate Director for People submitted a report (copies of which have been circulated) providing background details for the panel to consider in relation to the relationship between privately run children’s care homes and the Youth Offending Service, Greater Manchester Police, and the Council’s planning department.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


  • The cost of any intervention by the Youth Offending Service would be paid by Stockport Council and not the placing authority.
  • Operation Madison had been launched to improve co-operation between privately run children’s care homes and the police.
  • The differences in incidences reported per children’s home could be due to the age of the children resident, training of staff and managers and the relationship of staff with local services.
  • The cost of police attending incidents at a children’s homes had not been calculated but was likely to be considerable.
  • Local Authorities in the North West of England have a standard framework for fees paid to care homes in which Looked After Children are placed.
  • Concerns were raised regarding the concentration of care homes and other facilities such as drug rehabilitation centres within certain areas and the problems this could cause.
  • The ‘Preferred Options’ consultation paper of the Allocations DPD could include a policy on how many children’s homes there could be within an certain area.
  • Tameside Council have reported that they do not have a specific planning policy regarding children’s care homes but they did appear to receive fewer applications.
  • A draft Care Standards Act had been published and was being consulted on.
  • It was suggested that a log be made when a child goes missing from their parents’ home as that increased their chances of becoming a Looked After Child and it would be important to the ‘Supporting Families Pathway’.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Scrutiny Review Project Plan pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Policy Officer (David Tomlinson) providing the Panel’s Project Plan for consideration.


The Panel is requested to note the report.


Officer Contact: David Tomlinson Tel: 0161 218 1634 Email:


A representative of the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy & Democracy) submitted a report (copies of which have been circulated) providing the Panel’s Project Plan for consideration.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.