Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Review Panel - Social Isolation in the Community - Wednesday, 13th February, 2013 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions

Contact: Aarty Seera 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2013.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 10 January 2013 were approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


An Understanding of Social Isolation

The meeting will focus on loneliness and social isolation amongst carers, with (for the purpose of this review) a particular focus on older carers.


The following representatives will attend the meeting to discuss the issue of loneliness and social isolation amongst carers, and initiatives to help prevent / tackle loneliness and social isolation amongst this group:


·         Vince Fraga, Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care, Stockport Council

·         Mendie de Vos, Director, Signpost Stockport

·         Dave Phillips, Carer and runs Carers Voice

·         Breda Johnson, Manager, Stockport Care Schemes




Sarah Statham (Stockport Council), Mendie de Vos (Signpost Stockport), Dave Phillips (Carers Voice) and Breda Johnson (Stockport Care Schemes) attended the meeting and gave a joint presentation on Carers Centred Support.


The following comments were made / issues raised:-


·         The average carer in Stockport contributed £17,132worth of unpaid care each year and an average of 18 hours of support per week.

·         A number of carers were socially isolated and highly vulnerable members of the community.

·         The range of care provided by family and friends to ill, frail or disabled relatives.

·         A carer was defined as somebody who looked after a relative, partner or friend who was ill, disabled or confused.

·         A young carer was a child or young adult who spent time looking after or helping a member of their family, or close friend, who, at present because of an illness or disability was unable to take care of everyday tasks themselves without help.

·         The relationship between young carers, school rules and educational targets.

·         The demands of being a carer and the importance of emotional support and respite care for a carer.

·         The benefits of volunteering and the social and emotional benefits of carers’ group meetings and respite care. 

·         Preventive measures and safeguarding measures to protect the Carer and patient / family member relationship.  The breakdown of the relationship between a carer and patient was a trigger to accessing social care.  

·         Partnership working with hospitals and the possibility of using the Carers Emergency Alert Card to fast-track patients’ waiting time at hospitals. 

·         Unpaid caring had a significant impact on the health and wellbeing and social skills of carers.

·         The level of mental health support available and the stigma of mental health problems in the workplace and its effect on patients and carers in society.

·         More than 4 out of 10 older carers’ mental health had deteriorated over the last year.

·         The cost of providing transport for patients and the varying levels of voluntary drivers’ commitment.

·         An increase in life expectancy and how to deal with an ageing population in the borough.

·         Signpost Stockport for Carers and Stockport Care Schemes was based at the Heatons Centre, Heaton Moor and was a central hub for coordinating point for carers services in Stockport.  The service would direct carers to the appropriate sources of support available, and offered information on statutory, voluntary and health services and organisations locally and nationally. 

·         Councillors praised the development of an integrated carers’ service.

Discussion took place around the new funding reforms for care and support established by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the former grant scheme processes.

·         Stockport Care Schemes offered a visiting and befriending scheme to people living alone to reduce isolation.  A priority for Stockport Care Schemes was the recruitment of volunteer drivers as an aim of the scheme was to provide transport for people who had poor mobility.  Limited funding and resources put constraints on the service and the scheme relied on volunteers.


RESOLVED – (1) That Sarah Statham (Stockport Council), Mendie de Vos (Signpost Stockport), Dave Phillips (Carers Voice) and Breda Johnson (Stockport Care Schemes) be thanked for their attendance and joint presentation.


(2) That the Panel endorse the schemes run individually and together by Didsbury Good Neighbours, Signpost Stockport, Carers Voice and Stockport Care Schemes and the ‘Case Findings’ project involving the Council, General Practitioners and voluntary and community groups.


(3) That the Panel endorsed the Extra Care Scheme Birch Court, Marple and that members of the public were invited to the social activities such as the Luncheon Club and the inter-generational initiative piloted by Age UK using the Nintendo Wii. 


(4) That the Panel welcome the use of technology such as the software application, Skype to enable lonely, socially isolated people and carers to communicate and a recommendation was made for a pilot which enabled particular groups in the Borough to access information technology.


(5)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.