Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Review Panel - Social Isolation in the Community - Monday, 12th November, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room 6, Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Aarty Seera 

No. Item


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To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2012.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 17 September 2012 were approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.



An understanding of social isolation

The Head of Market Development, Quality & Commissioning will attend the meeting and discuss the following topics:-


·         What we mean by social isolation;


·         What we know about the issue of social isolation nationally and in Stockport, including how social isolation is identified and measured; which demographic groups are most affected / at most risk of being affected; to what extent social isolation is an issue in Stockport and what areas of the Borough are most affected;


·         What aspects of social isolation would benefit from being the focus of this Scrutiny Review.


Officer Contact: Gaynor Alexander, Tel: 0161 474 3186 Email:




Vince Fraga (Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care), Jo Lancaster (Supporting People Manager, Adult Social Care) and Sarah Statham (Strategy Officer, Adult Social Care) gave a presentation in connection with what was meant by social isolation, what was known about the issue of social isolation nationally and in Stockport, including how social isolation was identified and measured; which demographic groups were most affected/at most risk of being affected; and to what extent social isolation was an issue in Stockport and what areas of the Borough were most affected.   


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           The use of ‘time banking’ and social networks – using people’s skills to effect community solutions to problems. 

           The concept of older people mixing with younger people at, for example, luncheon clubs, as had been tried in other European countries and young people teaching older people new skills, for example IT or providing services, for example shopping.

           The possible provision of a ‘meals on wheels’ type of service being provided by local businesses.

           Encouraging people living in sheltered housing to carry out work in the local community.

           The Panel considered new models which could change the shape of social care, in particular a scheme which was being piloted in Leeds to try and alleviate social isolation and transform the way older people were supported by encouraging investment in the community.

           The importance of early intervention with problems of social isolation.

           A lot of elderly people approached Age UK before the Council.

           The importance of good neighbour schemes and assisting the elderly and infirm with tasks such as going to the shops.


RESOLVED – (1) That Vince Fraga (Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care), Jo Lancaster (Supporting People Manager, Adult Social Care) and Sarah Statham (Strategy Officer, Adult Social Care) be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


(2) That the scrutiny review focus on hard to reach people who may be unaware that they require assistance and an article be placed in the ‘The Stockport Review’ with case studies to highlight the problems associated with social isolation.


(3) That the scheme which is being piloted in Leeds to try and alleviate social isolation and transform the way older people are supported by encouraging investment in the community be investigated.


(4) That the people involved with the pilot in Leeds referred to in (3) above be invited to a future meeting of the Panel.


(5) That a representative from Stockport Homes be invited to a future meeting of the Panel.


(6) That good neighbour schemes and issues facing ex-offenders be investigated.


(7) That issues regarding armed forces ex servicemen, disabled servicemen and servicemen affected by redundancy be investigated and the proposed armed forces covenant be considered in this regard.



Future Meetings of the Panel


RESOLVED – That the next two meetings of the Panel be held at 6.00pm on 11 December 2012 and 10 January 2013.