Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Review Panel - Social Isolation in the Community - Monday, 17th September, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions

Contact: Aarty Seera 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


The following interests were declared:-


Personal Interests




David Sedgwick




June Somekh



Item 3 ‘Scrutiny Review on Residential Care and Nursing Homes - Scoping Exercise’ as a former Member of the Board of Borough Care.


Item 3 ‘Scrutiny Review on Residential Care and Nursing Homes - Scoping Exercise’ as a Member of the Board of Borough Care.











Scrutiny Review Panel Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


The report details the procedure rules for Scrutiny Review Panels.


The Scrutiny Review Panel is requested to note the report.


Contact Officer: Craig Ainsworth Tel: 0161 474 3204 email:





A representative of the Democratic Services Manager circulated a report (copies of which had been circulated) explaining the Scrutiny Review Panel procedure rules.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Scrutiny Review on Residential Care and Nursing Homes - Scoping Exercise

To receive a presentation by Vince Fraga (Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care) and Chris Waddleton (Service Manager, Adult Social Care) setting out:


·         Background information relating to residential care and nursing homes in Stockport, including the role and responsibilities of the local authority;

·         Key issues / challenges relating to the sector;

·         Suggested potential aims and objectives for the Scrutiny Review


The Panel is invited to agree an aim and objectives for the scrutiny review; identify key contacts / people to consult with as part of the review and a provisional timescale / meetings scheduled.


Contact Officers: Vincent Fraga Tel: 0161 474 4401 email: and Chris Waddleton Tel: 0161 474 3596 email:




Vince Fraga (Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care) and Chris Waddleton (Service Manager – Contracts, Adult Social Care) gave a presentation explaining the role and responsibilities of the local authority in respect of residential accommodation and specialist housing including residential, care / nursing, sheltered and supported homes.  They explained the contractual arrangements between the Council and care homes in Stockport and summarised current market statistics in relation to care homes for Stockport and neighbouring local authorities.  They summarised the costs of residential and nursing homes and discussed key issues and challenges for Stockport.   


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


  • The local authority set the ‘usual cost’ which was the most the Council would pay for a care home for a resident.  A question was asked in relation to the difference between the ‘usual cost’ and the full cost of a care home and whose responsibility would it be to pay for the ‘top-up’.  The ‘top-up’ price ranged from pounds to hundreds of pounds due to several factors including property value. 
  • The various care homes and sheltered accommodation in Stockport and associated fees.
  • Clarification was sought and provided with respect of the process of converting a building into a care home and the safeguarding measures in-place.
  • How care homes were regulated in the Borough.
  • The Council provided ‘Extra Care Housing’ which were self-contained accommodation for older people who had specific care and support needs.  Care and support was available 24 hours a day.
  • The Council was currently running a pilot scheme for dementia care at Bruce Lodge.  Bruce Lodge was personalising its care service to fit in with its residents. Residents were matched with members of staff who had common interests and activities ranged from pub lunches, sports and games and visiting Museums.
  • Why there was a shortage of beds for Dementia patients in Stockport and whether Alzheimers and Dementia patients lived together in residential homes.
  • Carers experiencing isolation when looking after people who were sick, elderly or who had a disability.
  • The risk of social isolation and loneliness in sheltered accommodation and half way houses, and the importance of community activity group interventions which could alleviate social isolation.
  • The various definitions of isolation – loneliness, lack of contact with members of the community and immobile people.

·         Historic buildings converted into care homes which were not suitable to meet the needs of people.

·         The physical effects of ageing and the expectation for residential homes to meet patients’ varying physical needs.

  • The working relationship between Adult Social Care, the Planning Department and developers in respect of planning applications for care homes in the Borough.
  • The challenges of multi-agency working in Adult Social Care.
  • People were living longer in better health and the proportion of older people in society was growing.
  • The emotional and social impact of ageing and the fast pace of change in today’s society in respect of technology and communications, and the possibility of conducting a social isolation survey for research.
  • Meeting cultural needs of older people from ethnic minorities to prevent them being isolated within their communities.
  • The importance of charity and voluntary organisations who delivered personal and practical support and organised social activities for older people such as the ‘Good Neighbours’ organisation.
  • A request for information on the charity, voluntary organisations, faith groups, community / church groups and support networks who helped the elderly in the Borough.
  • A request for information for innovative case studies to help immobile residents interact within the community.  


RESOLVED – (1) That Vince Fraga (Head of Market Development, Quality and Commissioning, Adult Social Care) and Chris Waddleton, Service Manager, Adult Social Care) be thanked for their presentation and attendance.


(2) That the Panel defer consideration of the aims and objectives for the Scrutiny Review until the next meeting.