Agenda and minutes

Constitution Working Party - Thursday, 23rd September, 2021 5.30 pm

Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: David Clee  (0161 474 3137)


No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Working Party until the next Annual Council Meeting

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That Councillor Tom McGee be elected Chair of the Working Party for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillor Tom McGee in the Chair

Additional documents:


Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair of the Working Party until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That Councillor Colin Foster be elected Vice Chair of the Working Party for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2020.

Additional documents:


The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 16 November 2020 were approved as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors and Officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

Additional documents:


No declarations of interest were made.


Proposed Review of Constitution pdf icon PDF 172 KB

To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance)


The report outlines areas of the Constitution that require a review pursuant to the Monitoring Officer’s obligation to review the Constitution to ensure it remains up to date in so far as possible and to consider further changes suggested by Members of the Working Party.


That the Working Party review the proposals set out in the report and agree the way forward in relation to proposed amendments to take forward through the governance process.


Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email:





Additional documents:


The Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which outlined areas of the Constitution that required a review pursuant to the Monitoring Officer’s obligation to review the Constitution to ensure it remains up to date in so far as possible and to consider further changes suggested by Members of the Working Party.


Members reviewed and discussed the proposals set out in the report and agreed the following way forward in relation to proposed amendments to take forward through the governance process.


RESOLVED – (i) That the November meeting of the Constitution Working Party would discuss the suggestions put forward by the Monitoring Officer in the report and in addition further information relating to the Contract Procedural Rules and the Councillors New Model Code of Conduct would also be discussed at this meeting.

(ii) That the December meeting of the Constitution Working Party considers the points raised by Councillor Smart, including Full Council and Area Committee functions and also potentially Informal Council and the Mayoralty.

(iii) If necessary, a third meeting to be arranged to discuss the final report or to wrap up any other matters that may be required in order to take the proposed amendments forward through the governance process.