
Constitution Working Party - Monday, 9th September, 2019 3.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 2 - Fred Perry House. View directions

Contact: David Clee  (0161 474 3137)

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2019.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and Officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


Review of Business Programme for 2020/21 and 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer


The report sets out proposals and recommendations for consideration by the Working Party on:-


·         what the Business Programme for 2020/21 could and would look like by removing three cycles as an interim measure; and

·         what the Business Programme for 2021/22 could and would look like by re-casting a six cycle business programme for the Municipal Year 2020/21 and onwards.


The Working Party is recommended to consider the report and whether or not to accept the Monitoring Officer’s recommendations on the revisions to the Business Programme.


Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email:


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