Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chair, Emma Hill, welcomed Members to the virtual meeting of the School’s Forum.
Apologies for Absence/Substitutions To report any apologies for absence or substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Jo Lowe.
Recording of Any Observers To record any observers present. Minutes: Emma Morton was in attendance as an observer. |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2022. Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 20 January 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters Arising To discuss any matters arising. Minutes: It was agreed that Lucy Cooney would be added as an attendee at the previous meeting of Schools’ Forum. |
To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with an executive summary report of the business matters included on the main agenda.
Schools’ Forum is recommended to note the executive summary and offer any views, comments and feedback to be considered for future executive summary reports.
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email:
Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided the Forum with an executive summary of the business matters on the agenda.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Schools Insurance Schemes 2021/22 Final Outturn PDF 212 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with an update on the level of school reserves held in relation to insurance schemes that are administered by the Local Authority. The report also aims to discuss and determine how the reserves held by the Local Authority in relation to administered insurance schemes are used. The report further provides an insurance update to Schools’ Forum members regarding key matters associated with the schemes and schools generally.
Schools’ Forum members are requested to:
i) Note the report ii) Give agreement to the recommendations in points 2.6 and 3.3 iii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Sarah Cook telephone: 0161 474 4030 or email:
Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with an update on the level of school reserves held in relation to insurance schemes that are administered by the Local Authority. The report also aimed to discuss and determine how the reserves held by the Local Authority in relation to administered insurance schemes are used. The report further provided an insurance update to Schools’ Forum members regarding key matters associated with the schemes and schools generally.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Members of the Forum expressed concerns that claims for anxiety and depression were going up and asked what the Local Authority was planning to alleviate this. · A short discussion took place regarding the Local Authority analysis data, closer working relationships with Human Resources regarding the LTS scheme and supervision/support to schools’ pastoral staff.
RESOLVED (i) That the report be noted. (ii) That agreement be given to the recommendations in points 2.6 and 2.3 of the report.
Final 2022/23 Schools Budget PDF 340 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with the final details of the 2022/23 total schools’ budget.
Schools’ Forum is requested to:
i) Note the report ii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email: Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with the final details of the 2022/23 total schools’ budget.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A question was asked in relation to Early Years Funding and what the lump sum was supposed to cover? Many nurseries were really struggling. · It was agreed that it would be worthwhile to have a further discussion regarding Early Years funding before the next round of budget setting. The issue is really about how much funding there is to start with.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
2021/2022 Final Schools Balances PDF 237 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with the final detailed analysis if the total school balances position recorded as at 31 March 2022. The report also provides detail of the schools reporting an excessive school surplus balance at 31 March 2021 (i.e. above the 12% threshold) and confirms application of the appropriate control mechanism process as defined in the Scheme for Financing Schools document.
Schools’ Forum is requested to:
i) Note the report ii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with the final detailed analysis if the total school balances position recorded as at 31 March 2022. The report also provided detail of the schools reporting an excessive school surplus balance at 31 March 2021 (i.e. above the 12% threshold) and confirmed application of the appropriate control mechanism process as defined in the Scheme for Financing Schools document.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A group discussion took place on a number of aspects of the report, including: · 2020/2021 claw back processes and decisions; · Individual school decisions, budget planning and circumstances; · Pupil numbers and falling birth rate; and · The positive and negative impact at school level of extra national funding and recruitment of school staff.
RESOLVED – (i) That the report be noted (ii) That officers are to undertake the annual scrutiny/challenge process to the schools reporting an excessive surplus balance (i.e. above 12%).
DSG 2021/22 Final Outturn PDF 175 KB To consider a report by the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with detail of the final 2021/22 dedicated schools grant (DSG) final reported outturn position.
Schools Forum members are requested to:
i) Note the report ii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email: Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the final 2021/22 dedicated schools grant (DSG) final reported outturn position.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A short discussion took place on the potential impact of the DfE ‘Green’ Paper on the Local Authority position and funding.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
DfE Policy Documents PDF 158 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with details of the Governments recent publication of policy documents relating to Education and SEND (referred to as the White and Green papers)
Schools Forum Members are asked to:
i) Note the report ii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the Governments recent publication of policy documents relating to Education and SEND (referred to as the White and Green papers).
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A group discussion took place on a number of aspects of the report, including: · The difference between White and Green papers · Local Authority plans to respond to the consultation via the Cabinet · The desire to have a Schools’ Forum session to discuss the green paper consultation further and prepare a response.
RESOLVED (i) That the report be noted. (ii) That the Schools’ Forum meeting in July be moved to Wednesday 6 July and that the majority of the agenda focuses on the Schools’ Forum response. (iii) that Officers prepared documentation in advance of the meeting for Schools’ Forum members.
DfE Response to NFF Funding Reforms Consultation PDF 224 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with details of the Governments response released by the Department for Education (DfE) in March 2022 relating to previous consultation undertaken in summer 2021 relating to reforms to the Schools National Funding Formula (NFF) model.
Schools’ Forum Members are asked to;
i) Note the report ii) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email: Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the Governments response released by the Department for Education (DfE) in March 2022 relating to previous consultation undertaken in summer 2021 relating to reforms to the Schools National Funding Formula (NFF) model.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A short discussion took place on the aspects of response and the potential local impact.
RESOLVED – (i) That the report be noted. (ii) That officers prepare and present further information and updates in due course.
DSG Review To consider a verbal report of the Director of Children’s Services.
The verbal report updates Schools’ Forum members on the dedicated schools grant (DSG) Review.
Schools’ Forum members are asked to note and comment on the update.
Officer contact Bev Milway, 0161 218 1785 or email:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Children’s Services presented a verbal report which updated Schools’ Forum members on the dedicated schools grant (DSG) Review.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Members of Schools’ Forum emphasised the need to ensure that schools and Head Teachers are kept informed and updated on progress, key aspects and next steps.
RESOLVED – (i) That the report be noted. (ii) That a formal update report be brought to the next meeting.
Schedule of Meetings and Training PDF 231 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer and Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with details of the calendar dates of meetings agreed for the 2022/23 academic year.
The report also provides Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request reports for future meetings and/or make amendments to the forward planner (Appendix 1). The report provides Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request any items for training/development sessions.
Schools Forum members are asked to:
a) note the report; b) request any reports for future meetings; c) note the 2021/2022 academic years dates provided at section 2.1 d) note/accept the proposed 2022/23 academic year dates at section 2.3 e) Discuss and propose any amendments to the forward planner and f) request any items for training/development sessions.
Officer contact: Peter Hughes, Tel 474 3947 Email:
Minutes: A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the calendar dates of meetings agreed for the 2022/23 academic year.
The report also provided Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request reports for future meetings and/or make amendments to the forward planner (Appendix 1). The report provides Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request any items for training/development sessions.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A short discussion took place regarding the continuation of virtual meetings and the previous agreement that at least one meeting per year would be face to face.
RESOLVED – (i) That the report be noted. (ii) That the July 2022 meeting be moved to Wednesday 6 July and focus on the green paper response and DSG Review Update (iii) That the 2022/23 proposed meeting dates be accepted. (iv) that the first meeting of the academic year cycle and to be held face-to-face with other meetings continuing via virtual means.
Any Other Business To discuss any other business. Minutes: Schools’ Forum Members were informed that no consultation/amendments to the “Scheme for Financing Schools” document would be available this year following DfE information advising of no directed revisions. |
Dates for Future Meetings The next meeting of Schools Forum is scheduled for 7 July 2022 at 4.30pm. |