Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: Emma Hill welcomed members to the virtual meeting of the Schools Forum.
Apologies for Absence/Substitutions To report any apologies for absence or substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Vicky Howe.
It was also reported that Jacqui Ames would be attending Schools Forum until a more permanent replacement can be found. |
Recording of Any Observers To record any observers present. Minutes: There was one observer present as follows: -
· Emma Morton – Stockport Council, Specialist Finance
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2020. Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 8 October 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters Arising To discuss any matters arising. Minutes: The following comments were made/issues raised:
· In relation to Agenda Item 8 ‘Covid-19 school costs’, Schools Forum Members were updated on local arrangements to gather data from schools and a meeting held with Councillor Colin Foster and Head Teacher representatives. · Information had been collated to be discussed with wider GM colleagues and subsequently to seek to lobby the DfE accordingly. · Schools Forum Members were updated on the DfE claims process and the new Workforce Support Fund that had recently been announced and a summary analysis of final costs/claims would be provided in the spring term.
To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with an executive summary report of the business matters included on the main agenda.
Schools’ Forum is recommended to note the executive summary and offer any views, comments and feedback to be considered for future executive summary reports.
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email:
Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided the Forum with an executive summary of the business matters on the agenda.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Schools' Forum Review and Membership Update PDF 168 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with update on actions agreed following the annual terms of reference (ToR) report presented at last meeting; presents and discusses member responses relating to the DfE Schools’ Forum checklist and updates Schools’ Forum members with membership changes.
Schools’ Forum members are asked to:
b) Offer any further comments and/or request any additional actions/proposals be considered/agreed further to Appendix 2; and c) Offer any comments in relation to the diocesan representative on the forum as per section 3.2
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email:
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with update on actions agreed following the annual terms of reference (ToR) report presented at the last meeting; and discussed member responses relating to the DfE Schools’ Forum checklist and updated Schools’ Forum members with membership changes.
I. That the report be noted. II. That the Appendix 2 proposals be accepted and the Terms of Reference document to be updated as appropriate. III. That the Meeting location / virtual meetings to be assessed further in the new year once further Covid-19 information available (i.e. social distancing requirements, etc.) IV. All meetings to start formal business at 4.30pm V. Faith schools to be represented via the respective sector headteachers on Schools’ Forum and therefore the diocesan representative position to be removed from non-school members. VI. The Terms of Reference document to be circulated VII. An induction session to be arranged ahead of the January 2021 meeting. VIII. The membership list to be updated.
Schools Financial Consultation 2020 Outcomes PDF 96 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with details of the Schools Financial Consultation responses received from schools.
Schools’ Forum members are asked to:
a) Note the report; and b) Offer any further comments
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email:
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the Schools Financial Consultation responses received from schools.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
2021/22 Schools Budget Update PDF 269 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with update on the construction of the 2021/22 total schools budget
Schools’ Forum members are asked to:
a) Note the report; b) Give views on the budget plans and principles outlined in section 4 for early years block; c) Give views on the schools’ block local funding formula model and minimum funding guarantee (MFG) proposals as per section 5.3 – 5.4; d) Determine the de-delegation decisions for 2021/22 as per section 5.5; e) Approve the indicative central reserve budget for 2021/22 at £0.7m as per section 5.6; f) Give views on the budget plans/position for the central school services block (CSSB) as per section 6; g) Give views on the local specialist SEN places to be commissioned in 2021/22 as per section 7.3 and Appendices 3-5; and h) Discuss and determine if any schools’ block transfer be approved for 2021/22 as per section 7.5
Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 0161 474 3947 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated which provided Schools Forum members with an update on the construction of the 2020/22 total schools budget.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Concern was expressed by Schools’ Forum members that money may not get through to less affluent areas. · Members commented that they felt strongly that items requiring a vote should appear earlier in the agenda. Some Members had to leave the meeting as their buildings were closing and therefore they did not have the opportunity to vote.
Resolved –
i. That the report be noted ii. The De-Delegation decisions as at section 5.5 in the report were confirmed for all services/areas as per 2020/21. iii. That the indicative central reserve budget for 2021/22 at £0.7m as per section 5.6 be approved. iv. The Schools block transfer up to 0.5% to high needs and central school services block be approved. v. A further budgetary update report to be provided at the next meeting of Schools Forum after the DSG allocations have been received from the DfE.
DSG Review/Consultation To consider a verbal report of the Director of Children’s Services.
The verbal report updates Schools’ Forum members on the dedicated schools grant (DSG) review.
Schools’ Forum members are asked to:
a) Note the report
b) Offer any further comments
Officer contact Bev Milway on 0161 218 1785 or email:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Children’s Services provided a verbal report which updated Schools’ Forum members on the dedicated schools grant (DSG) review.
Resolved – (i) To note the report. (ii) That further updates and reports are to be provided in spring/summer 2021.
Schedule of Meetings and Training PDF 205 KB To consider a report of the Borough Treasurer.
The report provides Schools’ Forum members with details of the calendar dates of meetings agreed for the 2020/21 academic year.
The report also provides Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request reports for future meetings and/or make amendments to the forward planner (Appendix 1). The report provides Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request any items for training/development sessions.
Schools Forum members are asked to:
a) note the above report;
b) request any reports for future meetings;
c) note the academic year meeting dates provided;
d) discuss and propose any amendments to the forward planner; and
e) request any items for training/development sessions.
Officer contact: Peter Hughes Tel 474 3947 Email:
Minutes: A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the calendar dates of meetings agreed for the 2020/21 academic year.
The report also provided Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request reports for future meetings and/or make amendments to the forward planner (Appendix 1). The report provided Schools’ Forum members with the opportunity to request any items for training/development sessions.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Any Other Business To discuss any other business. Minutes: Eleanor Losse (Headteacher at Hursthead Academy) leaves her position on 31 December 2020 to go to a new school/academy. The Chair thanked Eleanor for all her valuable contributions to the Schools’ Forum and wished her well in her new job from all at Stockport Schools’ Forum. |