Agenda and minutes

Hazel Grove Ward Committee - Tuesday, 10th July, 2012 6.30 pm

Venue: Hazel Grove Civic Hall, Hazel Grove

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Ward Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


RESOLVED - That Councillor Kevin Hogg be elected Chair of the Hazel Grove Ward Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Councillor Hogg in the chair


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2012.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 7 February 2012 were approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Community Engagement


Chair's Announcements

To receive announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues.


The Chair informed the Ward Committee that the art work outside Sainsbury’s in Hazel Grove was being installed on the evening of Sunday 15 July 2012 and the Deputy Mayor would open the art work at 12.30pm on Sunday 22 July 2012.


The Ward Committee was informed that the Hazel Grove Carnival parade and related events at the Civic Hall would be going ahead as planned on Saturday 14 July 2012. However, due to severe weather conditions, the events on the fields at Torkington Park had been cancelled. An alternative date of Saturday 11 August 2012 had been offered by the Public Realm Service at Stockport Council.


RESOLVED – That the Hazel Grove Ward Committee welcomed the alternative arrangements for the Hazel Grove Carnival field events on 11 August 2012.


Neighbourhood Policing

Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


Sergeant James Lockett (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to Neighbourhood Policing issues within the Hazel Grove ward.


The following issues were raised/comments made:-


·         A new Neighbourhood Inspector Steve Palmer had been appointed to the East Area Neighbourhood Policing Team.

·         Crime statistics had improved in Hazel Grove in comparison to results from the previous year. Domestic and non-domestic burglary had decreased and vehicle crime had slightly reduced. Anti-social behaviour statistics had also reduced slightly.

·         There had been an increase in assaults, particularly on weekend evenings, outside licenced premises on the A6 in the Hazel Grove area. As a result, there had been an increase in police officer presence during these peak periods.

·         There had been an increase in metal theft, particularly from electrical sub-stations in the area. The public were encouraged to report any sightings of metal theft to the police.

·         There had been a number of successful drug seizures in the area with more planned for the near future.

·         Police officers would deal robustly with any possession or use of cannabis. The public were encouraged to report any cannabis odours to the police.

·         The use of drug dogs had been very effective and it was hoped that they could be used again in the area before the end of the year. However, it was noted that the use of these units had been expensive.


RESOLVED – That Sergeant James Lockett be thanked for his attendance.


Public Question Time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting and at local libraries and information centres.  You can also submit via the Council’s website at


Adam Cunningham (Enforcement Officer), Public Realm Service, Stockport Council, attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to environmental issues within the Hazel Grove area.


A number of issues were discussed including:-


·         The Ward Committee were updated on changes to Council services which had resulted in the creation of the Public Realm Service, bringing together Environmental Services, Highway Services and the Parks Services. As a result of these changes Kay Williams, Public Realm Inspector, would be attending future Ward Committee meetings. The Public Realm Inspector would deal with issues relating to litter, cleanliness, inspections and maintenance issues for highways. The Enforcement Officer would deal with issues relating to environmental and highways enforcement.

·         Members of the public were reminded that they had a duty of care to ensure that their rubbish was disposed of properly and that they were to check that any company offering to dispose of their rubbish held a Waste Carrier Licence and provided a receipt for any payment made.

·         There had been a request from the Hazel Grove District Steward for the public to use the provided litter bins during the Hazel Grove Carnival.

·         Members of the public reported that a number of drains had been blocked on Bosden Hall Road, Chapel Street and the Commercial Road end of Peter Street. It was also reported that the drain grids on the pavements on Hazelwood Road, Torkington Road and London Road had sometimes been blocked by debris.

·         It was also reported by the public that some streetlights in the area had become covered by vegetation. An example was given on Davenport Road where a solar light had been covered by vegetation.

·         Members of the public were reminded that they did not have to wait until the Ward Committee meetings to raise any of these environmental or highways issues as they could contact Stockport Direct on 0161 217 6111.


Members of the public were then invited to put questions to the Chair of the Ward Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Ward Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice. The following issues were raised and responses were given at the meeting:-


·         The Patients Representative Group of Springfield Surgery requested that consideration be given to installing a pedestrian crossing adjacent to the surgery to allow patients to safely cross Commercial Road. It was noted that there had been difficulties installing a crossing near to a junction or a bus stop. It was reported that a proposed bicycle route on the A6 may help resolve this issue.

·         Members of the public reported that ‘Give Way’ signs had not been installed at the junction of Grove Street and Vine Street and on Braemar Road.

·         Members of the public also reported that the ‘One Way’ sign on Vine Street was not illuminated. It was noted that the relevant electricity company would need to be contacted about this issue.

·         It was reported by a member of the public that the double yellow lines on Hazelwood Road had not yet been painted.

·         There was a request from a member of the public that a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ be established in the Hazel Grove area with associated signage installed and stickers distributed.

·         It was confirmed that the crossing lights outside Asda in Hazel Grove were controlled centrally in Manchester and the timing of the lights was coordinated with all traffic lights on the A6.

·         There had been traffic congestion on Hazelwood Road and Commercial Road where cars were avoiding the traffic on the A6 at peak times.

·         It was noted that there were five community toilets for public use in the Hazel Grove area (for example in cafes and the library). Members of the public were advised that these providers were paid by the Council to provide this service which was introduced after previous public toilets had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.c



To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups.


Two residents of Nelson Street attended the meeting and presented a petition on behalf of the residents of Nelson Street, Hazel Grove objecting to the proposed residents parking scheme at Bosden Fold Road, Hazel Grove.


The residents commented that the streets surrounding Bosden Fold Road should be considered in any decision relating to this scheme as the majority of vehicles on Bosden Fold Road belonged to local residents.


It was noted that both Legal Services and Traffic Services had been given a copy of the petition.


RESOLVED – That the petition be referred to the Service Director (Place Management) for further investigation.


Area Flexibility Funding

To consider any applications for Area Flexibility Funding or to receive feedback from organisations who have received funding.


Area Flexibility Funding applications were received from:-


1. Hazel Grove Tai Chi for Health; and

2. The Norbury Puppet Team.


RESOLVED – That the Area Flexibility Funding applications be referred to the Stepping Hill Area Committee for consideration.


Dates of Future Meetings

To agree dates for future meetings of the Ward Committee.


RESOLVED – That the date for the next Hazel Grove Ward Committee meeting would be published in due course.