Agenda and minutes

Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 14th January, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town Hall

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and Officers to declare any interests which they may have in any of the items on the agenda for this meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.




Reference ED1656 - SEMMMS Road Schemes Update Report pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To consider the call-in of executive decision ED1656.

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Committee was informed that on 16 December 2014 the Executive had considered an update on progress with delivering the various phases of the SEMMMS (South East Manchester Multi Modal Strategy) Road Schemes, and resolved:-


(1)  “That in relation to the Poynton Relief Road scheme


·         the findings of the Public Consultation report at Appendix 2 be noted;

·         approval be given to the Green route being taken forward as the preferred route as set out in the Preferred Route Assessment Report;

·         approval be given to taking the necessary steps to protect the preferred route shown in Appendix 4 from future development including introducing the necessary modifications into the Local Plan Core Strategy at the earliest opportunity;

·         Reemphasis be given to Stockport Council’s recommendation that appropriate mitigation be provided to ensure that the impact of the Green route on properties within Stockport is managed to a level similar to that for the existing (extant) protected route and that Council officers be requested to work with Cheshire East Council’s officers to implement this recommendation;

·         the extant route protection for the former route of the road be removed from the Council’s Local Plan policy once the new preferred route has been fully protected;

·         approval be given to the alignment of the preferred route being further developed to enable the submission of a planning application, reflecting where possible feedback received through consultation, and that the business case for the scheme be developed to the next level and that work is commissioned for the Phase 2 A523 multi-modal study;

·         officers work with Cheshire East Council’s officers to develop the scheme, undertake further consultation and develop any necessary mitigation in Stockport and also take part in the A523 study;

·         that officers work with Cheshire East Council’s officers to develop a Section 8 Agreement which would allow Cheshire East Council to take the lead and responsibility for managing the scheme within the Borough of Stockport, be responsible for delivery of any necessary improvements within the Borough of Stockport and accept liability for compensation aspects of the scheme within the Borough of Stockport and that developing the detail of this agreement and signing be delegated to the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Councillor (Communities & Sustainability);

·         officers be requested to establish a Local Liaison Forum for the residents closest to the proposed Poynton Relief Road scheme to allow them the opportunity to have a greater input into the scheme as it developed.


(2) That in relation to the A6 to Manchester Airport Scheme:


·         having previously approved the making of The Metropolitan Borough of Stockport (Hazel Grove (A6) to Manchester Airport A555 Classified Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2013 and The Metropolitan Borough of Stockport (Hazel Grove (A6) to Manchester Airport A555 Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2013, authority be given for the Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services to –


-       take all necessary steps to bring the aforementioned Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Roads Order into operation, provided that the Orders were confirmed by the Secretary of State for Transport, and to continue to enter into negotiations and to agree terms for the Council to acquire by voluntary means all the land and other interests and the rights needed to facilitate the proposed A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Scheme and

-       where applicable, to exercise compulsory purchase powers to open negotiations and to acquire such interests and to create such rights necessary to enable the relief road to be implemented, subject to there being no material change in circumstances that would mean that the Council and its partnering local authorities were unable to properly implement the Orders and proceed with the Relief Road Scheme;

-       to carry out and enter into arrangements to secure where necessary, the appropriation for planning purposes of land required for the Relief Road in order to utilise the power contained in Section  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.(i)


To consider any further call-in items


There were no further call-in items to consider.