Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record and order that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 August 2021 be signed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 19 August 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interest which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available at the meeting).
Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions were submitted. |
To consider a report of the Visiting Team. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the recommendations made by the Visiting Team on Monday, 27 September 2021.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Development Applications To consider a report of the Corporate Director (Place) & Deputy Chief Executive.
(a) To consider development applications where members of the public have attended the meeting in order to hear the Committee's deliberations.
(b) To consider the remaining development applications.
NOTE: Councillors are requested to note that if they withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of a development application upon their return they should not participate any further in the deliberation or vote on that planning application.
Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: Development applications were submitted.
(NOTE: Full details of the decisions including conditions and reasons for granting or refusing planning permission and imposing conditions are given in the schedule of plans. The Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration is authorised to determine conditions and reasons and they are not therefore referred to in committee minutes unless the committee makes a specific decision on a condition or reason. In order to reduce printing costs and preserve natural resources, the schedule of plans is not reproduced within these minutes. A copy of the schedule of plans is available on the Council’s website at Copies of the schedule of plans, or any part thereof, may be obtained from the Place Directorate upon payment of the Council’s reasonable charges). |
DC073489 - Brook Vale Farm, Bean Leach Road, Offerton, Stockport Retention of static caravan for residential use in connection with Brook Vale Farm.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Helen Hodgett on 0161 474 3656 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC073489 for the retention of static caravan for residential use in connection with Brook Vale Farm at Brook Vale Farm, Bean Leach Road, Offerton, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC075688 - Lower Cobden Edge Farm, 15 Whetmorhurst Lane, Mellor, Stockport, SK6 5NZ Demolition of existing agricultural building and erection of a detached two storey dwelling with single storey detached garage.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Mark Burgess, 0161 474 3659, Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC075688 for the demolition of existing agricultural building and erection of a detached two storey dwelling with single storey detached garage at Lower Cobden Edge Farm, 15 Whetmorhurst Lane, Mellor, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC077298 - Welkin Mill, Welkin Road, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2BH Grid Scale Battery Storage Facility.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Mark Jordan on 0161 474 3557 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077298 for a grid scale battery storage facility at Welkin Mill, Welkin Road, Bredbury, it was
RESOLVED – (11 for, 1 against) That planning permission be granted. |
DC077459 - Belmont House, Schools Hill, Cheadle Partial demolition, refurbishment and conversion of currently vacant listed building, Belmont House, to 4 no. residential apartments and 1 no. residential townhouse. Plus erection of new build elements comprising: 7 no. residential apartments, 3 no. 3 storey residential townhouses and 2 no. 2 storey residential townhouses, plus additional landscaping and amenity spaces. Total of 17 no. new residential units.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission, subject to:-
· Conditions · The applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to: - Secure a phasing strategy for the repairs/restoration of Belmont House; - To ensure that should the scheme become viable in the future, that developer contributions can be sought at that time; and - Secure developer contributions towards the ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions proposed.
· No new substantive issues being raised by an extended public notification period explained at the beginning of the report.
Officer Contact: Rebecca Whitney on 0161 474 4405 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077459 for the partial demolition, refurbishment and conversion of currently vacant listed building, Belmont House, to 4 no. residential apartments and 1 no. residential townhouse; plus erection of new build elements comprising: 7 no. residential apartments, 3 no. 3 storey residential townhouses and 2 no. 2 storey residential townhouses, plus additional landscaping and amenity spaces providing a total of 17 no. new residential units at Belmont House, Schools Hill, Cheadle, it was
RESOLVED – (1) That the Deputy Chief Executive & Corporate Director (Place) be authorised to determine the application subject to the subsequent granting of listed building consent, there being no material change to the scale and scope of the proposed development arising from either existing or further damage to the building, and the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to (i) secure a phasing strategy for the repairs/restoration of Belmont House; (ii) ensure that should the scheme become viable in the future, that developer contributions can be sought at that time; and (iii) secure developer contributions toward the “no waiting at any time” restrictions proposed.
(2) That should it not provide possible to implement the above resolution within six months, that the matter be remitted back to the Committee for further consideration. |
DC079225 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Full Application) Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Emma Curle,
Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC079225 (Full Application) for redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works at Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That the Corporate Director (Place) & Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to determine the application pending and subject to:-
(i) the completion of a comprehensive list of conditions and informatives to apply to the consent and not limited to those conditions expressly referred to in the report.
(ii) negotiation of the necessary obligations to be covered by a legal agreement which will secure the following :-
· Clawback provision of open space contributions and a financial offsite contribution to the provision of affordable housing, including covering the cost of the further assessment by independent professional advisors by the Council. · Phased delivery of the development (note this matter may be covered by condition). · Contributions towards the provision of Traffic Regulation Order · Contributions towards the provision of off-site Electric Vehicle/ car club. · Monitoring fee to include monitoring of the site wide travel plan. |
DC079226 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Listed Building Consent) Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant listed building consent.
Officer contact: Emma Curle, Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC079225 (Full Application) for redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works at Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – (1) That listed building consent be approved.
(2) That in the light of the objections received from The Victorian Society and Ancient Monuments Society, the decision be referred to the Secretary of State as the application to give him the opportunity to call-in the application for his own determination should he choose to do so. |
DC080120 - Land Off Duke Avenue, Stockport Removal and demolition of existing structures and the erection of 7,939sqm (GEA) of industrial, storage and distribution floorspace with ancillary offices (Use Class B2, B8 and E(g)), including construction of access and estate road off Duke Avenue, car parking and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Jane Chase on 0161 474 3550 or email Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC080120 for the removal and demolition of existing structures and the erection of 7,939sqm (GEA) of industrial, storage and distribution floorspace with ancillary offices (Use Class B2, B8 and E(g)), including construction of access and estate road off Duke Avenue, car parking and associated works on land Off Duke Avenue, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC080809 - Middle Dale Farm Cottage, Dale Road, Marple, Stockport, SK6 6NL Conversion of barn to single dwelling (Resubmission of application DC057128)
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Mark Burgess, 0161 474 3659, Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC080809 for the conversion of barn to single dwelling (Resubmission of application DC057128) at Middle Dale Farm Cottage, Dale Road, Marple, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC081379 - Highfield, Benches Lane, Marple Bridge, Stockport, SK6 5RY Demolition of existing bungalow and double garage and erection of replacement single storey dwelling with integrated garage and alterations to access.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Mark Burgess, 0161 474 3659, Additional documents:
Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC081379 for the demolition of existing bungalow and double garage and erection of replacement single storey dwelling with integrated garage and alterations to access at Highfield, Benches Lane, Marple Bridge, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the removal of permitted development rights. |
DC081772 - CP1A, Stockport Exchange Car Park, Railway Road, Stockport, SK1 3SW Reserved matters approval (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the erection of a multi storey car park pursuant to hybrid application reference DC/063213.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Jeni Regan on 0161 474 3531 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC081772 for reserved matters approval (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the erection of a multi storey car park pursuant to hybrid application reference DC063213 at CP1A, Stockport Exchange Car Park, Railway Road, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC081773 - Land At Stockport Exchange, Railway Road, Stockport Reserved matters approval (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the erection of a 6 storey office building (Class E), including retail and commercial uses at ground level 9Class E and Sui Generis Drinking Establishments and Hot Food takeaways), associated landscaping and works, pursuant to hybrid application reference DC/063213.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Jeni Regan on 0161 474 3531 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC081773 for reserved matters approval (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the erection of a 6 storey office building (Class E), including retail and commercial uses at ground level 9Class E and Sui Generis Drinking Establishments and Hot Food takeaways), associated landscaping and works, pursuant to hybrid application reference DC063213 at land at Stockport Exchange, Railway Road, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
Planning Appeal, Enforcement Appeals and Enforcement Notices To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance).
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action by Area Committee area.
The Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising recent appeal decisions, listing current planning appeals and dates for local inquiries and informal hearings according to area committee.
The condition of the building at 287 Wellington Road South was discussed, and it was suggested that the Council may need to consider taking direct action with regard to some elements of the building that may pose a danger.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |