Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton. (0161 474 3207)
Note: In the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching our live webcast of the meeting. You can do so following the directions above, or by clicking on View the Webcast below.
No. | Item | ||||||||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 15 October 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interest was declared:-
Personal Interest
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available at the meeting).
Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions were submitted. |
Development Applications To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.
(a) To consider development applications where members of the public have attended the meeting in order to hear the Committee's deliberations.
(b) To consider the remaining development applications.
NOTE: Councillors are requested to note that if they withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of a development application upon their return they should not participate any further in the deliberation or vote on that planning application.
Officer contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: Development applications were submitted.
(NOTE: Full details of the decisions including conditions and reasons for granting or refusing planning permission and imposing conditions are given in the schedule of plans. The Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration is authorised to determine conditions and reasons and they are not therefore referred to in committee minutes unless the committee makes a specific decision on a condition or reason. In order to reduce printing costs and preserve natural resources, the schedule of plans is not reproduced within these minutes. A copy of the schedule of plans is available on the Council’s website at Copies of the schedule of plans, or any part thereof, may be obtained from the Place Directorate upon payment of the Council’s reasonable charges). |
DC076025 - Orlando House, 11 Compstall Road, Marple Bridge, Stockport Change of use of office building to provide 7 no. residential apartments (Use Class C3a), with associated elevational alterations to the exterior of the building, including insertion of windows, doors and rooflights, application of render and cedar cladding, re-roofing, with the construction of two dormer extensions to the rear roof plane, and formation of external roof terraces with balustrading, together with the formation of associated car parking and segregated refuse and recycling provision.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Mark Burgess on 0161 474 3659 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC076025 for the change of use of office building to provide 7 no. residential apartments (Use Class C3a), with associated elevational alterations to the exterior of the building, including insertion of windows, doors and rooflights, application of render and cedar cladding, re-roofing, with the construction of two dormer extensions to the rear roof plane, and formation of external roof terraces with balustrading, together with the formation of associated car parking and segregated refuse and recycling provision at Orlando House, 11 Compstall Road, Marple Bridge, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to determine the application subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure the relevant contribution towards open space; and the imposition of a condition relating to the provision of acceptable waste collection facilities. |
DC076482 - Old Hall Farm, Old Hall Lane, Woodford The demolition of existing agricultural buildings, the conversion of existing L shaped curtilage listed barn to form 4 dwellings, the existing detached curtilage listed barn to form 1 new dwelling, and the erection of 3 new-build dwellings with landscaping, access and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Jane Chase on 0161 474 3550 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC076482 for the demolition of existing agricultural buildings, the conversion of existing L shaped curtilage listed barn to form 4 dwellings, the existing detached curtilage listed barn to form 1 new dwelling, and the erection of 3 new-build dwellings with landscaping, access and associated works at Old Hall Farm, Old Hall Lane, Woodford, it was
RESOLVED – (1) That planning permission be granted.
(2) That the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive be recommended to include the site on the list of sites to be visited as part of the Annual Review of Outcomes Tour. |
DC076483 - Old Hall Farm, Old Hall Lane, Woodford (Listed Building Consent) The demolition of existing agricultural buildings, the conversion of existing L shaped curtilage listed barn to form 4 dwellings, the existing detached curtilage listed barn to form 1 new dwelling, and the erection of 3 new-build dwellings with landscaping, access and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant listed building consent.
Officer contact: Jane Chase on 0161 474 3550 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC076483 for listed building consent for the demolition of existing agricultural buildings, the conversion of existing L shaped curtilage listed barn to form 4 dwellings, the existing detached curtilage listed barn to form 1 new dwelling, and the erection of 3 new-build dwellings with landscaping, access and associated works at Old Hall Farm, Old Hall Lane, Woodford, it was
RESOLVED – That listed building consent be granted. |
DC076785 - Stockport College, Greek Street Campus, Greek Street, Stockport Development of Royal George Village comprising the demolition, refurbishment and change of use of existing buildings, together with new build to provide apartments (use Class C3), co-working office space (use Class B1) and flexible commercial space (use classes A1, A3, B1 and D1 and/or D2), together with new public realm and civic space, shared amenity space, landscaping, car parking, cycle parking, servicing and all other associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Mark Jordan on 0161 474 3557 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC076785 for the development of Royal George Village comprising the demolition, refurbishment and change of use of existing buildings, together with new build to provide apartments (use Class C3), co-working office space (use Class B1) and flexible commercial space (use classes A1, A3, B1 and D1 and/or D2), together with new public realm and civic space, shared amenity space, landscaping, car parking, cycle parking, servicing and all other associated works at Stockport College, Greek Street Campus, Greek Street, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC077008 - War Memorial Art Gallery, Stockport Landscaping works, including both hard and soft elements, together with new public realm, civic space, amenity space and all other associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking linking the delivery of the works to those forming planning application DC/076785.
Officer Contact: Mark Jordan on 0161 474 3557 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077008 for landscaping works, including both hard and soft elements, together with new public realm, civic space, amenity space and all other associated works at the War Memorial Art Gallery, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC077061 - 3 Oak Meadow, Bramhall Erection of garden room creating home office and covered amenity space along with associated external works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: James Appleton on 0161 474 3576 or email Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077061 for the erection of garden room creating home office and covered amenity space along with associated external works at 3 Oak Meadow, Bramhall, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC077092 - 505 Chester Road, Woodford Erection of extensions to existing dwelling.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: James Appleton on 0161 474 3576 or email Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077092 for the erection of extensions to existing dwelling at 505 Chester Road, Woodford, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
DC077225 - Frederick House, 3 Raleigh Street, South Reddish, Stockport Change of use from existing industrial to D1, non-residential education.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Jeni Regan, 0161 474 3531,
Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077225 for the change of use from existing industrial to D1, non-residential education at Frederick House, 3 Raleigh Street, South Reddish, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted.. |
DC077824 - Seashell Trust, Royal School Manchester, 160 Stanley Road, Heald Green Construction of temporary construction access road and three temporary car parks to facilitate the construction of the new school building at the Seashell Trust campus. Temporary for a period of three years.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission, subject to conditions.
Officer Contact: Daniel Hewitt on 0161 218 1989 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC077824 for the construction of temporary construction access road and three temporary car parks to facilitate the construction of the new school building at the Seashell Trust campus (temporary for a period of three years) at Seashell Trust, Royal School Manchester, 160 Stanley Road, Heald Green, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the inclusion of an informative relating to the provision of electric vehicle charging points. |
DC078202 - 6 Denham Drive, Bramhall Single storey rear extension.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: James Appleton on 0161 474 3576 or email Additional documents: Minutes: In respect of plan no. DC078202 for a single storey rear extension at 6 Denham Drive, Bramhall, it was
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted. |
Planning Appeals, Enforcement Appeals & Enforcement Notices To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance).
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action by Area Committee area.
The Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising recent appeal decisions, listing current planning appeals and dates for local inquiries and informal hearings according to area committees.
It was reported that since the publication of the agenda, there had been a number of updates to the report as follows:-
· A further appeal received against the refusal of planning permission for a ground floor extension with parapet floor and flat roof featuring roof lanterns and large glazed sliding doors to the rear elevation at 6 Ranworth Avenue, Heaton Mersey. · With regard to the breach of planning control at the former Standard Chemicals site at Mill Lane, Woodley the applicant had requested an extension of time for the submission of a planning application. · The landowner at Unity Mills, Poleacre Lane, Woodley has confirmed their intention to comply with the tree replacement notice by 31 January 2021.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |