
Cheadle Area Committee - Tuesday, 28th January, 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Trinity Church - Trinity Church, Massie Street, Cheadle, SK8 1DU. View directions

Contact: Charlotte Douglass  0161 474 3235


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2024.

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Declarations of interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

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Urgent decisions

To report any urgent action taken under the constitution since the last meeting of the committee.

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Progress on Area Committee decisions pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Governance.


The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and its executive Sub Committee, and details the current position on ward flexibility funding, the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, Delegated Budget, and Ward Discretionary Budget. Further, to receive a verbal update from the Democratic Services Officer on the progression and/or success of projects which have received a grant from the Trust to assist members in the monitoring of the effectiveness of the fund.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 |

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Community engagement

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Chair's announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues.

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Public question time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the area committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the code of practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the council’s website at

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Neighbourhood policing

Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

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To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups.

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Open forum - Flooding in the Cheadle Area Committee area

This agenda item has been placed on the agenda at the request of the Area Committee. Jamie Birtles (Assistant Director for Strategic Infrastructure, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council) will be in attendance at the meeting to support the discussion on this item.

Additional documents:


Ward flexibility funding application - Gatley Festival pdf icon PDF 592 KB

To consider an application received from Gatley Festival for a grant of £900 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (£650 from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North, £50 from the Cheadle West & Gatley and £200 from the Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of insurance required to deliver the Gatley Festival.

Additional documents:


Ward flexibility funding application - Seashell Trust pdf icon PDF 309 KB

To consider an application received from Seashell Trust for a grant of £966 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Heald Green ward allocation only) towards the cost of new musical instruments to be used during inclusive music sessions that form part of the CADs Saturday programme. CADS is the Trust’s award-winning sports and activities programme for children with complex disabilities in the local area.

Additional documents:


Ward flexibility funding application - Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC pdf icon PDF 834 KB

To consider an application received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for Ward Flexibility Funding for a total grant of £141 (£47 from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North, £47 from the Cheadle West & Gatley, and £47 from the Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Fabulously Me’ event at a central, accessible Stockport location.

Additional documents:


Ward flexibility funding application - 2nd Heald Green Girlguiding pdf icon PDF 567 KB

To consider an application received from 2nd Heald Green Girlguiding for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £500 (£250 from the Cheadle West & Gatley and £250 from the Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of hosting the ‘Christmas at Brown Lane’ event including a winter wonderland, Santa's grotto, Elfridges shopping, ElfBucks café and other fun and games.

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Non-executive business

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Development applications

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


(a)  To consider the development applications where members of the public have attended the meeting in order to speak or hear the Area Committee’s deliberations.


(b)  To consider the remaining development applications.


(c)  To consider consultations (if any) received by the Deputy Chief Executive on any planning issues relevant to the area.


The following development applications will be considered by the Area Committee:

Additional documents:


DC/087761: Cheadle Heath Works, Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, SK3 0PR pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Proposed erection of a new Lidl foodstore (Use Class E) with associated car parking and landscaping at Cheadle Heath Works, Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, SK3 0PR.  


The Area Committee is requested to refuse planning permission for the reasons as per the officer's report. 


Officer contact: Jeni Regan 0161 474 3531 | 

Additional documents:


DC/088902: Land to the East of Wilmslow Road, Heald Green pdf icon PDF 412 KB

Proposed erection of 76 dwellings, together with access, parking, landscaping and drainage, and other associated works at Land To The East Of Wilmslow Road, Heald Green. 


The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Planning, Highways & Regulation Committee grant planning permission, subject to conditions as per the officer's report and the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement.


Officer contact: Rebecca Whitney 0161 474 4405 |  


Additional documents:


DC/093172: Barnes Village Sales Office, 1 Pennington Gardens, Cheadle, SK8 2GN pdf icon PDF 391 KB

Proposed retention and change of use of the existing building, for use as an office (Use Class E) at Barnes Village Sales Office, 1 Pennington Gardens, Cheadle, SK8 2GN. 


The Area Committee is requested to refuse planning permission for the reasons as per the officer's report. 


Officer contact: Rebecca Whitney 0161 474 4405 |  

Additional documents:


Planning appeals, enforcement appeals and notices pdf icon PDF 622 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Governance.


The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Cheadle Area Committee area.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 |

Additional documents:

Executive business

Additional documents:


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – Residents Permit Parking Scheme on Cromer Road, Cheadle pdf icon PDF 533 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report details the findings of a consultation exercise seeks Cabinet Member approval for the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order (Residents Permit Parking Scheme) on Cromer Road, Cheadle.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services approves the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order (Appendix A), and that subject to no objections being made within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the order be made (at a cost of £1,300, to be funded from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North Delegated Budget).


Officer contact: Nicola Ryan 0161 474 4409 |

Additional documents:


Free to charged car parks - Budget 24/25 (Cheadle area) pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report provides an overview of the rationale and criteria being applied to those car parks within the borough that are currently free of charge. This is in terms of the viability and justification for the introduction of charges as agreed as part of the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer contact: Emma Stubbs |

Additional documents:


Stockport CAN Seed Fund Applications pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report provides an update on the amount of funding remaining for each ward in the Stockport CAN Seed Fund for the Cheadle area and asks that the Area Committee determine the application for funding.


The Area Committee is requested to:


1.    note the report; and 

2.    determine the application for funding received by 2nd Heald Green Guiding for a grant of £500 from the Stockport CAN Seed Fund (Heald Green ward allocation) towards their craftivism and upcycling project as part of the guiding programme.


Officer contact: Nick Leslie |  

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