Venue: Trinity Church - Trinity Church, Massie Street, Cheadle, SK8 1DU. View directions
Contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235
No. | Item | ||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 29 October 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 29 October 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interest was declared:
Personal and prejudicial interest
Urgent decisions To report any urgent action taken under the constitution since the last meeting of the committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Progress on area committee decisions To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee, including its executive Sub Committee, and details the current position on ward flexibility funding, the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, and delegated budget.
To receive a verbal update (if any) from the Democratic Services Officer on the progression and/ or success of projects which have received a grant from the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust to assist members of the Area Committee in the monitoring of the effectiveness of the fund.
The Area Committee is requested to note the report.
Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 | Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the committee and its executive Sub Committee, and detailing the current position on Ward Flexibility Funding, the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, and Delegated Budget.
It was asked that an update be sought on the repairing of the Gatley War Memorial clock.
The Area Committee then received a verbal update on the success of projects which had been in receipt of a grant from the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust to assist members of the committee in the monitoring of the effectiveness of the fund.
2nd Heald Green Girl Guides The 2nd Heald Green Girl Guides had been allocated a grant of £800 from the Trust on 28 March 2024 towards the cost of planned activities for 20 guides. Members were advised that the grant had been a fantastic donation which helped to subsidise the guide’s adventure programme. All girl guides had taken part in archery and kayak activities with the help of the grant. The guides were scheduled to take part in snow-based activities at the Chill Factor in November 2024 and a trip to London in 2025 also with the help of the grant. Thanks were expressed to the Sub Committee for their support.
Heald Green Runners Heald Green Runners had been allocated a grant of £730 from the Trust on 28 March 2024 towards the cost of affiliation with England Athletics, branded club shirts, a team flag and leaflets. Members were advised that vests had now been received and distributed to members. The group continued to offer a free club focussed on social exercise and wellbeing, with no membership cost for the local community. The group had continued to grow since March and were proudly an affiliated club with England Athletics. The group still had more work to do, including the purchase of a flag (as the cost was quite significant). The group attended the local parkrun and welcomed people to come and say hello. Thanks were expressed to the Sub Committee for their support.
Lavington Avenue Guide HQ Lavington Avenue Guide HQ had been allocated a grant of £2,725 from the Trust on 25 July 2024 towards the cost towards repaying the cost of a short-term loan to remove asbestos and fit a new roof at the guide hut to enable safe and continued use of the hut by brownie and guide groups. Members were advised that the children and community who used the premises would benefit for many years to come now that there was a safe a reliable roof on the building. Thanks were expressed to the Sub Committee for their support.
5th Cheadle Hulme Scout and Guide Hut The 5th Cheadle Hulme Scout and Guide Hut had been allocated a grant of £1,500 from the Trust on 25 July 2024 towards the cost of replacing flood damaged flooring in the main hall of the hut to enable safe and continued use of the hut by the scout and guide groups, as well as the wider community. Members were advised that the new flooring was installed mid-September and thanks were expressed to the Sub Committee for their support.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Community engagement Additional documents: |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues. Additional documents: Minutes: The following announcements were made:
· It was reported that a Victorian Christmas Market was due to take place in Cheadle on Saturday 7 December 2024. · The Chair shared a note from the Planning Officer in relation to the Government’s Design Code Pathfinder Programme: ‘Members might recall that the council was selected to be part of the Government's Design Code Pathfinder Programme. After a competitive procurement process, we have now selected their preferred consultant, and work has begun on the project. One of the key aims of the design code project is to 'reduce opposition to new development, by empowering local communities to set standards that they expect all new development to meet, by winning hearts and minds.' To achieve this aim, the project will include a series of engagement exercises with local residents and stakeholders to gain their views and will include a mix of in-person and online events. Early engagement will begin over the coming weeks and members will be informed upon commencement.’ · The applicants for agenda items 5 (vii) ‘Ward Flexibility Funding application - Heald Green Runners’ and (viii) ‘Ward Flexibility Funding application - Seashell Trust’ had requested that their applications be withdrawn so that they could be amended and resubmitted to the January meeting of the Area Committee. The applicants had previously been notified that information relating to their applications sought funds for ongoing revenue costs, contrary to funding guidelines. · Following a request by the applicant, it was proposed that agenda item 6 (i) ‘DC/087761: Cheadle Heath Works, Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, SK3 0PR’ be deferred to enable officers to give consideration to further information submitted by the applicant in response to the agenda’s publication. Members were frustrated by the last-minute nature of this request by the applicant, given the considerable amount of time that the application had been in the system and felt that residents would be disappointed as they had been expecting the application to be considered at this meeting.
RESOLVED - (1) That agenda items 5 (vii) ‘Ward Flexibility Funding application - Heald Green Runners’ and (viii) ‘Ward Flexibility Funding application - Seashell Trust’ be withdrawn from the agenda.
(2) That agenda item 6 (i) ‘DC/087761: Cheadle Heath Works, Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, SK3 0PR’ be deferred to enable officers to give consideration to further information submitted by the applicant in response to the agenda’s publication. |
Public question time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the area committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the code of practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair on any matters in the powers or duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out within the Code of Practice.
No public questions were submitted. |
Neighbourhood policing Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Additional documents: Minutes: Sergeant Matt Delaney (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer any questions from councillors or members of the public in relation to neighbourhood policing issues within the area represented by the Cheadle Area Committee.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· It was reported that, following an increase in burglaries at the last meeting of the Area Committee, the number had now decreased in the month of November 2024. · Residents were reminded to increase security where possible as darker nights approached. · It was noted that there had been an increase in people purchasing cannabis from aboard. Residents were reminded that wherever cannabis was purchased, whether in the United Kingdom or abroad, it remained illegal. · An increase in drink and drug driving during the festive period was likely to increase; Operation Limit would operate during December to tackle this issue. Previous similar operations had proved effective. · Patrols had increased in Heald Green following reports of anti-social behaviour. · Operation North Star had launched and would bring together neighbourhood policing teams and specialist partners to deliver prevention and enforcement activities throughout December 2024 and January 2025. The operation would primarily be focussed on violence prevention, enhanced burglary prevention investigation, personal robbery and theft, vehicle crime and cybercrime, amongst other things. · It was noted that a new sergeant had joined the team and would lead one of three teams covering the Area Committee area. · It was reported that the Speedwatch scheme would be launched in the Heald Green area imminently; two volunteers had been trained and were awaiting uniforms. A third person was still in training. Members were advised that the scheme’s operation would not be static and would move across the area when deemed appropriate. · It was clarified that the Area Committee area had the lowest burglary rates in the Stockport borough. · It was queried as to whether the police would be able to share information with the council to assist with the enforcement of moving traffic contraventions. The police welcomed a collaborative approach and asked that a contact in the council be shared. · It was noted that a review of the team’s responsibilities had taken place, with further focus placed on neighbourhood policing. No additional resources had been allocated to the team. · Members provided positive feedback on the valuable conversations being had at local Police and Communities Together (PACT) meetings and encouraged residents to attend. · Members were advised that the use of electric bikes by some people e.g., criminals were causing a nationwide problem. Use of these bikes were deemed high risk because of the lower likelihood of the rider wearing a helmet. It was reported that smart water spray was being utilised to link suspects to crimes more easily; this involved the bike and rider being sprayed with smart water, enabling them to be identified. Local intelligence passed on to police continued to prove highly effective in addressing the issue around the use of electric bikes in criminal activity.
RESOLVED – That Sergeant Delaney be thanked for his attendance. |
Petitions To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups. Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were submitted. |
Open forum In accordance with the code of practice, no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the area committee as part of the open forum arrangements. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance reported that no organisations had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements. |
Ward flexibility funding application - St James Parish Church, Gatley To consider an application received from St James Parish Church, Gatley, for a grant of £377.93 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Cheadle West & Gatley ward allocation) towards the cost of a set of step ladders to ensure the health and safety of employees and volunteers maintaining the building, and to comply with The Work at Height Regulations 2005. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted an application received on behalf of St James Parish Church, Gatley for a grant of £370 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Cheadle West & Gatley ward allocation) towards the cost of a set of step ladders to ensure the health and safety of employees and volunteers maintaining the building, and to comply with The Work at Height Regulations 2005.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to an application received from St James Parish Church, Gatley, for a grant of £370 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Cheadle West & Gatley ward allocation) towards the cost of a set of step ladders to ensure the health and safety of employees and volunteers maintaining the building, and to comply with The Work at Height Regulations 2005. |
Ward Flexibility Funding application - Heald Green Runners To consider an application received from Heald Green Runners for a grant of £670.88 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Heald Green ward allocation) towards the cost of England Athletics affiliation for the next two years, high-visibility running equipment for the safety of members in the Winter months and a flag to promote the running club at events. Additional documents: Minutes: With the consent of the Area Committee, this item was withdrawn. |
Ward Flexibility Funding application - Seashell Trust To consider an application received from Seashell Trust for a grant of £832 from the Ward Flexibility Fund (Heald Green ward allocation) towards supporting the Saturday and holiday CADS Programme over the next year. CADS is the Trust’s award-winning sports and activities programme for children with complex disabilities in the local area. Additional documents: Minutes: With the consent of the Area Committee, this item was withdrawn. |
Development application To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
The following development application will be considered by the Area Committee:
Additional documents: Minutes: A development application was submitted.
(Note: full details of the decisions including conditions and reasons for granting or refusing planning permission and imposing conditions are given in the schedule of plans. The Director for Place Management is authorised to determine conditions and reasons, and they are not therefore referred to in committee minutes unless the committee makes a specific decision on a condition or reason. To reduce printing costs and preserve natural resources, the schedule of plans is not reproduced within these minutes. A copy of the schedule of plans is available on the council’s website at Copies of the schedule of plans, or any part thereof, may be obtained from the Place Directorate upon payment of the council’s reasonable charges). |
DC/087761: Cheadle Heath Works, Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, SK3 0PR Proposed erection of a new Lidl foodstore (Use Class E) with associated car parking and landscaping.
The Area Committee is recommended to refuse planning permission for the reasons as per the report.
Officer contact: Jeni Regan 0161 474 3531 | Additional documents:
Minutes: With the consent of the Area Committee, this item was deferred. |
Planning appeals, enforcement appeals and notices To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Cheadle Area Committee area.
The Area Committee is requested to note the report.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 | Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) listing any outstanding or recently determined planning appeals and enforcement within the area represented by the Cheadle Area Committee.
It was noted that the inquiry relating to the Gatley Golf Club ended today (3 December 2024) and the outcome of the inquiry was to be confirmed in due course.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The Area Committee is requested to consider whether to dedicate a footpath over a section of land it owned by the council in the Ladybrook Valley, as shown marked A – B on the plan at Appendix 1.
The Area Committee is recommended to authorise the dedication of the footpath over a section of land it owned by the council in the Ladybrook Valley (Points A – B) as shown at Appendix 1.
Officer contact: Emily Brough 0161 474 4592 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which sought Area Committee approval for the proposed dedication of a footpath over a section of land owned by the council in the Ladybrook Valley, as shown marked A – B on the plan at Appendix 1.
Nick Robinson (Senior Transportation Officer, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council) attended the meeting to speak to the report and answer questions from the Area Committee.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· No objections to the proposal had been received. · Members expressed thanks to officers for the work undertaken in producing the report. · It was noted that, if approved, the council would have a duty to maintain the footpath and would e.g., remove fallen trees if they caused an obstruction. · It was also noted that signs would be installed identifying the entry and exit points of the footpath.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the dedication of the footpath over a section of land owned by the council in the Ladybrook Valley (Points A – B) as shown at Appendix 1. |
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details the findings of a consultation exercise and seeks Cabinet Member approval for the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Orders on Kingsland Road and Ellesmere Road at appendices A and B.
The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services approves the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders on Kingsland Road and Ellesmere Road at appendices A and B and, that subject to no objections being made within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the order be made (at a cost of £2,500, to be funded from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North Delegated Ward Budget).
Officer contact: Nicola Ryan 0161 474 4409 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which detailed the findings of a consultation exercise and sought Cabinet Member approval for the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Orders on Kingsland Road and Ellesmere Road at appendices A and B.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Members welcomed the report and were of the opinion that the proposals would provide the solution that residents expected, given the consultation results. · It was commented that there were a number of potholes present on the roads, and it was requested that these be addressed in conjunction with any work required to implement the Traffic Regulation Orders.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services be recommended to approve the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Orders on Kingsland Road and Ellesmere Road at appendices A and B and, that subject to no objections being made within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the order be made (at a cost of £2,500, to be funded from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North Delegated Ward Budget). |
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order: Lavington Avenue and St Davids Road, Cheadle To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details the findings of a consultation exercise and seeks Area Committee approval for the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on several junctions located on the Boundary Road estate, Cheadle.
The Area Committee is requested to approve the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order on several junctions located on the Boundary Road estate (Appendix A) and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the order be made (at a cost of £1,750, to be funded from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North Delegated Ward Budget).
Officer contact: Diane Knight 07929777412 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which detailed the findings of a consultation exercise and sought Area Committee approval for the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on several junctions located on the Boundary Road estate, Cheadle.
Thanks were expressed to the team for their work in this area.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the legal advertising of the Traffic Regulation Order on several junctions located on the Boundary Road estate (Appendix A) and, subject to no objections being received within 21 days from the advertisement date, that the order be made (at a cost of £1,750, to be funded from the Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North Delegated Ward Budget). |
Ward Discretionary Budget - Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North (2) To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report provides detail on a proposed local project for the installation of a defibrillator at All Hallows Church, Cheadle, and recommends that the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources approve the allocation of £1,800 from the Ward Discretionary Budget (Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation) to facilitate the project.
The Area Committee is requested to:
· endorse the proposed project outlined in the report and recommend that the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources approves the use of £1,800 from the Ward Discretionary Budget (Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation) to facilitate the project; and · authorise a representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance to progress the allocating of the funds accordingly (subject to the approval of funds by the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources).
Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 |
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposed local project for the installation of a defibrillator at All Hallows Church, Cheadle, and recommended that the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources approve the allocation of £1,800 from the Ward Discretionary Budget (Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation) to facilitate the project.
It was noted that All Hallows Church, Cheadle, would cover the ongoing maintenance costs for the defibrillator. Thanks were expressed to the applicant for their hard work to progress the installation of a defibrillator for community use.
RESOLVED – (1) that the proposed project outlined in the report be endorsed and that the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources be recommended to approve the use of £1,800 from the Ward Discretionary Budget (Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation) to facilitate the project; and
(2) that a representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance be authorised to progress the allocation of the funds accordingly (subject to the approval of funds by the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources). |