Agenda and minutes

Cheadle Area Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Trinity Church - Trinity Church, Massie Street, Cheadle, SK8 1DU. View directions

Contact: Charlotte Douglass  0161 474 3235


No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Cheadle Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That Councillor Ian Hunter be elected Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Councillor Ian Hunter (Chair) in the chair

Additional documents:


Appointment of Vice Chair

To appoint a Vice Chair of the Cheadle Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That Councillor Carole McCann be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 233 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2024.

Additional documents:


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 16 April 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


The following interest was declared:-


Personal Interest






Anna Charles-Jones

Agenda Item 13 – ‘Objection Report - Wilmslow Road/Greenway Road & Greenhythe Road, Heald Green - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting at Any Time' as a resident in the vicinity of the proposed scheme.



Urgent decisions

To report any urgent action taken under the constitution since the last meeting of the committee.

Additional documents:


No urgent decisions were reported.


Progress on area committee decisions pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee, including its executive Sub Committee, and details the current position on ward flexibility funding, the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, and delegated budget.


To receive a verbal update (if any) from the Democratic Services Officer on the progression and/ or success of projects which have received a grant from the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust to assist members of the Area Committee in the monitoring of the effectiveness of the fund.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 |

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the committee and its executive Sub Committee, and detailing the current position on Ward Flexibility Funding, the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, and Delegated Budget.


It was commented that the Assistant Director for Infrastructure had worked closely with Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North ward councillors to secure improvements to Nursery Lane, Cheadle Hulme and members expressed their thanks for the improvements that would be brought forward as a result.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.




Community engagement

Additional documents:


Chair's announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues.

Additional documents:


It was reported that a Partners & Community Together (PACT) meeting through which communities could raise any issues or concerns they had in their local area with their local Neighbourhood Policing Team and partners agencies was scheduled to take place on 18 July 2024 (6.30pm – 8pm) at All Hallows Church, 222 Councillor Lane, SK8 2JG.


Public question time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the area committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the code of practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the council’s website at

Additional documents:


One public question had been submitted where the questioner was not in attendance at the meeting, and in accordance with the Code of Practice it was agreed that the Chief Executive be requested to respond to the questioner in writing.



To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups.

Additional documents:


No petitions were submitted.


Open forum

In accordance with the code of practice, no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the area committee as part of the open forum arrangements.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance reported that no organisation had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the open forum arrangements.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Creative Minds Media pdf icon PDF 843 KB

To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Creative Minds Media for a grant of £1,000 (£250 from Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North, £250 from Cheadle West & Gatley and £500 from Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of providing monthly seminars to be delivered to women in the local community by key professionals from the local area.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received on behalf of from Creative Minds Media for a grant of £1,000 (£250 from Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North, £250 from Cheadle West & Gatley and £500 from Heald Green ward allocations) towards the cost of providing monthly seminars to be delivered to women in the local community by key professionals from the local area.


RESOLVED – That the determination of the application for Ward Flexibility Funding received on behalf of Creative Minds Media be delegated to the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance in consultation with ward members.


Ward Flexibility Funding - North Cheshire Jewish Primary School pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from North Cheshire Jewish Primary School for a grant of £834 from the Heald Green ward allocation only towards the cost of purchasing an outdoor defibrillator cabinet and post that would be sited outside the school gate for the wider community to access it.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted an application (copies of which had been circulated) received on behalf of North Cheshire Jewish Primary School for a grant of £834 from the Heald Green ward allocation towards the cost of purchasing an outdoor defibrillator cabinet and post that would be sited outside the school gate for the wider community to access it.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from North Cheshire Jewish Primary School for a total grant of £834 (£347.50 each from the Heald Green and Cheadle West & Gatley ward allocations, and £139 from the Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation) towards the cost of purchasing an outdoor defibrillator cabinet and post that would be sited outside the school gate for community access.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Come And Meet Each Other (CAMEO) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from CAMEO for a grant of £40 (£20 from Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North and Cheadle West & Gatley ward allocations) towards the cost of afternoon entertainment and speakers for the event to speak on topical subjects e.g. How to Write Life History, Parkinson Groups etc.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred to enable the applicant to attend a meeting to speak to their application.


Development applications

There are currently no development applications to consider.

Additional documents:


There were no development applications to consider.


Planning appeals, enforcement appeals and notices pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Cheadle Area Committee area.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report.


Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 |

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) listing any outstanding or recently determined planning appeals and enforcement within the area represented by the Cheadle Area Committee.


Thanks were expressed to the team for their work to serve a notice on a property in Cheadle Hulme North.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The report outlines the financial standing of the Trust as at 31 March 2024 and requests the Area Committee to formally adopt the Financial Accounts of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.


The Area Committee is recommended to:


(1) note the contents of the  report;


(2) formally adopt the Financial Accounts of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust for year ending 31 March 2024;


(3) consider the amount of funding to be made available for distribution from the Trust during 2024/25; and


(4) advise as to any changes in the investment policies adopted. As a reminder, the investment policies are:

·         to maintain the value of the Trust in real terms before considering any distribution, and

·         to reinvest the dividends received in relation to the Investment Fund back into that Investment Fund.


Officer contact: Paula McDonald 0161 474 4708 |

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the financial standing of the Trust as at 31 March 2024 and requested the Area Committee formally adopt the Financial Accounts of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.




1)    to formally adopted the Financial Accounts of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust for year ending 31 March 2024;


2)    to agree that £25,000 of funding be made available for distribution from the Trust during 2024/25; and


3)    to confirm that no changes be made to the adopted investment policies.


Appointment of councillors to the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee

The Area Committee, acting in its capacity of trustee of the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust, is recommended to appoint four councillors (at least one from each ward) to serve on the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee for the municipal year 2024 – 2025.


The Area Committee is recommended to appoint four councillors (at least one from each ward) to serve on the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee for the municipal year 2024 – 2025.


Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 |

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the following councillors be appointed to serve on the Brookfield Park Shiers Family Trust Sub Committee for the municipal year 2024 – 2025:


Councillor Jilly Julian (Cheadle Hulme North)

Councillor Anna Charles-Jones (Heald Green)

Councillor David Meller (Cheadle Hulme North)

Councillor Ian Hunter (Cheadle West & Gatley)


Area Committee Ward Highway Spokespersons

The Area Committee is invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.


The Area Committee is recommended to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.


Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 |



Additional documents:


The Area Committee was invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Director of Place Management could consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.


RESOLVED – That the following councillors be appointed as Ward Spokespersons for highways and traffic matters:


Cheadle Hulme North                     - Councillor Mike Newman

Heald Green                                     - Councillor Carole McCann

Cheadle West & Gatley                  - Councillor Graham Greenhalgh

Cheadle Hulme North                     - Councillor David Meller


Objection Report - Wilmslow Road/Greenway Road & Greenhythe Road, Heald Green - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 'No Waiting at Any Time' pdf icon PDF 313 KB

To consider a joint report of the Director of Place Management and Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report details several objections made in relation to the proposed introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (Double Yellow Lines) on Wilmslow Road, Greenway Road and Greenhythe Road, Heald Green.


The Area Committee is recommended to make the order as advertised.


Officer contact: Nicola Ryan 0161 474 4348 |

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing objections made in relation to the proposed introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (Double Yellow Lines) on Wilmslow Road, Greenway Road and Greenhythe Road, Heald Green.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the order being made as advertised.