Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions
Contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235
No. | Item | ||||||
To approve as correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 1 August 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 1 August 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal Interests
Urgent decisions To report any urgent action taken under the constitution since the last meeting of the committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Community engagement Additional documents: |
Chair's announcements To receive announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues. Additional documents: Minutes: No announcements were made. |
Public question time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the area committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the code of practice (questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair on any matters in the powers or duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out within the Code of Practice.
No public questions were submitted. |
Neighbourhood policing Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that a representative of Greater Manchester Police had been unable to attend the meeting.
Concern was expressed that a representative of the police had not attended a meeting of the Area Committee for a number of cycles, and it was requested that it be emphasised to Greater Manchester Police that the Area Committee considered this to be an essential part of local accountability. |
Petitions To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups. Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were submitted. |
Open forum In accordance with the code of practice, no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the area committee as part of the open forum arrangements. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director (Legal & Democratic Governance) reported that no organisations had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements. |
Development applications There are currently no development applications to consider.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no development applications to consider. |
Planning appeals, enforcement appeals and notices To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Central Stockport Area Committee area.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 | Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising recent appeal decisions; listing current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Central Stockport Area Committee area.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Remit of Area Committees To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
As part of its work programme, the Constitution Working Party has been examining the current range of delegations to area committees and other associated matters. This follows a request made by the Working Party that further consideration be given to:
(a) the remit of area committees including models of area governance implemented in other localities; (b) the current workload of area committees including agenda and meeting length; (c) arrangements for the chairing of area committees; and (d) venues for area committees.
The Working Party considered this report and requested that it be submitted to area committees to consult members on their views on the current operation of area committees.
The comments of area committees will be collated and submitted to the Working Party to assist it in making any recommendations for change.
The Area Committee is recommended to comment on and note the report.
Officer contact: Damian Eaton 0161 474 3207 | Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the ongoing work of the Constitution Working Party to examine the current range of delegations to area committees and other associated matters.
It was reported that the Working Party has requested that area committees be consulted on these matters with the comments subsequently being collated and submitted to the Working Party to assist it in making any recommendations for change.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· It was noted that some Area Committees had four wards, whilst others had two. It was suggested that the Marple and Werneth Area Committees could be combined to form one Area Committee. A concern was raised around the funding of meetings taking place where only two wards were represented. · Members regularly liaised with Greater Manchester Police and community groups and decided applications for Ward Flexibility Funding outside of Area Committee meetings, which otherwise would likely cause lengthier meetings. · It was queried as to why the Cheadle Hulme South ward did not fall within the Cheadle Area Committee area. · It was suggested that other venues for the holding of Central Stockport Area Committee meetings be investigated. · Concerns were raised in relation to some of the current Area Committee community venues for people with visual or hearing disabilities owing to the quality of the images and/or sounds produced by the webcasting equipment used at external venues. · It was felt that the chairing arrangements for Area Committees should continue to be determined by the respective Area Committees. · It was noted that the Town Hall represented a central point to enable residents to participate in meetings. · It was requested that narrative be added to the report around the consideration of Ward Flexibility Funding by the Central Stockport Area Committee.
Thanks were expressed to officers for their work on the report.
RESOLVED – That the comments of the Area Committee be forwarded to the Constitution Working Party for its consideration. |
One Stockport Local Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme Update To consider a report of the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods.
The report provides an update on the One Stockport Local Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme, with a particular focus on One Stockport Neighbourhood Profiles.
The Area Committee is requested to:
1. note the contents of the report and to engage in upcoming Neighbourhood Network meetings. Views and comments are welcomed as the programme continues to develop; and 2. request further updates on the programme at a frequency to be agreed.
Officer contact: Carolyn Anderson 07800617588 | Additional documents: Minutes: Representatives of the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the One Stockport Local Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme and sharing information on progress across the programme since the last update in January 2024 with steps for key elements to become operational and integration of practise to take place.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· The report detailed information on progress across the programme since the last update in January 2024 and included steps for key elements of the programme to become operational and integration of practice to take place. · Members received information on the developing ‘neighbourhood profile’ for the Central Stockport area; overall, there were 7 ‘neighbourhoods’ for the borough. The profiles formed an important part of the programme’s progress. · The dataset was praised, however significant concerns were raised that some of the data was skewed, and that use of the tool was misleading. It was suggested that some narrative be added to specific pages to inform people about the disparities within the borough. It was suggested that the data needed to be more granular, and namely, at ward level. · It was reported that Woodbank Park’s sports pitches no longer existed, and it was felt that linking in with councillors for local knowledge was important in keeping the dataset as up to date to possible. · It was asked whether further insight could be added so that trends over time could be seen, and therefore, improvements over time could be seen. · It was suggested that financial assets be added to the dataset. · It was advised that, although the tool was not particularly user friendly at present, it was recognised that the tool was a work in progress and had great potential.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods be requested to provide further updates on the programme to a future meeting of the Area Committee on a quarterly basis. |
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report sets out the findings of the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 2 September 2024 with regards to the proposal for the A6.
The Area Committee is requested to consider the findings of the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 2 September 2024 and reconsider the recommendation presented to the Central Stockport Area Committee meeting on 1 August 2024, namely, to endorse the proposed measures for approval by the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson 0161 474 4351| Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the findings of the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 2 September 2024 with regards to the proposal for the A6 Corridor Improving Journeys scheme.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The contribution made by the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee and the discussions held at that meeting provided a significant insight into the detail of this scheme, and it was noted that this would not have happened were it not for the recommendation of this Area Committee. · The proposed scheme was primarily a bus route improvement scheme, and the contribution made by the bus driver at the Scrutiny Committee was invaluable and that this dialogue should continue through the detailed design phase. · There was potential for making improvements to the process by which future such schemes were developed, and it was noted that the Scrutiny Committee had commissioned a scrutiny review in relation to the cycling that may assist with this. · While there were improvements that could otherwise have been made to the proposed scheme subject to financial constraints, the proposals were broadly endorsed, subject to the recommendations that had been made by the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee. · Concern remained that the proposed cycling route was not attractive to potential users which may not represent value for money given the level of investment.
RESOLVED – That the Cabinet be recommended to give approval to the proposed measures, subject to the recommendations of the Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee. |
Resident Parking Scheme - Dona Street, Offerton To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details a desk-top study of the parking availability on a section of Dona Street, Offerton, following the receipt of a petition from residents requesting a Resident Parking Scheme in this same section.
The Area Committee is requested to note the contents of the desk-top study and acknowledge the view of Network Management; it is clear that the area is experiencing parking issues. However, from the desk-top study, Network Management would recommend no further action as this is a resident versus resident issue as there is a shortfall of on-street parking capacity for the number of residents on this section of Dona Street.
Should the Area Committee not wish to accede to the above recommendation or believe there is an immediate need for a parking scheme in the area then funding to the amount of £6,000 will have to be made available from the Delegated Ward Budget (Manor ward allocation) to enable further investigation of the wider area and consultation.
Officer contact: Graham O'Connor 0161 474 5057 | Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the outcomes of a desk-top study of the parking availability on a section of Dona Street, Offerton, following the receipt of a petition from residents requesting a Resident Parking Scheme in this same section.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· It was noted that the initial request for an investigation of parking in this area had been generated by a petition form local residents. · It was suggested that some of the issues being experienced were as a result of displaced parking from the town centre controlled parking zone. · Local ward councillors would continue to discuss the issues being experienced by residents with highways officers to determine if any action could be taken in the future. · There was a risk that further development in the town centre will result in an increased pressure on parking capacity in and around the town centre. · A discussion took place around mechanisms that could be considered in the future to alleviate general parking capacity issues, including parking hubs and improvements to public transport facilitated by the rollout of bus franchising.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Director of Place Management be requested to take no further action. |
Park Use Application: Woodbank Memorial Park - Manchester Area Cross Country League To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report sets out the intention of Stockport Harriers & Athletic Club to utilise Woodbank Memorial Park for the Manchester Area Cross Country League races on 7 December 2024.
The Area Committee is requested to grant the application, subject to the organiser obtaining appropriate papers, event plans, health & safety documentation, licenses, insurances and any fees and charges that apply and being presented to the ward councillors at least two weeks prior to the event taking place.
Officer contact: Kath Hughes 0161 474 4418 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application received from Stockport Harriers & Athletic Club to utilise Woodbank Memorial Park for the Manchester Area Cross Country League races on 7 December 2024.
RESOLVED – That the application be granted subject to the organiser obtaining appropriate papers, event plans, health & safety documentation, licenses, insurances and any fees and charges that apply and being presented to the ward councillors at least two weeks prior to the event taking place. |
Progress on area committee decisions To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee, and details the current position on ward flexibility funding and delegated budget.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Charlotte Douglass 0161 474 3235 | Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and detailed the current position on Ward Flexibility Funding and the Delegated Ward Budget.
It was commented that there were a number of traffic regulation orders that had previously been agreed by the Area Committee which had not yet been implemented. It was requested that further clarity be provided in relation to an anticipated timescale by which these orders would be progressed.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |