Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall
Contact: Jacquline Kramer (0161 474 2978)
No. | Item |
Substitutes Councillors who require a substitute to be appointed should inform Democratic Services by 4.00pm on Friday, 22 November 2024 (Councillors who wish to arrange their own substitute should inform Democratic Services of their substitute prior to the commencement of the meeting). Additional documents: |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2024. Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: |
Exclusion of the Public and the Public Interest Test To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of Agenda item 13 – ‘Land Transaction at Booth Street’ which contains information ‘not for publication’ by virtue of Category 3 ‘Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority)’ as set out in the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
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Call-In To consider call-in items (if any) Additional documents: |
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources.
The report outlines the strategic approach in responding to the medium-term financial plan The report should be read in conjunction with the MTFP update reports (both parts A and B) presented to the Cabinet meeting on 18 September 2024.
The Committee is recommended to comment on the report and the proposals presented within that are relevant to the Committee’s remit.
Officer Contact: Gill Lawton on 0161 474 3686 or email: Additional documents: |
2024/25 Mid-Year (Quarter 2) Corporate Performance and Resources Report PDF 94 KB To consider a report of the Executive Director for Corporate and Support Services.
The report provides a summary of progress in delivering the council’s priority outcomes up to 30 September 2024.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:
(1) Note the key delivery and performance issues from the council’s seven portfolios set out in sections 1.3 and 1.4. (2) Note the proposed approach set out in section 1.5 to ‘light -touch ’ reviews of the 2024 -27 Council Plan at the end of 2024/25 and 2025/26. (3) Review progress against delivering council priorities and capital schemes alongside budget outturns contained within the report. (4) Note the Cash Limit and Non -Cash Limit forecast outturn positions for 2024/25 as set out in section 2.3. (5) Note the Dedicated Schools Grant, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund forecast positions as set out in sections 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6. (6) Note the appropriations to/from reserves and balances during the period as set out in section 2.7 and note the resulting reserves and balances position as at 30 September 2024. (7) Note the position for the 2024/25 Capital Programme as set out in section 3.1. (8) Note the adjustments of capital schemes during the quarter as set out in section 3.2. (9) Approve the resourcing of the capital programme as set out in section 3.3. (10) Approve the 2024/25 prudential indicators as set out in section 3.4, and (11) Identify key areas for further investigation and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any existing or outturn issues or risks.
Officer contact: Jonathan Davies on 0161 218 1025 or email and Alan Lawson on 0161 474 5397 or email
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To consider a report of the Executive Director for Corporate and Support Services
The Mid-Year Portfolio Performance and Resource Report (PPRR) for the Finance & Resources Portfolio is presented for consideration by the Committee.
The Portfolio Report is based on the 2024/25 Portfolio Performance and Resource Agreement (PPRA), which was considered by the Committee on 11 June 2024 and approved by Cabinet on 25 June 2024.
The Mid-Year Report focuses on delivery of the portfolio priorities from April to September 2024. It includes forecast performance and financial data (where this is available) for the Portfolio, along with an update on the portfolio savings programme.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:
(1) Consider the Mid-Year Portfolio Performance and Resource Report; (2) Review the progress against delivering key projects, priority outcomes, targets and budgets for 2024/25; (3) Highlight key areas of and responsibility for taking forward corrective action to address any performance or resource issues; (4) Highlight any significant issues or changes to be fed back to the Cabinet alongside the Corporate Performance and Resource Report; (5) Identify how areas of strong performance and good practice can be shared in other services.
Officer contact: Alan Lawson on 0161 474 5397or email and Stephen Pate on 0161 218 1086 or email
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Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy Mid-Year Review Report 2024/24 PDF 967 KB To consider a report of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).
The report provides a mid-year review of the council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2024/25, approved by council on 22 February 2024, and has been prepared in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy (CIPFA) Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Services (revised 2021).
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:
(1) Note the report and the treasury activity in the first half of the financial year. (2) Note the Treasury Management Strategy, Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2024/25 approved in February 2024 will continue to be followed considering the forecasts and conclusion set out in the report (3) Note the revised interest rate forecasts for PWLB rates over the short and medium term which will drive the council’s long-term borrowing strategies going forward.
Officer contact: Lorna Soufian on 0161 474 4026 or email
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Consultation Report 2025/26 Treasury Strategy PDF 308 KB To consider a report of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).
The report seeks the views of the Corporate, Resource Management and Governance (CRMG) Scrutiny Committee on the development of the council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS), Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) and Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy for 2025/26, to be considered for approval at the Cabinet Meeting on 4 February 2025 and the council Meeting on 27 February 2025.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to give due consideration to the questions contained within the report so that its views can be taken into account in the development of the council’s 2025/26 Treasury Management Strategy Statement.
Officer contact: Lorna Soufian on 0161 474 4026 or email
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Business Rates and Council Tax Discounts Annual Review PDF 514 KB To consider a report of the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).
The report sets out the annual review of the local scheme of reliefs and discounts which are available in respect of Business Rates and Council Tax.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to note and comment upon the proposals contained within the report.
Officer contact: Andrea Griffiths on 0161 218 1075 or email
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Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations PDF 142 KB To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report seeks the views of the Scrutiny Committee on the proposed polling arrangements for Stockport in order to inform the Council meeting’s determination of polling districts, polling places and polling stations at forthcoming elections.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to give its views on the proposed polling arrangements.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email
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Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 163 KB To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and Forward Plan items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Committee.
Officer contact: Jacqueline Kramer on 0161 474 2978 or email: Additional documents: |
Item Including Information 'Not for Publication' Additional documents: |
Land Transaction at Booth Street To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides information and updates in relation to the background of the site located at Booth Street, Edgeley.
(NOTE: This report and appendix contain information ‘Not for Publication’ which have been circulated to members of the Scrutiny Committee only).
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to note and comment upon the report.
Officer contact: James Kington at
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