Agenda and minutes

Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 8th November, 2011 6.00 pm

Venue: Sir A. Brumwell Thomas Meeting Room, Ground Floor, Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2011.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 20 September 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


The following declarations were made:


Personal Interests





Stuart Corris



Daniel Hawthorne


Any references to Stockport Homes as his wife is a member of the Board of Stockport Homes.


Any references to Stockport Homes as a member of the Board.




To consider call-in items (if any).


There were no call-in items to consider.


Stockport Council Plan 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Policy, Strategy, Partnerships & Transformation)


The report sets out the proposed process for developing the 2012-13 Council Plan which is focused around four key priorities aimed at creating a borough that is:-


  • Safe and Strong – a place that promotes respect for all its citizens by all its citizens
  • Thriving – building on a strong and sustainable economy and high levels of educational attainment and skills
  • Green – leading the way in creating a sustainable future for our environment and our economy
  • Healthy – increasing choice, control, independence and the adoption of healthy lifestyles as well as excellent services that offer value for money.


The Scrutiny Committee is requested to


(i)            note the process and timetable for developing the 2012-13 Council Plan as set out in the report.

(ii)          review the 2011-12 Council Plan and put forward suggestions for priorities for 2012-13.


Officer contact: Steve Skelton, 0161 474 3174,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Chief Executive (Policy, Strategy, Partnerships & Transformation) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the proposed process for developing the 2012-13 Council Plan which would be focussed around four key priorities aimed at creating a borough that was ‘Safe and Strong’; ‘Thriving’; ‘Green’ and ‘Healthy’.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The consultations/ surveys currently being undertaken by the Council needed to inform the process for developing priorities.

·         As many of the targets/ measures would be set locally, there was a need to benchmark Stockport’s performance against other comparable local authorities.

·         There was a need to ensure that the ‘Risk Register’ was up to date.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Medium Term Financial Plan - Executive Proposals pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


During the last cycle of meetings each scrutiny committee was given the opportunity to examine the savings proposals put forward by the Executive at its meeting on 5 September, together with the report from the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services on the financial landscape and forecasts for the period 2012/13 to 2014/15. Furthermore, a seminar was held for all members on 7 September, at which the basis and make-up of the financial forecasts were outlined.


The Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee considered the comments made by the Scrutiny Committees at its meeting on 4 October 2011 and determined that each Committee’s comments be summarised and referred back to members of the Committee at the earliest opportunity, together with a note of some cross cutting themes identified by the Co-ordination Committee. Members are asked to make any further comments on the financial position and the Executive’s savings proposals at the November round of Scrutiny Committees.


The Scrutiny Committee is requested to make any further comments at this stage in relation to the savings proposals prior to consideration by the Executive at the meeting on 16 December 2011.


Officer contact: Craig Ainsworth, 0161 474 3201,


The Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising the comments made by the Scrutiny Committee at its last meeting on the savings proposals put forward by the Executive together with the report from the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services on the financial landscape and forecasts.  The report also included a note of some cross cutting themes identified by the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.


The Chair explained that Scrutiny Committees were being given the opportunity to make any further comments on the financial position and the Executive’s savings proposals prior to consideration by the Executive at its meeting on 16 December 2011.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Mid-Year Treasury Management Strategy and Performance Review 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 403 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services.


The report details mid-year performance of the Council's Treasury Management function for 2011/12 and provides an update on developments in the economy during that period.


A mid-year review of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy approved by Council on 24 February 2011 has been undertaken. In light of changes to counterparty ratings announced by two of the main rating agencies changes to the Council's creditworthiness policy are proposed.


The amendments to the Council’s creditworthiness policy will be incorporated in the Treasury Management Policy Statement and this requires approval by full Council.


The report also outlines the anticipated treasury management implications of the government’s housing self-financing reform proposals.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to make comments and note the report.


Officer contact: Lorna Salvage, 0161 474 4026,


The Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the mid-year performance of the Council's Treasury Management function for 2011/12 and providing an update on developments in the economy during that period.


The report explained that a mid-year review of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy approved at the Council Meeting on 24 February 2011 had been undertaken. In light of changes to counterparty ratings announced by two of the main rating agencies, changes to the Council's creditworthiness policy were proposed and if approved by the Council Meeting, would be incorporated in the Treasury Management Policy Statement.


The report also outlined the anticipated treasury management implications of the government’s housing self-financing reform proposals.


It was reported that the Executive at its meeting on 7 November 2011 had:-


(i)        recommend that the Council Meeting approve the changes to the investment criteria of Moody’s cited in paragraph 11.13 and 11.15 and of Fitch detailed in paragraph12.6; and

(ii)      noted the expected impact of the housing reform proposals on the capital and treasury plans.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Council Meeting be recommended to approve the changes to the investment criteria as detailed in paragraph 11.13, 11.15 and 12.6 of the report.


(2) That the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services be requested to submit a report to this Scrutiny Committee and the Adults and Communities Scrutiny Committee in relation to the implications of the changes proposed to the current Housing Revenue Account subsidy arrangements.


Freedom of Information Act 2000: Overview of requests made to Stockport Council during 2011 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Legal, Property and Information).


Stockport Council receives hundreds of Freedom of Information requests every year, with volumes increasing steadily year on year. This report provides an overview of:


§  the numbers of requests received by Stockport Council;

§  who is making the requests; and

§  what is being requested.


Stockport’s position is put into context using national and regional figures which indicate how the Council compares to other local authorities and central government.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to note the report.


Officer contact: Claire Naven, 0161 474 4048,


The Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing information in relation to requests made to the Council for information under the Freedom of Information Act.  The report provided an overview of:


·         the numbers of requests received by the Council;

·         who was making the requests; and

·         what was being requested.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services) be requested to report to this Scrutiny Committee annually in relation to requests made to the Council for information under the Freedom of Information Act.


Completed Scrutiny Review on Council-Wide Communications: Progress Update pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Communications and External Relations).


The report sets out progress on recommendations made by Scrutiny and agreed by the Executive. The Panel has made several recommendations which it believes will inform the delivery of more consistent, better, value-for-money communications.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider and comment upon the progress made.


Officer contact: Ian Ratcliffe, 0161 474 3059,


A representative of the Assistant Chief Executive (Communications and External Relations) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the implementation of the recommendations following the Council-wide Communications Scrutiny Review.


In particular it was reported that:-


·         The key focus of communications was now on better value for money, better use of available resources and consistent messages – principle of ‘One Council, One Voice’.

·         Greater emphasis on positive behaviour change and channel shift (e.g. ‘Right Thing, Right Bin’ public information programme), and signposting residents to council services, including available benefits and grants in support of strategic priorities.

·         Budgets on promotional spend on issues related to Place had been reduced from £1.3m to £48,000.

·         There had been reduction in print spend across the council of over 80%.

·         The number of websites identified at the start of the financial year now reduced from 45 to 29 and it was hoped to reduce this further to 16 by the end of the financial year. Identification and reduction of other council-related websites and other online communications was on-going.

·         The Marketing and Communications Unit and Democratic Services were developing guidance for officers on writing clearer Council Committee reports.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report and progress being made be noted.


(2) That a further report be submitted to this Scrutiny Committee on 18 June 2012 on progress against the action plan.


Agenda Planning pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.                                                          


The report sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and Forward Plan items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Committee.


Officer contact: Craig Ainsworth, 0161 474 3204,


The Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out planned agenda items for the Committee’s next meeting, Forward Plan items which fell within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee and progress with resolutions made by the Scrutiny Committee at previous meetings.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.