Agenda and minutes

Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee - Thursday, 18th April, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Large Hall - Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church- Cheadle Hulme. View directions

Contact: Georgia Latham  (0161 474 3229)


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 342 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2024.  

Additional documents:


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 7 March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interest which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Urgent Decisions

To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee.

Additional documents:


No urgent decisions were reported.


Community Engagement

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Chair's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues.

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The Chair on behalf of the Area Committee informed residents of the following:-


·         It was announced that Thorn Grove Bowling Club were holding their annual open day on Saturday, 20 April from 1:30pm until 4pm.

·         It was reported that a market was scheduled to take place in Cheadle Hulme precinct on Saturday, 20 April 2024.

·         Members congratulated Stockport County on their latest promotion and reported that a promotion party was being held at Stockport County on Saturday, 20 April at 9am.

·         It was announced that the Banking Hub had opened in Bramhall's Village Square.

·         It was reported that the Plant Fair at Bramall Hall and Park had taken place on Wednesday, 17 April which was a successful and well attended event.


Neighbourhood Policing

Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Additional documents:


It was reported that a representative of Greater Manchester Police was unable to attend the meeting due to operational commitments. It was noted that a written update had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The Chair informed the Committee that neighbourhood policing representatives would be invited to attend the next meeting of the Area Committee in June 2024, however welcomed any neighbourhood policing questions or issues to be raised.


Public Question Time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice. Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the Council’s website at

Additional documents:


Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair on any matters in the powers or duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out within the Code of Practice.


Three public questions were submitted as follows:-


·         One public question was submitted in relation to Giant Redwood trees and whether consideration had been given to introducing these trees in Bramall Park.


·         Two public questions were submitted in relation to the Bramley Close Feasibility Study which encouraged Members to reconsider the options that were available to resolve the issues around the footpaths and access for elderly and disabled people to Bramhall Health Centre on Bramley Close


As the questioners were not in attendance at the meeting and in accordance with the Code of Practice, the Chief Executive was requested to respond to the questioners in writing.



To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups.

Additional documents:


No petitions were submitted.


Open Forum

In accordance with the Code of Practice no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance reported that no organisations had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Bramhall In Bloom pdf icon PDF 574 KB

To consider an application received from Bramhall In Bloom for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £1,000 (£250 from Bramhall North, £750 from Bramhall South & Woodford) towards the cost of replanting and caring for planters in the village area, for the benefit of the local community.

Additional documents:


A representative of Bramhall In Bloom attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£250 from Bramhall North, £750 from Bramhall South & Woodford) towards the cost of replanting and caring for planters in the village area, for the benefit of the local community.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to application from Bramhall In Bloom for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£250 from Bramhall North, £750 from Bramhall South & Woodford) towards the cost of replanting and caring for planters in the village area, for the benefit of the local community.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Make A Difference pdf icon PDF 627 KB

To consider an application received from Make A Difference for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £287.69 (£110.65 from Bramhall North, £110.65 from Cheadle Hulme South, £66.39 from Bramhall South & Woodford) towards the cost of providing informative and educational workshops to enhance the emotional well-being of local residents.

Additional documents:


A representative of Make A Difference attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £287.69 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£110.65 from Bramhall North, £110.65 from Cheadle Hulme South, £66.39 from Bramhall South & Woodford) towards the cost of providing informative and educational workshops to enhance the emotional wellbeing of local residents.


RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred until a later meeting of the Area Committee to give the applicant an opportunity to reconsider the proportion of funding being sought from each ward and provide additional information relating to the beneficiaries.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of Shahnameh pdf icon PDF 578 KB

To consider an application received from Friends of Shahnameh for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £360 (£120 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of organising visits to cultural venues and running regular Persian poetry workshops, for the benefit of Persian and English speaking members of the community.

Additional documents:


A representative of Friends of Shahnameh attended the meeting and submitted an application for a grant of £360 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£120 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of organising visits to cultural venues and running regular Persian poetry workshops, for the benefit of Persian and English speaking members of the community.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to application from Friends of Shahnameh for a grant of £360 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£120 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of organising visits to cultural venues and running regular Persian poetry workshops, for the benefit of Persian and English speaking members of the community.


Ward Flexibility Funding - Autisk pdf icon PDF 639 KB

To consider an application received from Autisk for Ward Flexibility Funding for a grant of £450 (£150 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of installing a mobile hoist, to aid accessibility of a youth centre for children and young people who are non-mobile and require support with personal care.

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance submitted an application received on behalf of Autisk for a grant of £450 from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget (£150 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of installing a mobile hoist, to aid accessibility of a youth centre for children and young people who are non-mobile and require support with personal care.


RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred until a later meeting of the Area Committee at which the applicant could attend and to explore alternative funding sources.


Development Applications

There are currently no development applications to consider.

Additional documents:


No development applications were submitted.


Planning Appeal, Enforcement Appeals and Enforcement Notices pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee area.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising recent appeal decisions; listing current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee area.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Stockport Climate Action Now (CAN) Fund pdf icon PDF 330 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report provides details relating to the launch of two new Climate Action Now (CAN) Funds; the CAN Seed Fund and the CAN Catalyst Fund.


The Area Committee is recommended to comment on and note the report.


Officer contact: Nick Leslie by email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) which provided detail on the launch of two new Climate Action Now (CAN) Funds: the CAN Seed Fund and the CAN Catalyst Fund.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Members commented on the importance of the green agenda to the council and noted that the scheme was set up to address local concern and ensure the council was taking action to address climate change.

·         Members welcomed the scheme and encouraged community groups across the borough to make applications for the use of either of the two funding streams that were available.

·         It was noted that the Schools Climate Action Forum had been incredibly successful and suggested that schools be contacted to raise awareness of the two new Climate Action Now Funds, in particular the Seed Fund, and to support them with making applications.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Bramley Close, Bramhall - Feasibility Outcome pdf icon PDF 834 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report details the outcome of a feasibility study regarding potential options and costings to provide safer crossing points on Bramley Close from Bramhall Lane South to the Bramley Close Car Park, Health Centre, Library and other facilities.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the contents of the report.


Officer Contact: Nicola Ryan on 0161 474 4409 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the outcome of a feasibility study regarding potential options and costings to provide safer crossing points on Bramley Close from Bramhall Lane South to the Bramley Close Car Park, Health Centre, Library and other facilities.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Members welcomed the report and felt that it was a step in the right direction as it acknowledged the need for pedestrians to have safe access and identified which of the various proposals were feasible.

·         It was noted that the service was actively seeking funding to progress with the options outlined and should funding become available, this would be discussed in detail and return to Area Committee at the appropriate time for consideration and determination.

·         In response to a query around potential funding sources, it was stated that the council had a small road safety budget which was analysed at a borough wide level to ascertain where this was best spent. It was also commented that there were external funding streams which regularly became available and the service would submit a bid at the appropriate time, if the scheme met the criteria.  


RESOLVED – That the report be noted


Objection Report - Buckingham Road, Cheadle Hulme: Proposed Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 289 KB

To consider a joint report of the Director of Place Management and Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report details an objection made in relation to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time and Limited Stay Disabled Bay’ on parts of Buckingham Road, Cheadle Hulme in the Cheadle Hulme South Ward.


The Area Committee is recommended to make the order as originally advertised.


Officer contact: Zoe Allan on 0161 474 3138 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Director of Place Management submitted a joint report of the Director and Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an objection made in relation to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order ‘No Waiting at Any Time and Limited Stay Disabled Bay’ on parts of Buckingham Road, Cheadle Hulme in the Cheadle Hulme South Ward.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Members welcomed the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order and Limited Stay Disabled Bay, and noted that whilst it was important to ensure there was a mechanism for residents to have the opportunity to object to an Order prior to its implementation, their was a clear majority in favour in this instance.

·         It was noted that part of the problem was the tight, small car park to the rear of the Co-op and queried whether any action could be taken to improve the layout and alleviate some of the issues with on street parking.


RESOLVED - That notwithstanding the objection, the order be made as originally advertised.


Park Use Application - Hesketh Park BBQ 14/09/2024 pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.


The report details an application from Friends of Hesketh Park to hold their annual community BBQ on Saturday 14th September 2024 at 12.30 until 15.30, with access required from 10.00 until 16.30.


The Area Committee is recommended to grant the application subject to the event organiser obtaining and providing the relevant paperwork at least 2 weeks prior to the event, including any necessary licences, health and safety documentation, insurance certificates, a satisfactory traffic management plan and the payment of agreed fees and charges.


Officer contact: Emma Warrington on 0161 474 2314 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application from Friends of Hesketh Park to hold their annual community BBQ on Saturday 14 September 2024 at 12.30 until 15.30, with access required from 10.00 until 16.30.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application received from Friends of Hesketh Park to hold their annual community BBQ on Saturday 14 September 2024 at 12.30 until 15.30, with access required from 10.00 until 16.30, subject to the event organiser obtaining and providing the relevant paperwork at least 2 weeks prior to the event, including any necessary licences, health and safety documentation, insurance certificates, a satisfactory traffic management plan and the payment of agreed fees and charges.


Progress on Area Committee Decisions pdf icon PDF 300 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance.


The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and details the current position on area flexibility funding. The report also includes the current position on the highway and traffic management delegated budget and ward discretionary budget.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Georgia Latham on 0161 474 3229 or email:


Additional documents:


A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating Members on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and detailing the current position in relation to the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget, Ward Discretionary Budget and Delegated Budget.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted.