Agenda and minutes

Annual, Council Meeting - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall

Contact: Damian Eaton  (0161 474 3207)


No. Item


Election of Mayor pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(a)     To elect a Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)     The person elected to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


(c)     The Mayor to return thanks for her election.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY             Councillor Mark Hunter


SECONDED BY      Councillor Mark Jones


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That Councillor Suzanne Wyatt of 25 Manor Road, Bramhall be elected Mayor of this Borough for the period to the next Annual Council Meeting.

Councillor Wyatt then made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office required by law to qualify her to act in the office of Mayor.


The Mayor (Councillor Suzanne Wyatt) in the chair


The Mayor expressed thanks to the Council for her election.


Investiture of the Mayoresses with their Badges of Office

Additional documents:


The Mayor informed the Council that Melanie Braviner and Abigail Wyatt had agreed to act as her Mayoresses. The Mayoresses were then invested with their badge of office by the retiring Mayoress (Mrs Carol Greenhalgh).


Vote of Thanks to Past Mayor and Past Mayoress pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(a)     To thank the Past Mayor and Past Mayoress for their services during their term of office.


(b)     Presentation to the Past Mayor and Past Mayoress of badges in the form of replicas of the badge attached to the Mayoral Chain as mementos of their term of office.


(c)     The Past Mayor to reply.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY             Councillor Tom Morrison


SECONDED BY      Councillor Ian Hunter


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That thanks be tendered to the Past Mayor and the Past Mayoress for their services during their term of office.  The Mayor then presented the Past Mayor and the Mayoresses then presented to the Past Mayoress, badges in the form of replicas of the badge attached to the mayoral chain as mementos of their term of office.


Appointment of Deputy Mayor pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(a)     To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.


(b)     The person appointed to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


(c)     The Deputy Mayor to return thanks for her appointment.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY             Councillor Karl Wardlaw


SECONDED BY      Councillor Christine Carrigan


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That Councillor Kerry Waters of 147 Northumberland Road, Brinnington, Stockport be appointed Deputy Mayor of this Borough for the period to the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillor Waters then made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office required by law to qualify her to act in the office of Deputy Mayor.


The Deputy Mayor expressed thanks to the Council for her appointment.


The Deputy Mayoress to be invested with her Badge of Office

Additional documents:


The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Mrs Wendy Nadin had agreed to act as her Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Mayor.


Vote of Thanks to Past Deputy Mayor and Past Deputy Mayoress pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(a)     To thank the Past Deputy Mayor and Past Deputy Mayoress for their services during their term of office.


(b)     Presentation to the Past Deputy Mayor and the Past Deputy Mayoress of badges as mementos of their term of office.


(c)     The Past Deputy Mayor to reply.

Additional documents:


MOVED BY             Councillor Karl Wardlaw


SECONDED BY      Councillor Christine Carrigan


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That thanks be tendered to the Past Deputy Mayor and Past Deputy Mayoress for their services during their term of office.


The Deputy Mayor then presented the Past Deputy Mayor with a badge as a memento of his term of office.


The Past Deputy Mayor replied.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 259 KB

To approve as a correct record and to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Council Meeting held on 27 March 2024.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Mayor's Announcements

Additional documents:


Mayor’s Chaplain


The Mayor announced that her chaplain for the year would be Reverend Chris Blunt, Rector of the Parish of Stockport with Brinnington.


50th Anniversary of the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport


The Mayor reported that this year marked the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport and that an event would be held later in the month where all past Mayors of the borough would be invited to the parlour for a commemoration event.


The Mayor’s Charity


The Mayor reported that the Mayor’s Charity would be raising funds for Stockport Food Network.



Declarations of Interest

Members and officers to declare any interest which they may have in any of the items on the Summons for this meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interest which they had in any of the items on the Summons for this meeting.


No declarations of interest were made.


Report on the Election of Councillors

To receive a report from the Returning Officer as to the persons elected to the office of Councillor on 2 May 2024 as follows:-


Bramhall North

Alex Wynne

(address in Stockport)


Bramhall South & Woodford

Jeremy Richard Meal

(address in Stockport)


Bredbury & Woodley

Rosemary Frances Barratt

300 Hyde Road






Bredbury Green & Romiley

Mark Anthony Roberts

10 Hill Top





Brinnington & Central

Karl Peter Marx Wardlaw

(address in Stockport)


Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North

Mike Newman

1 Highcrest Avenue






Cheadle Hulme South

Keith Ernest Holloway

11A Victoria Avenue

Cheadle Hulme




Cheadle West & Gatley

Tom Morrison

(address in Stockport)


Davenport & Cale Green

Paul John Wright

15 Garrett Walk




Asa Howard Caton

43 Rae Street





Hazel Grove

Frankie Singleton

(address in Stockport)

Heald Green

Catherine Louise Stuart

59, Thornton Road

Heald Green




Heatons North

Dena Miriam Anna Ryness

(address in Stockport)


Heatons South

Claire Vibert

(address in Stockport)



Jon Byrne

316 Turncroft Lane




Marple North

Micheala Wendy Meikle

(address in Stockport)


Marple South & High Lane

Colin David MacAlister

6 Beamsmoor Close





Norbury & Woodsmoor

Pete West

(address in Stockport)



Dan Oliver

48 Glenmoor Road





Reddish North

Rachel Wise

(address in Stockport)


Reddish South

James Edward Frizzell

3 Birkdale Road





Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the report of the Returning Officer as to the persons elected to the office of Councillor on 6 May 2024 be noted.


Cabinet Leader (Leader of the Council) pdf icon PDF 4 KB

To note that Councillor Mark Hunter has been appointed Cabinet Leader and Leader of the Council until the Annual Meeting of the Council following the end of his term of office.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That it be noted that Councillor Mark Hunter has been appointed Cabinet Leader and Leader of the Council until the Annual Meeting of the Council following the end of his term of office.


Deputy Cabinet Leader (Deputy Leader of the Council), the Cabinet, and the Allocation of Responsibilities pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council on -


(i) the number of councillors appointed to the Cabinet;

(ii) appointments made to the Cabinet;

(iii)the appointment of the Deputy Cabinet Leader (Deputy Leader of the Council); and

(iv) the allocation of responsibilities (portfolios).

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Leader (Leader of the Council) reported that he had appointed Councillor Mark Roberts as Deputy Cabinet Leader (Deputy Leader of the Council) and other members of the Cabinet as follows and that they would be responsible for the portfolios indicated:-







Main Responsibilities

Mark Hunter

Cheadle Hulme South

26 Albert Road

Cheadle Hulme



Leader of the Council



Policy and Performance,

Strategic Partnerships,



Mark Roberts

Bredbury Green & Romiley

10 Hill Top




Deputy Cabinet Leader

(Deputy Leader of the Council)

Climate Change and Environment

Climate Change and Green Agenda including:

Sustainability; Waste Collection and Recycling;

Clean Air Lead; Local Plan Lead; Civil Resilience.


Wendy Meikle

Hazel Grove

(address in Stockport)

Children, Families & Education

Children, Family and Education services, including:

Fostering & Adoption;

Children’s Social Work Teams; Foster Care & Residential Placements;

Services for Young People;

Children with a Disability; Children’s Centres; Early Intervention Services;

Safeguarding; Youth Offending; School Improvement; School Organisation & Governance;

Home to School Transport & Travel Passes; Early Years;

14-19 Services; SEN Support Services & Psychology;

School Admissions.






Frankie Singleton

Hazel Grove

(address in Stockport)

Communities, Culture and Sport

Inclusive Neighbourhoods;

Equality and Diversity;

Tackling Inequalities; 

Public Safety and Protection;

Community Safety; Community Funds ;

Information, Advice and Guidance; Libraries, Museums and Culture;



Colin MacAlister

Marple South & High Lane

6 Beamsmoor Close




Economy, Regeneration & Housing

Economic Development and Regeneration, including:

Planning; Housing Capital & Strategic Housing; Economic Growth; Employer Engagement; Inward Investment; Building Control;

Markets; District Centres;

Adult Education;



Jilly Julian

Cheadle East & Cheadle Hulme North

21 Emlyn Grove



Finance and Resources

Estates and schools capital;

Finance; Council Budget

Transformation; IT and Digital Transformation; Contact Centre; Elections; STaR; Revenue and Benefits; HR and OD; Communications, Consultation and Engagement; Legal and Democratic Services;

Business Support.


Keith Holloway

Cheadle Hulme South

11A Victoria Avenue

Cheadle Hulme



Health and Adult Social Care

Adult Care and Health services, including: Public Health; Health & Wellbeing;

Learning Disability Services;

Older People’s Services;

Young Adults Services;

Supporting People.


Grace Baynham

Norbury & Woodsmoor

(address in Stockport)

Parks, Highways and Transport Services

Parks and Open Spaces;

Cemeteries & Crematoria;

Transport and Infrastructure;

Sustainable Transport

Highways Maintenance;

Parking; Street Lighting;

Traffic Services;  Street cleaning, fly tipping and gulley maintenance


Health and Wellbeing Board


The Cabinet Leader reported on the appointment of the following three councillors and the appointment of other members as follows:-


Stockport Council


3 Councillors


Keith Holloway (Chair)

Wendy Meikle

Frankie Singleton


Other appointments


The Council’s Chief Executive

The Council’s statutory Director for Children’s Services

The Council’s statutory Director for Adult Social Services

The Director of Public Health

Representatives of the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group Board (now Greater Manchester Integrated Care)

A representative of Healthwatch Stockport

A representative of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

A representative of Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

A representative of Viaduct GP Federation

A representative of Sector 3


Allocation of Places on Committees in Accordance with the Proportionality Rules pdf icon PDF 353 KB

To give consideration to the adoption of alternative arrangements in respect of appointments to committees, and not an allocation strictly in accordance with proportionality under section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mark Hunter) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) requesting the Council Meeting give consideration to the adoption of alternative arrangements in respect of appointments to committees, and not an allocation strictly in accordance with proportionality under section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, provided that no member votes in opposition.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Council Meeting adopt alternative arrangements in respect of appointments to committees which are not strictly in accordance with proportionality under section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and to exclude the following from the Proportionality Calculation:-


·       Stockport Homes Member Committee

·       Standards Committee

·       Health and Wellbeing Board

·       Appointments Committee


(2) That approval be given to the allocation of places on committees on committees as detailed in paragraphs 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of the report.


(3) That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any consequential changes to the Constitution necessary to implement the above resolutions.


Appointment of Scrutiny Committees and Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To appoint Scrutiny Committees, the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee, Chairs and Vice-Chairs.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That the Scrutiny Committees and the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee be constituted as follows for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting, with terms of reference as set out in the Constitution:-



(a)    Adult Social Care & Health


        9 Councillors


Geoff Abell

Laura Clingan

Mike Newman

David Sedgwick (Chair)

Lisa Smart

Catherine Stuart

Karl Wardlaw

Wendy Wild (Vice-Chair)

Peter West



(b)   Children & Families


        9 Councillors


Shan Alexander

Rosemary Barratt (Vice-Chair)

Angie Clark

Colin Foster (Chair)

Graham Greenhalgh

Helen Hibbert

Dallas Jones

Gary Lawson

Leah Taylor


(i)     a representative of the Church of England Diocesan Education Committee -

        Chris Gordon


(ii)    a representative of the Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Authority -



(iii)    representatives of Parent Governors – 2x vacancies.


(c)    Communities & Transport


        9 Councillors


Joe Barratt (Chair)

John Byrne

Angie Clark

Steve Gribbon

Dominic Hardwick

Tom Morrison

Dan Oliver

Rachel Wise

Matt Wynne (Vice-Chair)



(d)    Corporate, Resource Management and Governance


        9 Councillors


Jake Austin

Christine Carrigan (Chair)

Dickie Davies

Helen Foster-Grime

Mark Jones

Carole McCann (Vice-Chair)

Jeremy Meal

Paul Wright

Alex Wynne



(e)    Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change


        9 Councillors


Jake Austin

Will Dawson

James Frizzell (Vice-Chair)

Ian Hunter

Micheala Meikle

David Meller

Ian Powney

Dena Ryness

Claire Vibert (Chair)


 (f)    Co-ordination Committee

        (Chair and Vice-Chair to be appointed at first meeting)


        The Chairs of the 5 Scrutiny Committee


Joe Barratt

Christine Carrigan

Colin Foster

David Sedgwick

Claire Vibert




Appointment of Ordinary Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and Other Member Bodies pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To appoint Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That Ordinary Committees, Area Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies be constituted as follows for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting and with terms of reference as set out in the Constitution:-


(a)    Ordinary Committees


(i)     Planning and Highways Regulation


        12 Councillors


Geoff Abell

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Sue Glithero

Graham Greenhalgh

Mark Jones (Chair)

Micheala Meikle

Wendy Meikle

Mike Newman

John Taylor

Kerry Waters

Rachel Wise (Vice-Chair)


(ii)    Licensing, Environment and Safety


        10 Councillors


Shan Alexander (Chair)

Grace Baynham

Asa Caton

Dickie Davies (Vice-Chair)

Dean Fitzpatrick

    Helen Foster-Grime

Dallas Jones

Holly McCormack

Pete West

David Wilson


Sub-Committee A


        3 Councillors


Shan Alexander

Dickie Davies (Chair)

Dean Fitzpatrick


        Sub-Committee B


        3 Councillors


Asa Caton

Helen Foster-Grime (Chair)

Peter West


Substitutes on the Sub-Committees to be members of the Licensing,

Environment and Safety Committee.


(iii)    Employment Appeals


        3 non-Cabinet Councillors


Shan Alexander (Chair)

Paul Wright

Matt Wynne


 (iv)  Appeals Panel

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


        6 non-Cabinet Councillors


Shan Alexander

Ian Hunter

James Frizzell

Holly McCormack

Dallas Jones

Karl Wardlaw


(v)    Appointments


        9 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

Christine Carrigan

Colin Foster

Mark Hunter (Chair)

Jilly Julian

Gary Lawson

David Meller

Mark Roberts (Vice-Chair)

Matt Wynne


 (vi)  Audit


        6 Councillors


Jake Austin

Jon Byrne

Sue Glithero (Chair)

Carole McCann (Vice-Chair)

Ian Powney

Alex Wynne


(vii)   Member Committee


        7 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

James Frizzell

Colin MacAlister

David Meller

Mark Roberts (Chair)

John Taylor

Matt Wynne

(viii)  Standards

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


        5 Councillors


Asa Caton

Anna Charles-Jones

Liz Crix

Dan Oliver

Paul Wright


5 Independent Members - Julie Carter, Stephen Clarke, Kieran McMahon and Andrew Stewart (one vacancy)

        2 Independent Persons – Mark Iveson and Val Cottam


        Standards Sub-Committee

        (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


The sub-committee will comprise of 5 members including at least 1 independent member and 3 councillors.  Where at least 1 independent member or councilor would have been present but for the fact that he or she has a prejudicial interest in the business to be transacted the quorum for the meeting shall be any 3 members.


Terms of Reference


The Council Meeting will establish a sub-committee at which a member complained of can respond to the investigation report and the sub-committee can determine whether the member had failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and what action is appropriate.


(b)    Joint Committees


 (i)    Board of STaR Procurement Service


        1 councillor


        Jilly Julian


(ii)    Association of Greater Manchester Authorities


        1 councillor


        Mark Hunter

        Substitute:       Mark Roberts


(c)    Area Committees and Ward Committees


(i)         Area Committees  (Chair and Vice Chair to be appointed at the first meeting)


Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South


9 Councillors


Helen Foster-Grime

Keith Holloway

Mark Hunter

Dallas Jones

Mark Jones

Jeremy Meal

Ian Powney

Suzanne Wyatt

Alex Wynne


Central Stockport


12 Councillors


Jon Byrne

Christine Carrigan

Asa Caton

Laura Clingan

Dickie Davies

Sue Glithero

Leah Taylor

Karl Wardlaw

Kerry Waters

Wendy Wild

Paul Wright

Matt Wynne




9 Councillors


Anna Charles-Jones

Graham Greenhalgh

Ian Hunter

Jilly Julian

Carole McCann

David Meller

Tom Morrison

Mike Newman

Catherine Stuart


Heatons and Reddish


12 Councillors


Liz Crix

Dean Fitzpatrick

Colin Foster

James Frizzell

Gary Lawson

Holly McCormack

Dena Ryness

David Sedgwick

John Taylor

Claire Vibert

David Wilson

Rachel Wise




6 Councillors


Geoff Abell

Shan Alexander

Steve Gribbon

Colin MacAlister

Micheala Meikle

Aron Thornley


Stepping Hill


9 Councillors


Jake Austin

Grace Baynham

Will Dawson

Dominic Hardwick

Helen Hibbert

Wendy Meikle

Dan Oliver

Frankie Singleton

Pete West




6 Councillors


Joe Barratt

Rosemary Barratt

Angie Clark

Mark Roberts

Lisa Smart

Sue Thorpe


(d)    Working Parties and Other Member Bodies


(i)     Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education


        3 Councillors             


Holly McCormack

Mike Newman

Sue Thorpe


together with representatives of the Corporate Director for People the Church of England, the Teachers’ Panel and such Christian and other  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Representation of the Council on Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 15 KB

To appoint Councillors to serve on the following outside bodies:-


Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee

Greater Manchester Police, Crime & Fire Panel

Greater Manchester Police, Crime & Fire Steering Group

Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel

Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee

Joint Scrutiny Panel for Pennine Care (Mental Health) Trust

Greater Manchester Audit Committee

Greater Manchester Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That the following councillors be appointed to serve on the following outside bodies:-


Greater Manchester Combined Authority




Councillor Mark Hunter


Councillor Mark Roberts




Bee Network Committee





Councillor Grace Baynham (appointee)


Councillor Mark Roberts




Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee         








Councillor Mark Roberts


Councillor Grace Baynham


Councillor Dena Ryness


Councillor David Meller




Greater Manchester Police, Crime & Fire Panel


Councillor Tom Morrison





Councillor Steve Gribbon




Greater Manchester Police, Crime & Fire Steering Group


Councillor Tom Morrison





Greater Manchester Pensions Fund Management Panel


Councillor Lisa Smart




Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee




Councillor David Sedgwick


Councillor Wendy Wild




Joint Scrutiny Panel for Pennine Care (Mental Health) Trust





Councillor Angie Clark

Councillor Dickie Davies

Councillor Gary Lawson


Greater Manchester Audit Committee


Councillor Jake Austin


Greater Manchester Overview & Scrutiny Committee







Councillor Jake Austin

Councillor Steve Gribbon

Councillor Helen Hibbert

Councillor Ian Hunter

Councillor Lisa Smart

Councillor Rachel Wise



Appointment of Leaders of Political Groups pdf icon PDF 5 KB

To note the appointment of Leaders of political groups.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That the appointment of the following Leaders of Political Groups be noted as follows:-


Edgeley Community Association             - Councillor Matt Wynne

Green Party                                             - Councillor Gary Lawson

Independent Ratepayers                         - Councillor Anna Charles-Jones

Labour                                                     - Councillor David Meller

Liberal Democrat                                     - Councillor Mark Hunter


Council Meetings

To note the dates and times of Council Meetings to be held during the period to the next Annual Council Meeting:-


11 July 2024 at 6.00 pm

1 October 2024 at 6.00 pm

21 November 2024 at 6.00 pm

16 January 2025 at 6.00 pm

27 February 2025 (Budget) at 6.00 pm

3 April 2025 at 6.00 pm

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the dates and times of Council Meetings to be held during the period to the next Annual Council Meeting be noted as follows:-


11 July 2024 at 6.00 pm

1 October 2024 at 6.00 pm

21 November 2024 at 6.00 pm

16 January 2025 at 6.00 pm

27 February 2025 (Budget) at 6.00 pm

3 April 2025 at 6.00 pm


Business Programme pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To note the dates and times of meetings of the Cabinet, Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mark Hunter) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the proposed Business Programme for the 2024/25 municipal year.


RESOLVED – That the dates and times of meetings of the Cabinet, Committees, Working Parties and other Member bodies for the Municipal Year 2024/25 be noted.


Constitution and Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 15 MB

To approve the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation. 

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mark Hunter) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) requesting that the Council Meeting gives approval to delegation by the Council of its executive and non-executive functions and further requesting that the Council Meeting approves and adopts a revised Constitution incorporating those amendments previously approved by the Council Meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation be approved and adopted.