Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Stockport
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Formalities and Announcements |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 30 June 2011. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 30 June 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor subject to the addition under Summons Item 2 (iii) (a) of a further question from Councillor Wendy Meikle to the Council’s Section 41 Spokesperson for the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority in relation to the structure and leadership model of the Authority. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor advised the Council Meeting that he had attended 87 events since the last Council Meeting on 30 June 2011 which had included hosting a number of events in the Town Hall where he had the opportunity to meet children from Chernobyl, students from Priestnall School, exchange students from France, Argentinean visitors and work experience students from Heilbronn.
On Saturday, 3 September 2011 the Stockport Festival had taken place during which £2,000 had been raised for the Mayor’s Charity, St Ann’s Hospice. The Mayor extended his thanks and appreciation to those members of the Council who had lent their support during this successful event.
In connection with fundraising for the Mayor’s Charity, the Mayor noted that between 5 and 10 July 2011 Councillor Adrian Nottingham, together with his son, had walked the full 84 mile length of Hadrian’s Wall raising £550 for St Ann’s Hospice.
On Monday, 25 July 2011 the Mayor and Mayoress had formally opened the Park Square office development in Cheadle Heath and had taken a tour of the building which included viewing part of the office space, the on-site restaurant and conferencing facility and a unique nine-hole putting course.
The Mayor informed the Council Meeting that it had previously been considered appropriate for the Mayor to take part in a sponsored event in aid of the Mayor’s Charity and confirmed that it would be his intention to take part in a sponsored silence later in his Mayoral year. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they may have in any of the items on the Summons for the meeting. Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the Summons.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal Interests
Community Engagement |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters relevant to the Council’s activities. Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Mayor and Councillors on matters within the powers and duties of the Council.
Nine public questions were submitted concerning:-
· The accuracy of the operational hours of Avondale Swimming Pool as quoted in the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation; and the suitability of the methodology for data collection for the production of mapping and statistics relating to the use of leisure facilities in the Borough.
The Executive Councillor (Leisure) responded that the data used in the consultation had been the latest available figures.
· Why had the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation exclusively identified the maintenance backlog for Target Fitness Avondale and whether this information would now be made available for other centres throughout the Borough; and why usage figures for Grand Central had been omitted from the consultation document.
The Executive Councillor (Leisure) advised that information about any backlog of building works at other locations in the borough would be available if this was requested.
· The purchase of pool covers for a number of swimming pools in the Borough and not for Avondale Swimming Pool; and whether the identification of centres at Cheadle, Hazel Grove and Romiley as being best able to provide the level of quality expected by residents was as a result of the additional investment which had been targeted at those Centres, while Target Fitness Avondale had received none.
The Executive Councillor (Leisure) stated that he would provide a written response to the questioner.
· The level of confidence in the content of the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation; and the inclusion of unsubstantiated evidence in the previous consultation undertaken.
The Leader of the Council stated that he had full confidence in the current Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation.
· The continuation of the school crossing patrol on Gorton Road and Longford Road, Reddish.
The Executive Councillor (Transportation) replied that it was the policy of the Council to have school crossing patrols in place where government guidance indicated this should be the case. It was further commented that the issue of School Crossing Patrol provision would be considered later in the meeting.
· The origins of funding for Grand Central Pool that had been identified in the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation.
The Executive Councillor (Finance) responded that the funding in question which would be used for investment in Grand Central Pool would come from the Council’s Capital Programme which was funded by prudential borrowing.
· The necessity of the provision of a new leisure facility for residents of Bridgehall, Adswood and Edgeley; and the disparity in the funding of leisure centres in the Borough.
Councillor Bailey answered that there was no need to provide facilities to replace that available at Avondale and that any replacement facility would not include a swimming pool. It was further commented that Councillor Bailey considered it unfair that other facilities in the Borough had received a disproportionate amount of investment while the Avondale facility had received very little.
· Whether a breakdown of the usage figures included in the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation could be broken down further into single use and group bookings; and whether the Executive Councillor (Leisure) had visited the Avondale centre since the decision not to close the facility had been made.
The Executive Councillor (Leisure) advised that it would be difficult to disaggregate the usage figures due the method of collection for these figures. He further reported that he had recently visited the Avondale facility and had compiled a list of works that needed to be completed.
· Whether a consultation with users of leisure facilities in Stockport should have formed part of the shaping of the Stockport Leisure Strategy Consultation; and if the questionnaire being used to consult people was sufficient.
The Executive Councillor (Customer Focus) replied that it was not feasible or practical to consult on the on the consultation itself. In addition, it was stated that there was opportunity for residents and users ... view the full minutes text for item 2.(i) |
Petitions and Presentations To receive petitions, and by prior arrangement, receive delegations and presentations from members of the public, community groups or partnership organisations.
London Olympics 2012
To consider a presentation from Denise Irving (Stockport Sports Trust) on the 2012 London Olympics. Minutes: There were no petitions presented to the meeting.
London Olympics 2012
Councillor John Smith (Executive Councillor (Leisure)), Denise Irving (Active Stockport Manager) and Laura Murphy (Olympic Legacy Coordinator) attended the meeting and made a presentation on the impact of the 2012 London Olympics on Stockport, the Borough’s preparations and the legacy that would be left for the Borough.
At the conclusion of the item, the Mayor expressed thanks to Councillor John Smith, Denise Irving and Laura Murphy. |
Joint Authorities (a) Section 41 Spokespersons
The following councillors to answer questions (if any) on the business of the joint authorities:-
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
To appoint the following spokespersons to answer questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee:-
Unlike the Joint Authorities where the Section 41 Spokespersons are determined by the relevant Authority, it is for the Council Meeting to appoint spokespersons to answer questions on the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee. Councillor Dave Goddard is the Council’s representative on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and the following are the Council’s representatives on the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee:-
Councillor Paul Bellis Councillor Stuart Corris Councillor Philip Harding Councillor Craig Wright
The appointed councillors to then answer questions (if any) on the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee. Minutes: (a) Section 41 Spokespersons
Councillors were invited to question the Council’s representatives on Joint Authorities.
Councillor Meikle asked whether there were any plans to close any fire stations in the Borough; and whether any work had been done to assist those units which had responded during the recent disturbances in Manchester and Salford.
Councillor David Wilson responded that he was not aware of any plans to close any fire stations in the Borough. He further responded that firefighters had operated under extreme pressure and at great risk during the recent disturbances.
Councillor Mick Jones stated that a ‘999 Coastal Challenge’ had taken place recently during which there was an attempt by eleven firefighters to circumnavigate the United Kingdom. Councillor Jones congratulated those firefighters who participated on their achievement, and enquired why support had not been provided by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority.
Councillor David Wilson agreed to respond in writing to the issues raised by the questioner.
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
RESOLVED – That the following councillors be appointed to answer questions in relation to the discharge of the functions of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee:-
There were no questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority or the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee. |
Policy Framework and Budget |
To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services. Minutes: The Executive Councillor (Finance) (Councillor Sue Derbyshire) submitted the Treasury Management Annual Report 2010/11 and Treasury Management Policy Statement and Practices (copies of which had been circulated).
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the actual 2010/11 prudential and treasury indicators as detailed in the report.
(2) That the Annual Treasury Management Report 2010/11 be noted.
(3) That the presentational changes to the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Practices to reflect the new Council structure be noted. |
Leader's Report and Executive Question Time |
Executive Business To receive a report from the Executive Leader and other members of the Executive on the conduct of Executive business since the last Council Meeting. Minutes: The Leader of the Council (Councillor Dave Goddard) reported that:-
· On 15 July 2011 he had met with Andrew Stunell MP and Ann Coffey MP to discuss the future of Stockport Market. He further reported that the Council was working closely with the Local Government Association and the National Association of British Market Authorities to put Stockport Market on a secure footing for the future. · On 19 July 2011 the Council’s Corporate Leadership Team had met with Trafford Council with a view to developing joint working in the future. In addition, there would be a similar meeting with the Leader and Chief Executive of Oldham Council to develop a similar approach. · On 25 July 2011 he had attended the opening of the Park Square office development in Cheadle Heath along with the Mayor and Mayoress. · He had attended the successful opening of the new Primark store in Stockport Town Centre on 6 September 2011. It was commented that although indications were that the town centre had a 20% vacancy rate, footfall within the town centre had seen an increase from this point last year. · On 9 September 2011, there had been a business seminar at which there were over 100 local business representatives in attendance and an opportunity was provided for questions to be asked of both himself and the Chief Executive. · During the weekend of 17 September 2011 he had attended two successful events in the form of the Marple Festival and a ‘Farmers Market’ at Stockport Market. · Finally, he reported that the current Chinese Consul-General who was resident in Heaton Mersey, Mr Ni Jian would be leaving his current posting to take up another post in Iraq.
The Executive Councillor (Environment) (Councillor Shan Alexander) reported that:-
· Since the rollout of the four bin solution for waste collection in the Borough, recycling rates had almost doubled from 35% in 2007/08 to 67% in the first quarter of 2011. · Stockport was the top performer in Greater Manchester in terms of its recycling rate and for generating the lowest amount of residual waste which had resulted in significant financial benefits including rebates from the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority of £2.3 million. · A ‘Right Bin’ initiative had recently been launched which was aimed at changing behaviour to encourage recycling. · The Council had recently received a positive inspection from the Health and Safety Executive of its waste and recycling operation.
The Executive Councillor (Transportation) (Councillor Iain Roberts) reported that the Council had recently commenced a three month consultation in relation to parking provision within the Borough which included not only formal parking provision but would also extend to residents parking schemes.
The Executive Councillor (Leisure) (Councillor John Smith) reported that:-
· The Council had achieved a further three Green Flags for its parks, which brought the total to 14. · There were no plans to close any libraries or reduce opening hours and the mobile library service would remain. · On 19 September 2011 a new ebook and online audio book lending service had been launched with the potential for up to three titles being able to be loaned for a 14 day period. · Stockport attractions had received a positive report from Visit England, with the Hatworks, Bramall Hall, the Air Raid Shelters and Staircase House being single out for particular praise. · Stockport Metro had more medallists than any swimming programme in the country and the Council was committed to providing excellent sporting facilities. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Executive Leader or other members of the Executive, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: The Leader of the Council and the Executive Councillors (Adults and Health), (Children and Young People), (Environment), (Leisure), (Regeneration) and (Transportation) answered questions in relation to the business of the Executive in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the Minutes of the Executive held on 11 July, 8 August and 5 September 2011 and the record of executive decisions taken since the last Council Meeting, (schedule enclosed, decisions previously circulated) and consider any recommendations they contain. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the minutes of the Executive Meetings on 11 July, 8 August and 5 September 2011 and the record of Executive Decision taken since the last meeting of the Council to be duly received. |
Scrutiny |
Scrutiny Business To receive a report from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of Scrutiny business. Minutes: There were no reports from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Scrutiny Chairs, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: In accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11, Councillor Meikle answered questions as Chair of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee in respect of the planning of items for agendas of meetings of the Scrutiny Committee. |
To receive the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees:-
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Ordinary and Area Committees |
Regulatory Committee Business To receive a report from the Chairs of the Planning & Highways Regulation and Licensing, Environment & Safety Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. Minutes: The Chair of the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee (Councillor Lenny Grice) reported that the Annual Review of Outcomes Tour would be taking place on Friday, 14 October 2011 and encouraged all councillors to attend the Tour. It was further reported that a new website for the planning service was under construction which would provide greater assistance to both councillors and the public. Finally, it was commented that the success rate for the Council on appeals against planning applications had improved significantly this year. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Chairs of Ordinary and Area Committees, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: In accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11, Councillor Bagnall answered questions as Chair of the Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South Area Committee in respect of the proposed installation of a pedestrian crossing on Bramhall Moor Lane, Bramhall. |
To receive the minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees:-
Ordinary Committees
Area Committees
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Ordinary Committees
Area Committees
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 |
School Crossing Patrols This Council Meeting:
· recognises the good work done by school crossing patrol personnel in keeping the country’s children safe since 1954; · takes seriously its duty of care towards children living in Stockport; · regrets the Council’s decision to reduce the number of school crossing patrols by 40%; · acknowledges the importance of school crossing patrols to the local community and parents and children in Stockport; · is concerned about the lack of consultation with parents, headteachers, school governors and local councillors about changes to service provision.
Taking account of the guidance contained in the School Crossing Patrol Service Guidelines, this Council resolved that measures which contribute towards the safety of children walking to school should be protected.
This Council Meeting believes that those school crossing patrols which were staffed should be re-established as soon as possible and those sites which were identified as vacant be re-examined.
This Council Meeting therefore requests;
· that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members, identify funding from existing resources within the Marketing and Communications Budget to restore the services identified; · that this matter is referred to the Executive with the recommendation that the view of this Council Meeting, to reverse their earlier decision, is accepted; · that this course of action follows consultation with parents, headteachers, school governors and local councillors.
Moved by: Cllr Philip Harding Seconded by: Cllr Syd Lloyd
Minutes: MOVED AND SECONDED – That this Council Meeting:
· recognises the good work done by school crossing patrol personnel in keeping the country’s children safe since 1954; · takes seriously its duty of care towards children living in Stockport; · regrets the Council’s decision to reduce the number of school crossing patrols by 40%; · acknowledges the importance of school crossing patrols to the local community and parents and children in Stockport; · is concerned about the lack of consultation with parents, headteachers, school governors and local councillors about changes to service provision.
Taking account of the guidance contained in the School Crossing Patrol Service Guidelines, this Council resolved that measures which contribute towards the safety of children walking to school should be protected.
This Council Meeting believes that those school crossing patrols which were staffed should be re-established as soon as possible and those sites which were identified as vacant be re-examined.
This Council Meeting therefore requests;
· that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members, identify funding from existing resources within the Marketing and Communications Budget to restore the services identified; · that this matter is referred to the Executive with the recommendation that the view of this Council Meeting, to reverse their earlier decision, is accepted; · that this course of action follows consultation with parents, headteachers, school governors and local councillors. |
Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9 (Duration of Meeting) Minutes: At this stage in the proceedings (10.00 pm) the Mayor informed the Council Meeting that the provisions of Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 (Duration of Meeting) would be invoked unless the Council Meeting wished the meeting to continue.
It was then
MOVED AND SECONDED – That the provision of Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 (Duration of Meeting) be not invoked and that the Council Meeting continues.
For the motion 28, against 32, 1 abstention.
A named vote was requested in relation to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-
Those councillors who voted for the motion were as follows:-
Councillors Brian Bagnall, Sheila Bailey, Paul Bellis, Walter Brett, Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick, Colin Foster, Alexander Ganotis, Anne Graham, Tom Grundy, Philip Harding, Brian Hendley, Linda Holt, Les Jones, Mick Jones, Bryan Leck, Syd Lloyd, Patrick McAuley, Tom McGee, Paul Moss, Chris Murphy, Anthony O’Neill, Maureen Rowles, Alanna Vine, Lisa Walker, David Wilson, David White and William Wragg.
Those councillors who voted against the motion were as follows:-
Councillors Ben Alexander, Shan Alexander, Andrew Bispham, Stuart Bodsworth, Peter Burns, Martin Candler, Stuart Corris, Sue Derbyshire, Kevin Dowling, David Goddard, Chris Gordon, Lenny Grice, Daniel Hawthorne, Kevin Hogg, Sylvia Humphreys, Stella Humphries, Susan Ingham, Pam King, Mags Kirkham, Hazel Lees, Wendy Meikle, Wendy Orrell, John Pantall, Paul Porgess, Iain Roberts, Ann Smith, John Smith, June Somekh, Mark Weldon, Mike Wilson, Craig Wright and Suzanne Wyatt.
The councillor who abstained was Councillor Adrian Nottingham.
The provisions of Council Meeting Procedure Rule 9.1 (Duration of Meeting) were then invoked. |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 (Continued) |
School Crossing Patrols (Continued) Minutes: For the motion 28, against 32, 1 abstention.
A named vote was requested in relation to the voting on this motion and the voting was recorded as follows:-
Those councillors who voted for the motion were as follows:-
Councillors Brian Bagnall, Sheila Bailey, Paul Bellis, Walter Brett, Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick, Colin Foster, Alexander Ganotis, Anne Graham, Tom Grundy, Philip Harding, Brian Hendley, Linda Holt, Les Jones, Mick Jones, Bryan Leck, Syd Lloyd, Patrick McAuley, Tom McGee, Paul Moss, Chris Murphy, Anthony O’Neill, Maureen Rowles, Alanna Vine, Lisa Walker, David Wilson, David White and William Wragg.
Those councillors who voted against the motion were as follows:-
Councillors Ben Alexander, Shan Alexander, Andrew Bispham, Stuart Bodsworth, Peter Burns, Martin Candler, Stuart Corris, Sue Derbyshire, Kevin Dowling, David Goddard, Chris Gordon, Lenny Grice, Daniel Hawthorne, Kevin Hogg, Sylvia Humphreys, Stella Humphries, Susan Ingham, Pam King, Mags Kirkham, Hazel Lees, Wendy Meikle, Wendy Orrell, John Pantall, Paul Porgess, Iain Roberts, Ann Smith, John Smith, June Somekh, Mark Weldon, Mike Wilson, Craig Wright and Suzanne Wyatt.
The councillor who abstained was Councillor Adrian Nottingham. |
Alzheimer's Disease Research Most people are infected by the herpes simplex virus (HSV1) in infancy. HSV1 is the virus which causes cold sores and can, in rare cases, cause the brain disease herpes encephalitis.
Research at Manchester University has shown strong evidence of a link between the HSV1 virus and Alzheimer’s disease which points towards the use of antiviral treatment to slow down the progression of the disease and to vaccination to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Existing cheap (and safe) antiviral drugs may be effective in inhibiting the action of the herpes virus.
This Council Meeting regrets that a recent application by Professor Ruth Itzhaki, Manchester University, Professor Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia, and several other clinicians and scientists, to the Medical Research Council (MRC) for a grant to proceed with a “proof-of concept” trial of antiviral treatment for Alzheimer’s disease was not successful.
This Council Meeting:
· Acknowledges that Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia with 60,000 deaths a year directly attributable to dementia; · Recognises that as people live longer, prevention or treatment (neither of which exists at present) will become ever more important; · Notes that there will be over a million people with dementia by 2025. Here in Stockport the Alzheimer’s Society estimate that 3710 people were suffering from dementia in 2010 and that this is predicted to rise by 30% in the next 10 years; · Recognises that the financial cost of dementia to the UK in 2007 was estimated to be over £17 billion a year.
This Council Meeting therefore:
· Requests that the Chief Executive write to the Secretary of State for Health making the view of this Council known and requesting other avenues of funding be explored for this promising project. · Further requests that the Chief Executive write to all 3 Stockport Members of Parliament to draw this research to their attention and request that they take every opportunity to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease.
Moved by: Cllr Anthony O’Neill Seconded by: Cllr Syd Lloyd Minutes: RESOLVED - Most people are infected by the herpes simplex virus (HSV1) in infancy. HSV1 is the virus which causes cold sores and can, in rare cases, cause the brain disease herpes encephalitis.
Research at Manchester University has shown strong evidence of a link between the HSV1 virus and Alzheimer’s disease which points towards the use of antiviral treatment to slow down the progression of the disease and to vaccination to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Existing cheap (and safe) antiviral drugs may be effective in inhibiting the action of the herpes virus.
This Council Meeting regrets that a recent application by Professor Ruth Itzhaki, Manchester University, Professor Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia, and several other clinicians and scientists, to the Medical Research Council (MRC) for a grant to proceed with a “proof-of concept” trial of antiviral treatment for Alzheimer’s disease was not successful.
This Council Meeting:
· Acknowledges that Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia with 60,000 deaths a year directly attributable to dementia; · Recognises that as people live longer, prevention or treatment (neither of which exists at present) will become ever more important; · Notes that there will be over a million people with dementia by 2025. Here in Stockport the Alzheimer’s Society estimate that 3710 people were suffering from dementia in 2010 and that this is predicted to rise by 30% in the next 10 years; · Recognises that the financial cost of dementia to the UK in 2007 was estimated to be over £17 billion a year.
This Council Meeting therefore:
· Requests that the Chief Executive write to the Secretary of State for Health making the view of this Council known and requesting other avenues of funding be explored for this promising project. · Further requests that the Chief Executive write to all 3 Stockport Members of Parliament to draw this research to their attention and request that they take every opportunity to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. |
The Scrutiny Review Programme 2011/12 To consider a report of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services). Minutes: A report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services) was submitted outlining the development of work programmes for scrutiny committees in 2011/12 to ensure that scrutiny works alongside and supports the decision making process and can fully contribute to the policy review and policy development facets of scrutiny. The report also provided details of a proposed programme of reviews to be carried out by scrutiny committees in 2011/12.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the Scrutiny Review Programme for 2011/12. |
Draft Business Programme 2012-2014 To consider a report of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services). Minutes: A report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services) was submitted detailing the proposed Business Programme for the municipal years 2012/13 and 2013/14.
RESOLVED – (17 against) That the Business Programme for the municipal years 2012/13 and 2013/14 be approved and adopted. |
Members' Allowances Scheme To consider a report of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services). Additional documents: Minutes: A report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services) was submitted detailing proposed amendments to the Members’ Allowances Scheme following the receipt of recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel.
RESOLVED - (31 for, 28 against, 2 abstentions) That the Members’ Allowances Scheme be amended to:-
(1) Include within the Schedule provision for the payment of allowances to members of the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) in accordance with the recommendations of the Greater Manchester Joint Independent Remuneration Panel; namely as follows:-
(2) That the same provisions as related to the Dependent Carers’ Allowance; that allowances be pensionable and the indexation of allowances as was provided for within the current Scheme for all other allowances be extended to the allowances payable to members of the GMWDA.
(3) That the existing provision in paragraph 4(4) of the Members’ Allowances Scheme to pay more than one Special Responsibility Allowance to members of the GMWDA be retained.
(4) That in order to ensure a consistent approach to the payment of GMWDA allowances across the county, paragraph 7(1) of the Scheme be amended to read:-
“Subject to sub-paragraph 2, expenses necessarily incurred on subsistence and travel in connection with “approved” duties (Schedule 2) will be reimbursed in accordance with the equivalent scheme applicable to employees of the Council, save for those expenses paid in connection with duties related to membership of the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority or the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee which will be reimbursed at the current HMRC rates.”
(5) That the recommendations of the Panel be backdated to the Annual Meeting of the GMWDA (17 June 2011) as permitted by the 2003 Members’ Allowances Regulations (regulation 10, paragraph 6).
(6) That the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Chair of the Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee should be set at £8,106.81.
(7) That the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Vice-Chair of the Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee should be set at £3,648.06.
(8) That payment of the revised Special Responsibility Allowances for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Licensing, Environment and Safety Committee be backdated to the Annual Council Meeting (17 May 2011).
(9) That a full Review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme be commenced in September 2012.
A named vote was requested in relation to the voting on this resolution and the voting was recorded as follows:-
Those councillors who voted for the resolution were as follows:-
Councillors Ben Alexander, Shan Alexander, Andrew Bispham, Stuart Bodsworth, Martin Candler, Stuart Corris, Sue Derbyshire, Kevin Dowling, David Goddard, Chris Gordon, Lenny Grice, Daniel Hawthorne, Kevin Hogg, Stella Humphries, Susan Ingham, Pam King, Mags Kirkham, Hazel Lees, Wendy Meikle, Adrian Nottingham, Wendy Orrell, John Pantall, Paul Porgess, Iain Roberts, Ann Smith, John Smith, June Somekh, Mark Weldon, Mike Wilson, Craig Wright and Suzanne Wyatt.
Those councillors who voted against the resolution were as follows:-
Councillors Brian Bagnall, Sheila Bailey, Paul Bellis, Walter Brett, Richard Coaton, Dean Fitzpatrick, Colin Foster, Alexander Ganotis, Anne Graham, Tom Grundy, Philip Harding, Brian Hendley, Linda Holt, Les Jones, Mick Jones, Bryan Leck, Syd Lloyd, Patrick McAuley, Tom McGee, Paul Moss, Chris Murphy, Anthony O’Neill, Maureen Rowles, Alanna Vine, Lisa Walker, David Wilson, David White and William Wragg.
Those councillors who abstained were Councillors Peter Burns and Sylvia Humphreys. |
Membership of Education Appeals Panel To approve the following additions to the list of members appointed to serve on Education Appeals Panel:-
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the following be added to the list of members appointed to serve on the Education Appeals Panel:-