Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Formalities and Announcements Additional documents: |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 November 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting of the Council held on 17 November 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the Mayor. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor announced that Professor Robina Shah DL had been awarded the title Dame Commander of the British Empire in the King's New Year's Honours list for services to patient care. On behalf of the Council, the Mayor extended his congratulations to Professor Shah.
The Mayor then reported that he had attended a number of events during the festive period including carol services, Christmas light switch ons and other Christmas events.
The Mayor then extended his thanks to all those who were involved in arranging a memorable and moving service held at Stockport War memorial Art Gallery in remembrance of those who lost their lives or were injured in the Droppin Well bombing in Ballykelly on 6 December 1982. It was stated that the service was deeply appreciated by the surviving veterans and the family members of the Cheshire Regiment who were affected by the events of that day. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they may have in any of the items on the Summons for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the Summons for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal Interest
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Community Engagement Additional documents: |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters relevant to the Council’s activities. Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Mayor and councillors on matters within the powers and duties of the Council.
One public question was submitted relating to the stance of Brinnington & Central ward councillors on the proposed closure of St Mary’s RC Primary School and whether they would support an extension to the consultation on the matter in the light of the consultation being held over the Christmas period.
Councillor Andy Sorton responded that the school provided a vital community resource and was a lifeline to many children and parents in the area. It was noted that following an Ofsted inspection in January 2022, the school was judged to be inadequate. However, it was highlighted, that the country was just emerging from covid restrictions at that point which had made an impact on all educational establishments, but more so at a school where 32& of children had special educational needs or a disability. It was stated that the school had subsequently made significant changes such that educational outcomes had improved since the time of the inspection. It was further noted that Stockport town centre was likely to be home to between 6,000-8,000 new dwellings in future years which would place additional demand on school places, and in that context, it made little sense to reduce school place capacity. Finally, Councillor Sorton stated that he believed that there should be an extension to the consultation period.
Councillor Amanda Peers further responded that ward councillors had requested an extension to the consultation period prior to the Christmas break and further meetings were scheduled to discuss the matter further. It was stated that, for a number of reasons, many families whose children attended St Mary's RC Primary School were unable to complete the online consultation independently. It was noted that the school provided education to many residents of Lancashire Hill which was one of the most deprived communities in Stockport and that to expect those families to travel even further to attend school would have a significant detrimental impact. |
Petitions and Presentations To receive petitions, and by prior arrangement, receive delegations and presentations from members of the public, community groups or partnership organisations. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no petitions or presentations. |
Joint Authorities (a) Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel
Councillor Tom Morrison to answer questions, if any, on the business of the Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel.
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
The following councillors to answer questions (if any) on the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority:-
Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel
There were no questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel.
(b) Greater Manchester Combined Authority
There were no questions in relation to the business of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Transport for Greater Manchester Committee or the Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee. |
Policy Framework and Budget Additional documents: |
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing a mid-year review of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23 which had been prepared in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Services.
RESOLVED - (1) That the report and the treasury activity in the first half of the financial year be noted.
(2) That the revised interest rate forecasts for PWLB rates over the short and medium term, which will drive the Council’s long-term borrowing strategies going forward be noted. |
Business Rates and Council Tax Discounts Annual Review To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Malcolm Allan) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the annual review the local scheme of discounts and exemptions which are available in respect of Business Rates and Council Tax and outlining a schedule of proposed changes.
RESOLVED - (1) That the Community Amateur Sports Club Top-up scheme be continued for the year 2023/24, enabling Community Amateur Sports Clubs to achieve 100% relief from Non-Domestic Rates, provided they meet the qualifying criteria at Appendix 2.
(2) That Charity Relief remains limited to the 80% Mandatory Relief for the year 2023/24.
(3) That Rural Rate Relief continues to be limited to 50% Mandatory Relief for the year 2023/24 and should any village shops be established in the future then additional discretionary relief should be awarded up to 100%.
(4) That the 50% discount and qualifying criteria for Not-for-Profit organisations be maintained for the year 2023/24.
(5) That the local scheme for large businesses which are new to the Borough or those undergoing significant expansion in the Borough be continued for 2023/24.
(6) That the continuation of a case-by-case approach for Business Rates discounts where exceptional circumstances exist be continued for 2023/24. It is unlikely that Exceptional Circumstances Relief would be awarded to an organisation which was in receipt of support from the Council, either grant funded or commissioned.
(7) That the Council continues to no longer offer a Council Tax discount in respect of unoccupied and unfurnished properties for 2023/24.
(8) That the maximum Council Tax premium charges continue to be applied in respect of unoccupied and unfurnished properties at the rates shown at para 4.3.3 for 2023/24.
(9) That any Council Tax liability for care leavers up to the age of 25 be reduced to zero for 2023/24.
(10) That Stockport’s Council Tax Support scheme is maintained for 2023/24 as detailed at Appendix 5.
(11) That the Council Tax discretionary fund is set at £0.385m for 2023/24, supporting customers facing financial difficulty, with no alternative means.
(12) That delegation is given to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to review and adjust the Council Tax discretionary fund during 2023/24 capped at a total fund of £0.500m if required, to support the Council’s cost-of-living response.
(13) That the Revenues & Benefits Discretionary Support Policy at Appendix 6 is endorsed for 2023/24.
(14) That approval be given to the setting of the Council’s 2023/24 Council Tax Taxbase at 97,533.30 Band D equivalent dwellings. |
General Business Additional documents: |
Local Audit Update - Appointment of an Independent (Co-opted) Member To consider a report of the Chair of the Audit Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Audit Committee (Councillor John Taylor) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to appoint an independent co-opted member to the Audit Committee.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the appointment of an independent co-opted member to the Audit Committee. |
PSAA Appointment of External Auditor 2023 To consider a report of the Chair of the Audit Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Audit Committee (Councillor John Taylor) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal for the appointment of an external auditor by Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) to eligible bodies that have chosen to opt into the national auditor appointment arrangements, including Stockport Council.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to the appointment of Mazars as the Council’s external auditor to commence on 1 April 2023. |
Admission Appeal and Exclusion Review Panel Members To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) presenting recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel to consider approval for the reimbursement of independent appeals panel members for the time and expense involved in undertaking this function.
RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the introduction of a £32.50 per day payment to members of the Independent Appeals Panel.
(2) That approval be given to the introduction of the allowance being backdated to May 2021.
(3) That it be noted that a recruitment exercise will be undertaken following the introduction of the allowance.
(4) hat the Independent Remuneration Panel be requested to undertake a review of the rate of the allowance at a point 12 months after its introduction to assess its effectiveness in recruiting and retaining panel members. |
Annual Report regarding Councillor Conduct To consider a report of the Chair of the Standards Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Char of the Standards Committee (Mr Stephen Clark) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on complaints received about the conduct of members during the 2021/22 municipal year.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Appointment to the Stockport Local Access Forum To give approval to the appointment of Jonathan Broad as a member of the Stockport Local Access Forum. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That approval be given to the appointment of Jonathan Broad as a member of the Stockport Local Access Forum. |
Leader's Report and Cabinet Question Time Additional documents: |
Cabinet Business To receive a report from the Leader of the Council and other members of the Cabinet on the conduct of Cabinet business since the last Council Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council; the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education; and the Cabinet Members for Climate Change & Environment; Communities & Housing and Finance &Resources made a report on the conduct of Cabinet business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council; the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members for Children, Families & Education; and the Cabinet Members for Climate Change & Environment; Communities & Housing; Economy & Regeneration; Health & Adult Social Care; and Highways, Parks & Leisure Services answered questions and responded to comments relating to the business of the Cabinet in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the Minutes of the Cabinet held on 6 December 2022 and the record of executive decisions taken since the last Council Meeting, (schedule enclosed, decisions previously circulated) and consider any recommendations they contain. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the Cabinet held on 6 December 2022 (copies of which had been circulated) and the record of executive decisions taken (copies of which were circulated) since the last meeting of the Council to be duly received. |
Scrutiny To receive a report from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of Scrutiny business. Additional documents: |
Scrutiny Business To receive a report from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of Scrutiny business. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no reports from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Scrutiny Chairs, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions relating to the business of the Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees:-
Adult Social Care & Health – 24 November 2022 Children & Families – 23 November 2022 Communities & Housing – 21 November 2022 Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 22 November 2022 Economy & Regeneration – 24 November 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the following Scrutiny Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Adult Social Care & Health – 24 November 2022 Children & Families – 23 November 2022 Communities & Housing – 21 November 2022 Corporate, Resource Management & Governance – 22 November 2022 Economy & Regeneration – 24 November 2022 |
Ordinary and Area Committees Additional documents: |
Regulatory Business Additional documents: Minutes: There were no reports from the Chairs of the Planning and Highways Regulation, Licensing, Environment and Safety or Audit Committees on the conduct of their business since the last Council Meeting. |
Questions To answer questions from Councillors addressed to the Chairs of Ordinary and Area Committees, in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions relating to the business of the Ordinary, Area and Ward Committees in accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 11. |
To receive the minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees:-
Ordinary Committees
Appointments – 9 November and 1 December 2022. Audit – 16 November 2022 Contributors – 24 November 2022 Health & Wellbeing Board – 23 November 2022 Health & Wellbeing Board (Better Care Fund) Sub – 23 September 2022 Licensing – 14 December 2022 Licensing Sub – 24 October, 22 November, 23 November, 5 December and 21 December 2022 Planning & Highways Regulation – 10 November and 15 December 2022 Standards – 5 December 2022
Area Committees
Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South – 1 December 2022 Central Stockport – 1 December 2022 Cheadle – 29 November 2022 Heatons & Reddish – 28 November 2022 Marple – 30 November 2022 Stepping Hill – 29 November 2022 Werneth – 28 November 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor declared the Minutes of the following Ordinary and Area Committees (copies of which had been circulated with the Summons) to be duly received:-
Ordinary Committees
Appointments – 9 November and 1 December 2022. Audit – 16 November 2022 Contributors – 24 November 2022 Health & Wellbeing Board – 23 November 2022 Health & Wellbeing Board (Better Care Fund) Sub – 23 September 2022 Licensing – 14 December 2022 Licensing Sub – 24 October, 22 November, 23 November, 5 December and 21 December 2022 Planning & Highways Regulation – 10 November and 15 December 2022 Standards – 5 December 2022
Area Committees
Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme South – 1 December 2022 Central Stockport – 1 December 2022 Cheadle – 29 November 2022 Heatons & Reddish – 28 November 2022 Marple – 30 November 2022 Stepping Hill – 29 November 2022 Werneth – 28 November 2022 |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 Additional documents: |
Tackling child hunger by extending Free School Meal provision and reviewing current criteria This Council meeting notes:
· Within Stockport there are areas of great deprivation, with 17% of the borough being some of the most deprived areas in the country; · Areas of Brinnington and Lancashire Hill rank within the most deprived 1% nationally; and · This deprivation gap is translated over to educational attainment, with only 25% of children in Brinnington achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs.
This council meeting recognises that:
· The cost of living crisis impacts on our children and their families; · The Cabinet are dedicated to ensuring that our most disadvantaged children are not left behind, in line with the levelling up agenda; and · In order to do this, we must ensure that every child has the nutrition they need to be able to work and learn in the school day, as well as enjoy their time in the school environment.
This council meeting also notes:
· The provision of free school meals offers many benefits to children; · A hot and nutritious school meal improves children’s concentration and behaviour during lessons and positively impacts on school attendance, children’s health and academic performance; · Prior to the current cost of living crisis 800,000 school-age children nationally who live in poverty are unable to receive free school meals because their families income surpass the rigid income threshold for receiving free school meals; · In this respect the Government in England is lagging far behind Scotland and Wales, who have begun to deliver universal free school meals on a class-by-class basis; · Whilst in the Coalition Government, Liberal Democrats introduced free school meals for all children in years Reception, 1 and 2. This provided healthy, nutritious free school meals to 1.5 million children aged 4-7 across the UK. · This policy was then scrapped by the Conservative Government in 2017.
This council meeting further notes:
· That the continuing cost of living crisis, with soaring food prices, means that more families are struggling to afford school lunches; · Research by the national children’s health and education charity “Chefs In Schools” found that 85% of primary school teachers said there were children who are ineligible for Free School Meals who would benefit from receiving them and 81% of primary school teachers say in the last 6 months the number of children who come to school hungry had increased; · Prices of low-cost staple groceries have become 17% more expensive in the past year, making it even harder for families to feed their children1. · The number of children who are not eligible for free school meals is likely to be growing with the ongoing cost of living crisis; · Current eligibility for free school meals means a household on universal credit in England must earn less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including benefits), regardless of the number of children in the family, which means that many children from working families in poverty are not entitled to free school meals; and · Children need healthy, nutritious meals all year round and families in poverty need certainty that this will be provided continuously, outside of term time.
This Council Meeting therefore resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, to call for:
· An alleviation of financial pressure on hard working families struggling to feed their children during the cost-of-living crisis by implementing an urgent extension of free school meals to ensure universal provision for all school age groups, for a time limited period to match the cost of living crisis; and · A simultaneous review of the eligibility criteria and realistic threshold that would increase the number of children entitled to free school meals, with universal provision to end only once a more realistic threshold has been implemented; and · Food provision for children on free school meals during the school holidays as standard.
Moved by: Councillor Wendy Meikle
Seconded by: Councillor Malcolm Allan
Footnote: 1. Tracking the price of the lowest-cost grocery items, UK, ... view the full agenda text for item 8.(i) Additional documents: Minutes: MOVED AND SECONDED - This Council meeting notes:
· Within Stockport there are areas of great deprivation, with 17% of the borough being some of the most deprived areas in the country; · Areas of Brinnington and Lancashire Hill rank within the most deprived 1% nationally; and · This deprivation gap is translated over to educational attainment, with only 25% of children in Brinnington achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs.
This council meeting recognises that:
· The cost of living crisis impacts on our children and their families; · The Cabinet are dedicated to ensuring that our most disadvantaged children are not left behind, in line with the levelling up agenda; and · In order to do this, we must ensure that every child has the nutrition they need to be able to work and learn in the school day, as well as enjoy their time in the school environment.
This council meeting also notes:
· The provision of free school meals offers many benefits to children; · A hot and nutritious school meal improves children’s concentration and behaviour during lessons and positively impacts on school attendance, children’s health and academic performance; · Prior to the current cost of living crisis 800,000 school-age children nationally who live in poverty are unable to receive free school meals because their families income surpass the rigid income threshold for receiving free school meals; · In this respect the Government in England is lagging far behind Scotland and Wales, who have begun to deliver universal free school meals on a class-by-class basis; · Whilst in the Coalition Government, Liberal Democrats introduced free school meals for all children in years Reception, 1 and 2. This provided healthy, nutritious free school meals to 1.5 million children aged 4-7 across the UK. · This policy was then scrapped by the Conservative Government in 2017.
This council meeting further notes:
· That the continuing cost of living crisis, with soaring food prices, means that more families are struggling to afford school lunches; · Research by the national children’s health and education charity “Chefs In Schools” found that 85% of primary school teachers said there were children who are ineligible for Free School Meals who would benefit from receiving them and 81% of primary school teachers say in the last 6 months the number of children who come to school hungry had increased; · Prices of low-cost staple groceries have become 17% more expensive in the past year, making it even harder for families to feed their children1. · The number of children who are not eligible for free school meals is likely to be growing with the ongoing cost of living crisis; · Current eligibility for free school meals means a household on universal credit in England must earn less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including benefits), regardless of the number of children in the family, which means that many children from working families in poverty are not entitled to free school meals; and · Children need healthy, nutritious meals all year round and families in poverty need certainty that this will be provided continuously, outside of term time.
This Council Meeting therefore resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, to call for:
· An alleviation of financial pressure on hard working families struggling to feed their children during the cost-of-living crisis by implementing an urgent extension of free school meals to ensure universal provision for all school age groups, for a time limited period to match the cost of living crisis; and · A simultaneous review of the eligibility criteria and realistic threshold that would increase the number of children entitled to free school meals, with universal provision to end only once a more realistic threshold has been implemented; and · Food provision for children on free school meals during the school holidays as standard. |
Adjournment Additional documents: Minutes: At 8.44 pm it was
RESOLVED – That the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting reconvened at 8.55 pm. |
Motions - Notice of which have been given under Council Meeting Procedure Rule 12 (continued) Additional documents: |
Tackling child hunger by extending Free School Meal provision and reviewing current criteria (continued) Additional documents: Minutes: AMENDMENT MOVED AND SECONDED - This Council meeting notes:
Stockport is highly polarised with having extremes of disadvantage and wealth with parts of Stockport being in the top 1% of least deprived areas and other parts of Stockport in the top 1% of most disadvantaged areas in England and that out of 190 lower super output areas in Stockport, 31 are in the top 20% disadvantaged.
Children and young people in receipt of free school meals are much more concentrated in disadvantaged areas but are none the less distributed across the borough.
Children from areas of deprivation in Stockport do less well by the end of reception classes than children with similar characteristics in other areas of Greater Manchester.
The attainment gap at GCSE for children entitled to Pupil Premium and free school meals and the Stockport average is significant across the borough.
· Within Stockport there are areas of great deprivation, with 17% of the borough being some of the most deprived areas in the country; · Areas of Brinnington and Central Ward rank within the most deprived 1% nationally; and · This deprivation gap is translated over to educational attainment, with only 25% of children in Brinnington and Central Ward achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs.
This council meeting recognises that:
· The cost of living crisis impacts on our children and their families; · The Cabinet are dedicated to ensuring that our most disadvantaged children are not left behind, in line with the levelling up agenda; and · In order to do this, we must ensure that every child has the nutrition they need to be able to work and learn in the school day, as well as enjoy their time in the school environment.
This council meeting also notes:
· The provision of free school meals offers many benefits to children; · A hot and nutritious school meal improves children’s concentration and behaviour during lessons and positively impacts on school attendance, children’s health and academic performance; · Prior to the current cost of living crisis 800,000 school-age children nationally who live in poverty are unable to receive free school meals because their families income surpass the rigid income threshold for receiving free school meals; · In this respect the Government in England is lagging far behind Scotland and Wales, who have begun to deliver universal free school meals on a class-by-class basis; · Whilst in the Coalition Government, Liberal Democrats introduced free school meals for all children in years Reception, 1 and 2. This provided healthy, nutritious free school meals to 1.5 million children aged 4-7 across the UK. · This policy was then scrapped by the Conservative Government in 2017. · Conservative Governments have announced the scrapping of the universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) but have not acted on this intention thus far.
This council meeting further notes:
· That the continuing cost of living crisis, with soaring food prices, means that more families are struggling to afford school lunches; · Research by the national children’s health and education charity “Chefs In Schools” found that 85% of primary school teachers said there were children who are ineligible for Free School Meals who would benefit from receiving them and 81% of primary school teachers say in the last 6 months the number of children who come to school hungry had increased; · Prices of low-cost staple groceries have become 17% more expensive in the past year, making it even harder for families to feed their children1. · The number of children who are not eligible for free school meals is likely to be growing with the ongoing cost of living crisis; · Current eligibility for free school meals means a household on universal credit in England must earn less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including benefits), regardless of the number of children in the family, which means that many children from working families in poverty are not entitled to free school meals; and · Children need healthy, nutritious meals all year ... view the full minutes text for item 10.(i) |
Developing the Stockport approach to improving local biodiversity and tackling nature depletion This Council Meeting notes that:
· Tree planting, wildflower meadows, community gardens, orchards and intelligent mowing regimes in parks and grasslands and pond creation are important measures already being taken in Stockport, however there is more that we can do · Biodiversity loss is a crisis that is as serious as climate change. · Biodiversity supports the things in nature that we need to survive and prosper · Nature is well known to influence human well-being, something we became acutely aware of in the last few years as a consequence of pandemic response. Ever increasing urbanisation has meant that many Stockport residents have reduced access to nature.
· The context of this motion shortly after the COP Biodiversity conference in Montréal where a framework to protect and restore nature for current and future generations was signed up to by the UK and other countries · Greater Manchester, of which Stockport is a part, declared a “biodiversity emergency” earlier this year, with projects and initiatives aiming to recover and restore biodiversity, reverse habitat loss and explore what more can be done.
This council meeting therefore resolves to:
· Establish a cross-party ‘Task and Finish’ Group to consider what the council is already doing to improve biodiversity and protect nature, and to identifyother areas for consideration and future further action, together with target dates, in this respect; · Inviting the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, up to two members from each political Group (which may include current members of the Climate Action Now committee), and those officers which would be appropriate to join the Task and Finish Group, with a view to reporting back to the Cabinet Member by late Summer 2023; and · annually thereafter, request the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment to supply an annual ‘Stockport State of Nature’ report to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.
Moved by: Councillor Mark Roberts
Seconded by: Councillor Liz Crix
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - This Council Meeting notes that:
· A previous cross party council motion to support the climate and ecology bill clearly demonstrated the feelings within this chamber on what we expect from our national government but we must play our part too as the custodians of place for Stockport. · Tree planting, wildflower meadows, community gardens, orchards and intelligent mowing regimes in parks and grasslands and pond creation are important measures already being taken in Stockport, however there is more that we can do · Biodiversity loss is a crisis that is as serious as climate change. · Biodiversity supports the things in nature that we need to survive and prosper · Nature is well known to influence human well-being, something we became acutely aware of in the last few years as a consequence of pandemic response. Ever increasing urbanisation has meant that many Stockport residents have reduced access to nature.
The role of biodiversity and nature in helping to regulate
greenhouse gases and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather, is
an important element to tackling climate change and building
resilience to baked in future climate change · The context of this motion shortly after the COP Biodiversity conference in Montréal where a framework to protect and restore nature for current and future generations was signed up to by the UK and other countries · Greater Manchester, of which Stockport is a part, declared a “biodiversity emergency” earlier this year, with projects and initiatives aiming to recover and restore biodiversity, reverse habitat loss and explore what more can be done.
This council meeting therefore resolves to:
· Establish a cross-party ‘Task and Finish’ Group to consider what the council is already doing to improve biodiversity and protect nature, and to identifyother areas for consideration and future further action, together with target dates, in this respect; · Inviting the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, up to two members from each political Group (which may include current members of the Climate Action Now committee), and those officers which would be appropriate to join the Task and Finish Group, with a view to reporting back to the Cabinet Member by late Summer 2023; and · annually thereafter, request the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment to supply an annual ‘Stockport State of Nature’ report to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee. |
Freedom to practice religious beliefs without fear This council notes that Greater Manchester Police are investigating a Critical Incident in relation to an alleged hate crime at the Heatons Muslim Community Trust on 9th December.
This council strongly supports the rights of its residents to worship without fear or retribution and strongly condemns those who would seek to undermine this right.
Moved by: Councillor Colin Foster
Seconded by: Councillor Dean Fitzpatrick Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - This council notes that Greater Manchester Police are investigating a Critical Incident in relation to an alleged hate crime at the Heatons Muslim Community Trust on 9th December.
This council strongly supports the rights of its residents to worship without fear or retribution and strongly condemns those who would seek to undermine this right. |
Learning from Awaab Ishak - Tackling Mould and Damp in Stockport's Rented Properties Stockport Homes has consistently shown that it works for its residents. Nevertheless, as a council, we must lead from the front to ensure our social housing stock is maintained to the highest quality. This is especially the case in tackling any cases of mould and damp within Stockport Homes maintained properties.
Mould and damp is an issue that also affects private rental and housing association properties and we must ensure we never see a tragic case similar to that of Awaab Ishak within a Stockport Homes property or, indeed, in any rental property within Stockport.
Therefore, this council acknowledges:
· The tragic death of the two-year old Awaab Ishak as a result of chronic exposure to mould within the family’s one-bedroom flat in Rochdale; · The failure of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to maintain the property and fix the mould issue that led to Awaab’s death; and · The letter written by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to council leaders and social housing providers that damp and mould complaints must be dealt with “with sufficient seriousness”.
In light of this, this council asks Stockport Homes and the private landlords they work with to:
· Ensure it prioritises damp and mould complaints and resolves them without delay; · Identifies and prioritises vulnerable tenants for dealing with damp and mould issues - particularly the very young, the very old and those with chronic lung conditions. · To prioritise these vulnerable tenants in addressing repairs to areas of their homes that can lead to damp and mould. Eg, clearing guttering, sealing windows, replacing faulty extraction fans in bathrooms and kitchens; · Provide tenants with actionable tips and guidance for keeping mould at bay. Ie, beyond advice to simply ‘wipe it off’; · Provide specific training to call handlers on how to advise tenants telephoning or emailing about their damp and mould problems; · Ensure all operatives are provided with adequate PPE when visiting homes to assess or remediate damp and mould problems; · Inform all tenants on how they can contact Stockport Homes to ensure damp and mould complaints can be dealt with; · Always ensure its primary focus is delivering new social housing and maintaining, to the highest standard, its existing properties; · Ensure all councillors are given the opportunity to attend regular inspection walkabouts with Stockport Homes officers; and · Stockport Homes update the council on this work by delivering a presentation to full council at the next available opportunity.
This council also asks the Chief Executive: · To write to all housing associations with properties within Stockport and ask them to update councillors on their maintenance procedures for dealing with mould and damp complaints.
Moved by: Councillor David Meller
Seconded by: Councillor Kate Butler Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - Stockport Homes has consistently shown that it works for its residents. Nevertheless, as a council, we must lead from the front to ensure our social housing stock is maintained to the highest quality. This is especially the case in tackling any cases of mould and damp within Stockport Homes maintained properties.
Mould and damp is an issue that also affects private rental and housing association properties and we must ensure we never see a tragic case similar to that of Awaab Ishak within a Stockport Homes property or, indeed, in any rental property within Stockport.
Therefore, this council acknowledges:
· The tragic death of the two-year old Awaab Ishak as a result of chronic exposure to mould within the family’s one-bedroom flat in Rochdale; · The failure of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to maintain the property and fix the mould issue that led to Awaab’s death; and · The letter written by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to council leaders and social housing providers that damp and mould complaints must be dealt with “with sufficient seriousness”.
In light of this, this council asks Stockport Homes and the private landlords they work with to:
· Ensure it prioritises damp and mould complaints and resolves them without delay; · Identifies and prioritises vulnerable tenants for dealing with damp and mould issues - particularly the very young, the very old and those with chronic lung conditions. · To prioritise these vulnerable tenants in addressing repairs to areas of their homes that can lead to damp and mould. Eg, clearing guttering, sealing windows, replacing faulty extraction fans in bathrooms and kitchens; · Provide tenants with actionable tips and guidance for keeping mould at bay. Ie, beyond advice to simply ‘wipe it off’; · Provide specific training to call handlers on how to advise tenants telephoning or emailing about their damp and mould problems; · Ensure all operatives are provided with adequate PPE when visiting homes to assess or remediate damp and mould problems; · Inform all tenants on how they can contact Stockport Homes to ensure damp and mould complaints can be dealt with; · Always ensure its primary focus is delivering new social housing and maintaining, to the highest standard, its existing properties; · Ensure all councillors are given the opportunity to attend regular inspection walkabouts with Stockport Homes officers; and · Stockport Homes update the council on this work by delivering a presentation to full council at the next available opportunity.
This council also asks the Chief Executive:
· To write to all housing associations with properties within Stockport and ask them to update councillors on their maintenance procedures for dealing with mould and damp complaints. |