Venue: Conference Room 1 - Fred Perry House - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Georgia Latham (0161 474 3229)
No. | Item | ||||||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 7 March 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:-
Personal Interests
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Community Engagement Additional documents: |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues. Additional documents: Minutes: It was announced that Stockport’s Neighbourhoods and Prevention Partnership was seeking local residents active in supporting the community, or any Area Committee members, to volunteer to influence the work of the Partnership. Applicants and nominees were requested to contact
It was reported that the draft Travel Plan was currently under consideration by the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) prior to its submission to the Council for formal consideration. It was noted that representatives of the Trust were scheduled to present the Travel Plan to a future meeting of the Area Committee.
Members request an update in relation to the concerns around the situation of parking at Stepping Hill hospital. In response it was commented that the Trust were currently reviewing the enforcement arrangements at the hospital which would go some way to alleviate the issue.
Neighbourhood Policing Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that the Neighbourhood Police Sergeant was unable to attend the meeting. The Chair informed the Committee that the Neighbourhood Police Sergeant would be invited to attend the next meeting of the Area Committee in June 2023. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting. You can also submit via the Council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions were submitted. |
Petitions To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups. Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were submitted. |
Open Forum In accordance with the Code of Practice no organisation has indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) reported that no organisations had indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements.
Ward Flexibility Funding - Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for an overall grant of £2100 (£100 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of providing refreshments (coffee and sandwiches) during and after physical activities including walking with walking with litter picks in local green spaces, weekly squash and tennis sessions for all of the Stockport LGBTQIA+ community. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted an application received on behalf of Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC for an overall grant of £2,100 (£100 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of providing refreshments (coffee and sandwiches) during and after physical activities including walking with walking with litter picks in local green spaces, weekly squash and tennis sessions for all of the Stockport LGBTQIA+ community.
Members raised concerns in relation to the large amount of funding requested and felt that the amount requested comparable to the use of the funds was not in keeping with the spirit of how the funds should be spent. It was stated that the Area Committee were supportive of the organisation and encouraged the organisation to apply for funding from the Ward Flexibility Funding budget in future for other projects.
RESOLVED – That the application from Stockport LGBT+ Centre CIC be declined on this occasion on the grounds that it was felt elements of the proposed activity were not in keeping with the spirit of the funding guidelines.
Ward Flexibility Funding - Knypersley Neighbourhood Watch Association To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Knypersley Neighbourhood Watch Association for a grant of £1,000 from Offerton ward allocation only towards the cost of purchasing a Defibrillator to be placed at the Baker’s Shop on Hempshaw Lane. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted an application received on behalf of Knypersley Neighbourhood Watch Association for a grant from the Ward Flexibility Budget towards the cost of purchasing a Defibrillator to be placed at the Baker’s Shop on Hempshaw Lane.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application received on behalf of Knypersley Neighbourhood Watch Association for a grant of £1,000 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (Offerton ward allocation only) towards the cost of purchasing a Defibrillator to be placed at the Baker’s Shop on Hempshaw Lane.
Ward Flexibility Funding - Royal British Legion - Hazel Grove Branch
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from the Royal British Legion - Hazel Grove Branch for a grant of £1000 (from the Hazel Grove ward allocation) towards the cost of the installation of a wooden carved Poppy in the Hazel Grove Remembrance Garden. Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted an application received on behalf of the Royal British Legion – Hazel Grove Branch for a grant from the Ward Flexibility Budget towards the cost of the installation of a wooden carved Poppy in the Hazel Grove Remembrance Garden.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to to an application received from the Royal British Legion – Hazel Grove Branch for a grant of £1,100 from the Ward Flexibility Budget (Hazel Grove ward allocation only) towards the cost of the installation of a wooden carved Poppy in the Hazel Grove Remembrance Garden. |
Ward Flexibility Funding - Social Events Activities
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from Social Events Activities for an overall grant of £1,000 (£150 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of promoting the social side of the group by purchasing paper, printer ink, receipt books, stamps, making telephone calls and taking photographs. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted an application received on behalf of Social Events Activities for a grant from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget towards the cost of promoting the social side of the group by purchasing paper, printer ink, receipt books, stamps, making telephone calls and taking photographs.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application from Social Events Activities for a grant of £150 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£50 from each ward allocation) towards the cost of promoting the social side of the group by purchasing paper, printer ink, receipt books, stamps, making telephone calls and taking photographs. |
Development Applications There are currently no development applications to consider. Additional documents: Minutes: No development applications were submitted. |
Planning Appeal, Enforcement Appeals and Enforcement Notices To consider a report of the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Governance.
The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Stepping Hill Area Committee area.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) listing any outstanding or recently determined planning appeals and enforcements within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.
It was requested that an update in relation to the planning appeal against the refusal of prior approval of permitted development rights for a proposed 5G 17m telecoms installation H3G street pole and additional cabinets at Macclesfield Road, Fiveways, Hazel Grove be provided to the next meeting of the Area Committee.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Residents Permit Parking Petition - Vernon Street, Hazel Grove To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
This report contains a desktop study which details the existing parking conditions following the receipt of a petition requesting the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
The Area Committee is recommended to:
1) Note the report; or
2) Approve funding in the amount of £6,000 from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Hazel Grove ward allocation) to enable consultation and further investigations into the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
Officer Contact: Noel Nhengu by email at
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) which contained a desktop study detailing the existing parking conditions following the receipt of a petition requesting the introduction of a residents permit parking scheme on Vernon Street, Hazel Grove.
It was commented that due to ward boundary changes, none of the sitting councillors in the Hazel Grove ward would represent that location following the forthcoming local elections and it would therefore be fairer to defer consideration of the report until after the election.
RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Area Committee. |
Proposed removal of redundant cycle stands on Arundel Avenue, Hazel Grove. To consider a report of the Assistant Director of Place Management.
The report sets out the proposed removal of the redundant cycle stands on Arundel Avenue at the junction with Harlech Drive, Hazel Grove, making good of the pebbled surface and replacement of planter.
The Area Committee is recommended to give approval to the removal of the redundant cycle stands and consideration of replacement with a planter or similar from stock with local non-funded maintenance at a cost of £3,000 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Stepping Hill ward allocation).
Officer Contact: Jonathan Brown on 0161 474 4843 or by email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the proposed removal of the redundant cycle stands on Arundel Avenue at the junction with Harlech Drive, Hazel Grove, making good of the pebbled surface and replacement of planter.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· It was noted that the planter would either be sourced from another location, or a new planter provided in conjunction with any monies remaining from the Great Moor Park covid memorial fund to reduce the overall cost. · In response to a query around why the planter was not being agreed within the report, it was commented that a phased approach was being taken for this scheme as there were a number of options under consideration.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to the removal of the redundant cycle stands on Arundel Avenue at the junction with Harlech Drive, Hazel Grove, the making good of the pebbled surface and the replacement of planter at an estimated cost of £3,000 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Stepping Hill ward allocation). |
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report details an application from 4 Seasons Events Group to hold a Kids Adventure Kingdom Inflatable World & Childrens Rides Event from Friday 18th August to Monday 21st August 2023 at Torkington Park. The event will be open from midday until 6pm each day and access will be required from Wednesday 16th August until Tuesday 22nd August.
The Area Committee is recommended to give approval to the application subject to the organisers providing the appropriate insurances, health and safety documentation and paying the fee.
Officer Contact: Jacky Budd on 0161 474 3332 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance submitted a report of the Director for Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application from 4 Seasons Events Group to hold a Kids Adventure Kingdom Inflatable World & Childrens Rides Event from Friday 18th August to Monday 21st August 2023 at Torkington Park.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· It was commented that the length of this event, four days, was on the periphery of the maximum time that the Area Committee was happy to grant for park events. · It was requested that officers liaise with the organisers to ensure that the event was located a sufficient distance away from houses which border Torkington Park.
RESOLVED – That approval be given to an application received from 4 Seasons Events Group to hold a Kids Adventure Kingdom Inflatable World & Childrens Rides Event from Friday 18th August to Monday 21st August 2023 at Torkington Park, subject to all appropriate paperwork and licences being obtained and submitted to the Council at least one week prior to the event taking place.
Progress on Area Committee Decisions To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer).
The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and details the current position on area flexibility funding. The report also includes the current position on the highway and traffic management delegated budget.
The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Georgia Latham on 0161 474 3229 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress on the decisions taken by the Area Committee since the last meeting and the current position on the Area Flexibility and the Delegated budget.
RESOLVED - That the report be noted. |