Agenda and minutes

Stepping Hill Area Committee - Tuesday, 29th May, 2012 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Councillors Wendy Orrell and William Wragg were nominated for election to the office of chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


For Councillor Orrell – 5

For Councillor Wragg – 3


It was then


RESOLVED – That Councillor Wendy Orrell be elected chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.

Councillor Orrell in the Chair


Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.



RESOLVED – That Councillor Kevin Hogg be appointed Vice-Chair of the Area Committee for the period until the next Annual Council Meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2012.


The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 14 February 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.


The following interests were declared:-


Personal Interests




Stuart Corris, Kevin Hogg and William Wragg

Agenda item 6 (vi) ‘Area Flexibility Funding’ as a member of the Royal British Legion, Hazel Grove Branch.



Urgent Decisions

To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Committee.


To note that the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with Area Committee members, agreed to two area flexibility funding from:-


·         Norbury Church Allotments - £528 for water recycling facilities

·         3rd Offerton Scouts - £278.63 for assistance with their summer camp


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager reported that the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with Area Committee members, had agreed to two area flexibility grants from:-


·         Norbury Church Allotments - £528 for water recycling facilities

·         3rd Offerton Scouts - £278.63 for assistance with their summer camp


RESOLVED – That the action be noted.


Community Engagement


Chair's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair about local community events or issues.


·         ‘Pass the Baton’


It was reported that there would be a series of events taking place on Saturday, 7 July in local parks to celebrate Stockport’s greenspaces and the legacy of the 2012 Olympics.


·         Olympic Torch Relay


It was reported that the Olympic Torch would be passing through the borough on Sunday, 24 June 2012 between 8am and 12.30pm. The route would include the A6, Bramhall Moor Lane and Pepper Road.


Neighbourhood Policing

Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ issues with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


With the consent of the Area Committee, this item was considered in conjunction with Agenda Item 6(vi) ‘Open Forum – Safer Stockport Partnership – Annual Report 2011/12’.


Inspector Paul Bray (Greater Manchester Police) and Karen Pimlott (Community Safety Operations Manager, Stockport Council) attended the meeting to make a presentation in respect of the work of the Safer Stockport Partnership in 2011/12 to reduce crime and improve public safety within the Stepping Hill area.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The work with licensees in Hazel Grove was welcomed. The recent warm weather had led to an increase in glasses being taken into the street.

·         The eight years of continual reductions in crime was welcomed as was the successful partnership working by agencies in Stockport. Reductions against current targets were also strong.

·         Concerns were raised about the response to phone calls and voicemails at the NPT office.


RESOLVED – That That Inspector Bray and Karen Pimlott be thanked for their attendance.


Public Question Time

Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair of the Area Committee on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice (Questions must be submitted prior to the commencement of the meeting on the cards provided. These are available the meeting and at local libraries and information centres.  You can also submit via the Council’s website at


Members of the public were invited to put questions to the Chair on any matters within the powers and duties of the Area Committee, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice.


Five questions were submitted, all relating to the new development at Stockport Grammar School and seeking assurances from the Council that residents’ concerns about the impact of the development would be addressed. Concerns were raised about privacy, disruption caused by the lighting of the site and the disruption that may be caused by the demolition of the building known as the ‘black and white building’.


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager clarified that the development had been granted planning permission and that it was not possible for the Council (as planning authority) to require the School to undertake work that was not part of the planning permission.


Councillors expressed concerns about the potential loss of privacy for both residents and pupils at the school. It was also suggested that the Council may be able to take action under statutory nuisance legislation where the building and its activities may be causing problems to neighbours.


RESOLVED – That the concerns raised by residents in respect of the new development at Stockport Grammar School be referred to the Service Director (Place Development) and that the Service Director be requested to submit a report to the next meeting providing clarification on:-


·         whether the conditions on the planning permission in respect of the lighting scheme and school travel plan had been discharged;

·         whether the building was compliant with its planning permission, and

·         the powers/ responsibility of the Council in respect of the proposed demolition of the ‘black and white’ building on the school site.


Public Realm

The local Public Realm Inspector will attend the meeting to provide an update on matters raised at the last committee meetings. Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise issues affecting local environmental quality and the condition of the highway.


Adam Cunningham (Public Realm Enforcement Officer) and Richard Daniels (Senior Public Realm Enforcement Officer) attended the meeting to report on current issues and to answer questions from councillors and members of the public in relation to public realm issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The Area Committee were updated on changes to Council services which had resulted in the creation of the Public Realm Service, bringing together Environment Services, Highway Services and the Parks Services. As a result of these changes Kay Williams, Public Realm Inspector, would be attending future Area Committee meeting.


The following issues were raised:-


·         Problems with bins not being collected from properties on the junction of Norwood Road and the A6.

·         Persistent problems with pigeon fouling beneath the railway bridges on Macclesfield Road and Chester Road. The situation was being monitored by the Council.

·         Problems with glasses being left outside licensed premises in Hazel Grove.

·         Littering and accumulation of waste on the footpath along the railway line behind Longmead Avenue and Linda Drive, Hazel Grove. It was proposed to involve those taking part in Restorative Justice to assist with clearing the area as well as writing to business near this area to remind them of their responsibilities.


Councillors thanked Adam Cunningham for his hard work and dedication in the Stepping Hill Area.


RESOLVED – (1) That Adam Cunningham and Richard Daniels be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


(2) That the Area Committee would welcome the attendance of an officer from the Public Realm Service with a background in highways at the next meeting to participate in the proposed Open Forum with United Utilities.


(3) That the Service Director (Place Management) be requested to rectify the defective yellow lines on Commercial Road in the vicinity of the former entrance to the car park.



To receive petitions from members of the public and community groups.


No petitions were submitted.


Open Forum pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Safer Stockport Partnership - Annual Report 2011/12


Representatives of the Community Safety Unit and Greater Manchester Police will make a presentation to the Area Committee outlining the work of the Partnership to reduce crime in the Stepping Hill Area Committee area in 2011/12.


United Utilities


A representative of United Utilities will attend the meeting to discuss the Area Committee’s concerns about delays in responding to highway collapse caused by collapsed drains.


(a)  Safer Stockport Partnership – Annual Report 2011/12


This item had been considered in conjunction with Agenda Item 6 (ii) ‘Neighbourhood Policing’ (see Minute 6 (ii) above).


(b)  United Utilities


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager reported that the representative of United Utilities was unable to attend the meeting.


RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred to the next meeting on 17 July 2012.


Area Flexibility Funding

To consider any applications for Area Flexibility Funding or to receive feedback from organisations who have received funding.


Royal British Legion – Hazel Grove Branch


Memorial Bench


John Boothby of the Hazel Grove Branch of the Royal British Legion attended the meeting to answer questions from councillors in relation to an application for Area Flexibility Funding toward the cost of providing a memorial bench in Hazel Grove Memorial Park for Eva Warrington, a long serving volunteer with the Legion who had passed away in 2011.


RESOLVED – That the Democratic Services Manager be requested to make a grant of £835.20 (full amount of the project) to the Hazel Grove Branch of the Royal British Legion for the purchase of a Memorial Bench.


Development Applications

There are no development applications to consider.


There were no development applications to consider.


Appeal Decisions, Current Planning Appeals and Enforcements pdf icon PDF 22 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Legal and Democratic Services).


The report summarises recent appeal decisions; lists current planning appeals and dates for local enquiries; informal hearings for planning appeals, and enforcement action within the Stepping Hill Area Committee area.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Joy Morton, 0161 474 3217,


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Legal & Democratic Services) (copies of which had been circulated) listing any outstanding or recently determined planning appeals and enforcements within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Supplementary Planning Document - Inclusion Of Local Employment & Training Benefits Within Planning Obligations (S.106) In Stockport pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Development)


The report informs all Area Committees of the development of a Supplementary Planning Document to support the implementation of policy AED5 in the Core Strategy, which seeks to maximise local employment and skills benefits from commercial developments.


Area Committee members are invited to submit comments on the Draft SPD.


Officer contact: Nick Hill, 0161 474 3736,


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Development) (copies of which had been circulated) informing the Area Committee of the start of a consultation on the Supplementary Planning Document to support policy AED5 of the Core Strategy to seek to maximise local employment and skills benefits from commercial developments through planning obligations attached to planning permissions.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Proposed Permit Parking Schemes, Hazel Grove pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report details the results of the public consultation exercises carried in January 2012 and May 2012 respectively to establish whether residents supported the introduction of a Permit Parking Zone ‘PPZ’, consisting of ten streets near the Stepping Hill Hospital and to inform residents of three of these streets (Grenville Road, Norman Avenue and part of Green Lane) who have existing old, free type Residents’ Parking Schemes that the Council is looking to phase out the free schemes and that they would need to re-apply under the new Permit Parking Scheme ‘PPS’ policy to convert to the standard, chargeable permit scheme. The report also seeks approval to proceed with the implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders as detailed in the report.


The Area Committee is asked to recommend that the Executive Councillor (Transportation) approve the proposals for revocation of existing orders and introduction of new orders as detailed in the report.


Officer contact: Georgina Summers, 0161 474 4853,


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) informing the Area Committee of the outcome of a consultation exercise to determine support for the introduction of a Permit Parking Zone in an area near Stepping Hill Hospital.


The representative of the Service Director (Place Management) update the Area Committee in respect of further representations that had been received since publication of the report and confirmed that the response rate from residents of Grenville Street had now exceeded the 51% in favour that was required by the policy.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) be recommended to approve the proposals for the introduction of a Permit Parking Zone to cover Grenville Road, Norman Avenue, parts of Green Lane, Fenton Avenue, and part of Bramhall Moor Lane as detailed in the report, subject to:-


·         modification of the recommendation in respect of Grenville Road in light of the response rate now meeting the policy criteria;

·         the inclusion of 62 London Road within the eligible properties of the zone, and

·         the Executive Councillor giving consideration to the relaxation of the criteria to allow greater flexibility to the occupier of 62 London Road in the number of visitor permits.


Proposed Permit Parking Scheme at Brookfield Terrace, Hazel Grove pdf icon PDF 315 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report details the results of a public consultation exercise and on street parking survey at Brookfield Terrace, following the receipt of a petition requesting a permit parking scheme and recommending the introduction of a scheme in this area.


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the revocation of part of the existing No Waiting Restrictions and the introduction of Permit Parking Restrictions on Bosdenfold Road (AKA Brookfield Terrace), Hazel Grove for properties 1-11 Brookfield Terrace and 1 Nelson Street.


Officer contact: Georgina Summers, 0161 474 4853,


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) informing the Area Committee of the results of a consultation on a proposed Permit Parking Scheme on Brookfield Terrace following receipt of a petition from residents.


RESOLVED – That the following Traffic Regulation be approved, at a cost of £900 to be funded from Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget (Hazel Grove Ward allocation):-


Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time


Bosdenfold Road, Hazel Grove,


North side, from the existing termination point outside No.1 Brookfield Terrace for a distance of 0.6m in a westerly direction.


Proposed Residents Permit Parking at any time Monday-Sunday inclusive          


Bosdenfold Road (AKA Brookfield Terrace), Hazel Grove


i) Northerly side, from a point 0.6 metres east of the westerly gable wall of 1 Brookfield Terrace for a distance of 40 metres in an Easterly direction.


ii) Southerly side, from a point 35.3 metres East of the Easterly kerb line of Hazelwood Road for a distance of 10 metres in an Easterly direction. 


iii) Southerly side, from a point 20 metres East of the Easterly kerb line of Hazelwood Road for a distance of 11 metres in an Easterly direction. 


Properties eligible for on-street parking permits:


1 to 11 Brookfield Terrace

1 Nelson Street

51 Bosdenfold Road


A Review of Disabled Persons' Parking Bays on Norwood Road, Great Moor pdf icon PDF 497 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report details the results of the public consultation exercise which was carried out in April 2012 to review whether the existing advisory and enforceable disabled persons’ parking bays on Norwood Road are still required and seeks approval to proceed with the revocation of the disabled persons’ parking bay fronting 45 Norwood Road. 


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the following:


Revocation of Disabled Persons’ Parking Bay


Norwood Road, Great Moor, South East side from a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerb line of Ripley Avenue for a distance of 6.6 metres in a North Easterly direction.


Officer contact: Georgina Summers, 0161 474 4853,


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) informing the Area Committee of the results of a consultation about the future of a disabled parking bay on Norwood Road, Great Moor.


RESOLVED – (1) That the following Traffic Regulation Order be approved, at a cost of £500 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management Delegated Budget (Stepping Hill Ward allocation):-


Revocation of Disabled Persons’ Parking Bay


Norwood Road, Great Moor


South East side from a point 10 metres North East of the North Easterly kerb line of Ripley Avenue for a distance of 6.6 metres in a North Easterly direction.


(2) That the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) be informed of this Area Committee’s view that, in view of the significant cost to the Council, advisory Disabled Parking Bays should be introduced following a request from a resident and enforceable Traffic Regulation Orders should only introduce in the event of an advisory bay not proving effective.


Application for the use of Torkington Park - 14th & 15th July 2012 pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The Area Committee is recommended to grant the application for the use of Torkington Park for the Carnival, Field Event and Community Day.


Officer contact: Tim Devine, 0161 474 4419,


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Place Management) summarising an application received from the Hazel Grove Carnival Association requesting permission to hold the Carnival, Field Event and Community Day at Torkington Park on 14 and 15 July 2012.


RESOLVED – That the application for the use of Torkington Park on 14-15 July 2012 for the Annual Carnival, Field Event and Community Day be approved.


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


The Area Committee is invited to appoint representatives of the Council to Hazel Grove Community Association and the Torkington Management Committee.


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Area Committee to make nominations of representatives of the Council on outside bodies.


RESOLVED – That the following be nominated as representatives of the Council on outside bodies for 2012/13:-


Hazel Grove Community Association – Councillors Stuart Corris, Kevin Hogg and William Wragg


Torkington Centre Management Committee – Councillor William Wragg


Highways and Traffic Ward Spokesperson pdf icon PDF 26 KB

The Area Committee is invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Service Director (Place Management) can consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.


A copy of the Ward Spokesperson protocol is attached for information.


The Area Committee was invited to nominate Ward Spokespersons with whom the Service Director (Place Management) could consult on highway maintenance and traffic management matters.




That the following Councillors be appointed as Ward Spokespersons/ Joint Ward Spokespersons for highways and traffic issues:-


Hazel Grove Ward   - Stuart Corris/ William Wragg

Offerton Ward           - Laura Booth/ Wendy Meikle/ John Smith

Stepping Hill            - Ben Alexander


In favour of the motion three, against four.




RESOLVED – (Five in favour, three against) (1) That the following Councillors be appointed as Ward Spokespersons for highways and traffic issues:-


Hazel Grove Ward   - Stuart Corris

Stepping Hill            - Ben Alexander


(2) That the nomination of the Ward Spokesperson for the Offerton Ward be delegated to the Democratic Services Manager in consultation with Ward Councillors, but that in the event of no agreement being reached the matter be considered at the next meeting.


Nomination of Authority Governors pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Learning & Achievement).


The Area Committee is requested to provide political nominations for the Authority vacancy at Moorfield Primary School


Officer contact: Libby Evans on 474 3847 or email:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Service Director (Learning & Achievement)(copies of which had been circulated) requesting the Area Committee to consider making a nomination to a LA Governor Vacancy at Moorfield Primary School.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


Progress on Area Committee Decisions pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


The report provides an update on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and details the current position on area flexibility funding. The report also includes the current position on the highway and traffic management delegated budget.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the report.


Officer contact: Damian Eaton, 0161 474


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress since the last meeting on decisions taken by the Area Committee and the current position on the Area Flexibility and Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management delegated budgets.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Service Director (Place Management) be requested to provide an update, as a matter of urgency on progress with


·         Additional agreed works to complete the lay-bys on the A6 in Great Moor.

·         Extension of school ‘keep clear’ ‘zig-zag’ markings on the A6 outside Stockport Grammar School.

·         Installation of bollards at the junction of the A6 and Cherry Tree Lane.


(3) That the Service Director (Place Management) be requested to submit a report back to the next meeting of the Area Committee on the revised proposals for the Dialstone Lane scheme considered at the Joint Ward Committee meeting on 5 March 2012 and that the Democratic Services Manager be requested to ensure a copy of the Minutes is circulated to appropriate Ward Members.


(4) That the Service Director (Place Management) be requested to provide an update in respect of the change in speed limit on Chester Road.


(5) That the Service Director (Place Management) be requested to update Ward Councillors in respect of the status of the Traffic Regulation Order agreed for Hempshaw Lane and Milford Grove.


(6) That the Service Director (Place Development) be requested to provide an update on progress with the installation of public art in Hazel Grove.