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Contact: Charlotte Griffin 0161 4743 235 | Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 14 March 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the agenda items for this meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Feedback on the district centre site visits To receive a verbal update from panel members on the site visits to Edgeley, Cheadle and Romiley district centres, the recent Institute of Place Management (IPM) workshops and the role of the new District Centre Managers. Additional documents: Minutes: Members gave a verbal update on their site visits to Edgeley, Cheadle and Romiley district centres.
Town Centre Manager (Helen Walters) and the Director of Development and Regeneration (Paul Richards) attended the meeting to respond to member questions.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· Thanks were expressed to all those that attended the site visits to share ideas. Specifically, Councillor Clark was able to attend the Romiley site visit and provide local information from ward councillor perspective. · It was reported that safety was an important element arising from the visits. · Linking up the District Centre Managers and businesses had been constructive in encouraging communication. · It was suggested that physical signage informing people about what’s available locally, including parking provision, be displayed in district centres. · It was felt that, by supporting the linking up of local businesses to each other, businesses could share ideas and resolutions to combat challenges faced in district centres. It was noted that some local businesses were looking to set up Trader’s Associations for this purpose, and that the District Centre Manager’s would help in their establishment. · It was suggested that council communications methods to businesses be reviewed in communicating when government grants become available.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Joint arrangements with Institute of Place Management (IPM) To receive a verbal update from the Director of Development and Regeneration on next steps for the joint arrangements with the IPM. Additional documents: Minutes: Members received a verbal update from the Director of Development and Regeneration (Paul Richards) on next steps for the joint arrangements with the Institute of Place Management (IPM).
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· The IPM had held all of their workshops (8 in total). · The next steps for the IPM were to review learning and work up action plans for each district centre. Each action plan would be tailored to each individual district centre, which each had their own strengths and challenges. Members noted that the action plans would be communicated back to members through the scrutiny process. · A common theme that arose from the workshops was the need for greater collaboration across businesses, and for District Centre Managers to facilitate this collaboration. · It was suggested that a higher priority be put on promoting future events to increase engagement.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Stockport Economic Plan and how it contributes to sustainable district centres PDF 628 KB To consider a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration. The report asks that members consider a number of key questions in relation to the Draft Economic Plan and work to support the plan in developing district centres. The report focuses on the following aspects of the plan: · flexible workspace; · retail offer and workforce; and · small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and small business engagement. The Scrutiny Review Panel is requested to consider and comment on the report and key questions. Contact officer: Richard Mortimer 01614743864 | Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) in relation to the Stockport Economic Plan and how the plan could support district centres.
The Head of Economy, Work and Skills (Richard Mortimer) attended the meeting to respond to member questions.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· It was suggested that communication methods to businesses be reviewed as, for example, some business owners were not able to attend meetings to hear and discuss key messages and information from the council. Members noted that the council used a combination of different communication methods to ensure they captured information from businesses. This included by was not limited to, drop-in clinics, physically handing business owners letters and talking to them, as well as email communications. · It was also suggested that, as District Centre Manager’s became more involved with district centres, methods of communication could adapt and be tailored to the individual district centre.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Scrutiny Review Panel draft final report The Scrutiny Review Panel is asked to consider and feedback any recommendations they would like to take forward to help inform the draft final report.
The final report and recommendations agreed by the Scrutiny Review Panel will go on to be considered by the Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, and thereafter, the Cabinet.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Scrutiny Review Panel considered recommendations that they would like to take forward to help inform the draft final report.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· The importance of engaging with businesses to find out their needs and wants was reiterated. · It was suggested that businesses be supported to communicate with each other. · It was suggested that planters be put into district centres to improve their appearance and, in turn, environmental impact by supporting drainage and improved air quality. · It was suggestion that ways to improve the standards of cleanliness of district centres be reviewed. By way of example, supporting businesses to operate a collective system of cleaning and/ or refuse collection. · It was agreed that the Clerk would email all panel members to ask for any further feedback that they may wish to include within the final draft report. · The final report and recommendations agreed by the Scrutiny Review Panel would go on to be considered by the Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, and thereafter, the Cabinet.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |