Venue: Webcast - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Carol Hargreaves 0161 474 3203
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair for the period of the Scrutiny Review Panel.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That Councillor Carole McCann be elected Chair of the Scrutiny Review Panel.
Declarations of Interest Councillors and Officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and Officers were invited to declare any interests which they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interests were declared:
Wendy Wild As her husband is a public governor of Penine Care and as a member of the Foundation Trust.
Lisa Smart As a member of the Foundation Trust
Michael Cullen As Interim Chief Finance Officer of the CCG and Section 151 Officer.
Scrutiny Review Procedure Rules PDF 83 KB To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance)
The report sets out the Scrutiny Review Procedure Rules and suggests that the Panel should adopt them for the purpose of conducting the review.
The Panel are requested to formally adopt the Scrutiny Review Panel Procedure Rules for the purpose of conducting the review.
Officer Contact: Carol Hargreaves on 0161 474 3203 or email:
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Strategic Head of Service and Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the Scrutiny Review Procedure Rules and suggesting that the Panel should adopt them for the purpose of conducting the review.
RESOLVED – That the Scrutiny Review Procedure Rules be adopted for the purpose of conducting the review.
Scrutiny Review - Proposed Meeting Structure and Scope PDF 408 KB The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive to report andthe Panel is requested to agree the focus for the review and determine the areas which they wish to explore and scrutinise further.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which requested the Panel to agree the focus for the review and determine the areas which they wish to explore and scrutinise further.
The Panel debated the rationale and scope for the review and it was:-
RESOLVED – That the next meeting of the Panel take place at the end of February and that in the meantime Members would contact Officers if they had any questions or further comments to make.
How Does the NHS Work? The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive to report.
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive and a representative of the NHS Stockport CCG, made a presentation which covered the following issues with regard to the Council’s relationship with it’s health partners and how the NHS works:
· How does the health and care system work and how is it changing? · How funding flows in the NHS · How NHS providers are regulated and commissioned. · How the NHS is structured. · Integrated Care Systems explained: making sense of systems, places and neighbourhoods · Health and Care defined.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· In response to a Member’s question, Officers advised that Stockport received an allocation of 502 million pounds for the year, this worked out at £1700 per resident for health care. An additional 30 million pounds had also been allocated to assist with the pressures of COVID. · Members asked what they should be focusing on in terms of improving governance. In response, Members were advised that it was vital to ensure that residents were at the heart of the review. There also needs to be strength of representation and a fit in terms of future systems, structure and governance. It was imperative that trust was built and that there was flexibility within the system in order to deal with any future situations that may arise. · With regard to the Health and Social Care Partnership, Officers advised that they were encouraged by service networks with Service User involvement especially with cancer and mental health services. Working across Greater Manchester enabled more views to be brought together.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.
Local Health and Care System The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive to report.
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive and representative of the Stockport NHS CCG made a presentation which identified who the Council’s Health Partners were :-
· NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group · NHS Stockport Foundation Trust · Pennine Care Foundation Trust
The Council also works with:-
· Viaduct Cate · Mastercall Healthcare · Healthwatch Stockport
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· A short discussion took place relating to how each organisation fitted in to the overall picture and the role of Stockport’s Health and Wellbeing Board.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive to report.
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive and representative of the Stockport NHS CCG made a presentation which examined the current picture across Greater Manchester relating to health and social care and what might happen in the next five years.
The following comments were made issues raised:
· In response to a Member’s question, Officers gave examples of how decisions were made nationally, regionally and locally and how this may change. One example was specialist mental health services which used to be commissioned nationally and were now taken in Greater Manchester and co-ordinated locally. · Early years provided a good example of good practice. · A short discussion took place relating to the differing incentivisation of each organisation and what barriers existed to prevent seamless care, and how these could be overcome. · A person-centred approach, shared outcomes and agreeing on priorities were the foundation stones for breaking down barriers and achieving objectives. · At the moment there is fragmentation within the system, however Stockport was much further forward than many other areas. · The Borough Plan was another keystone which would help to promote collaborative working across Greater Manchester. · Officers advised that the Governing Body took decisions relating to resource allocation. There was an ambition to improve the efficiency of allocating resources. · It was essential to ensure that best value was achieved, and that spending was allocated in the right places. · Another key ambition was to level out health inequalities and differences in life expectancy across the Borough.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted. |
Integrated Care Systems and the Future The Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive to report.
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Corporate Director (Place) and Deputy Chief Executive and representative of the Stockport NHS CCG made a presentation which provided details of the NHS Long Term Plan and how this will be delivered and built upon. The presentation also provided details of the Integrated Care System proposals and the GMHSCP response.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· The Chair commented that the Review Panel needed to consider what is working well and what the opportunities and challenges were for health and social care in the next few years. · Members requested that officers consider how citizens could be represented at the next meeting and have their voice heard.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted. |
Dates of Future Meetings The Panel is requested to agree the dates for future meetings and the timescale for undertaking the review.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the next meeting of the Scrutiny Review Panel takes place at the end of February. |