Contact: Charles Yankiah (0161 474 3206)
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Additional documents: Minutes: Anita Rolfe (Vice Chair) in the Chair. Anita welcomed everyone to the Board meeting and thanked them for their attendance. |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received on behalf of Danny Pearson, Chris McLoughlin, Jennifer Connolly, Councillor Amanda Peers, Tony Ryan, Inspector Marcus Noden and Inspector Matthew Findell. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No interests were declared. |
Minutes of the Last Meeting To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 19 January 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Stockport Family Leadership Changes Update To consider a verbal update of the Director of Children’s Services.
This update relates to the recent changes to the Stockport Family Leadership.
The Board is asked to note the update.
Officer contact: Heidi Shaw, Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted that there had been a number of leadership changes: · Chris McLoughlin (Corporate Director – Children’s and Adults Services) · Heidi Shaw (Service Director) · Rebecca Key (Service Director) Heidi welcomed members to meet with her and Rebecca for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of their new roles. |
Education White Paper To consider a report of the Director of Education.
This report provides an outline of the ambitions of the organisation of the school system which it hoped would lead to a rise in standards.
The Board is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Carolyn Anderson, Additional documents: Minutes: Tim Bowman (Director of Education) gave a presentation (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the ‘Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child’ White Paper. The following comments were made /issues raised: · The White Paper was not for consultation, but was an intention of Government policy. · The paper outlined the intended organisation for the school system, and demonstrated positive collaboration and a positive picture for the role of local authorities. · It was noted that the Education White Paper from 2016 did not turn into legislation owing to changes in Government at that time. This White Paper was the first big piece of education policy in 10 years. · The Director of Education spoke to 4 key themes of the policy. Some of the points included but were not limited to, a longer (32.5 hour) week for all schools by September 2023, all schools to become academies by 2030, as well as a local authority’s ability to run multi-academy trusts. · The White Paper suggested changes to whole school system, and not just maintained schools as previous papers had done so. · Members were advised that the challenge going forward would be making the system work for every child, especially the most vulnerable children. It was asked whether the 32.5 hour week was longer than the current school week, and members were advised that the difference in length was minimal. However, the change focussed on what more schools could offer, and it was noted that many schools already offered additional lessons. Members welcomed the paper and the clarity the changes would bring to the role of schools and of the local authority. Resolved – That the report be noted. |
To consider a report of the Director of Children’s Services.
This report provides an outline of the SEND Green paper published on 29 March 2022.
The Board is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Carolyn Anderson, Additional documents: Minutes: Tim Bowman (Director of Education) gave a presentation (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the SEND Green Paper. The following comments were made/ issues raised: · The Green Paper was a notice of consultation. It was published on the 29 March 2022, with a 12 week consultation taking place until 1 July 2022. · The paper recognised that the 2014 SEND reforms had not delivered on aspirations for SEND families and change was needed. · The presentation detailed the 5 key areas of focus in the consultation, a number of questions sat alongside these areas of focus as part of the consultation. · It was felt that the proposals were a sensible attempt to deal with issues, but the question of ‘how’ remained as to how the proposals would work in practice. · The Board agreed to draft a joint response to the consultation. · It was the intention that the council’s Cabinet would consider the Green Paper along with the council and partner proposed consultation response in June 2022. Resolved – (1) That the report be noted. (2) That a joint response to the consultation be drafted. |
Multi Agency Response to Need To consider a report of the Director of Children’s Services.
This report provides information relating to the ‘level of need’ document for all agencies working with children and families across the borough.
The Board is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Katie Cooper, Additional documents: Minutes: Katie Cooper, Stockport Family MASSH Service Lead, submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the Multi Agency Response to Need, which was a revised version of the existing level of need threshold document. The following comments were made/ issues raised: · The current level of need document had been due a review since 2018. · The new document suggested a different approach, one in which children and families are supported to move to a ‘thriving’ state. · The refreshed language of the new document would reflect other strategies across the borough, and the change of guidance would suit the changing landscape. · A series of learning circles had been completed and the team were in the process of collating feedback for evaluation and learning. · It was advised that the team would map services against the new thrive quadrants. · The new thrive quadrants (visual tool) would be available to view by residents on the website. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Climate Action Now Update To consider a report of the Head of Climate Action Now.
This report provides an update relating to the Stockport Climate Action Now (CAN).
The Board is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Eleanor Healicon, Additional documents: Minutes: Nick Leslie and Liz Atherton from the Climate Action Now (CAN) Team submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on CAN - the Council’s strategy to be carbon neutral. The following comments were made/ issues raised: · The Council had pledged to go carbon neutral for Council operations by 2030, and for the borough as a whole by 2038. · It was felt that it was the responsibility of the Council to lead by example in this space, to encourage the borough to act. The target dates were in line with the science, and other governments across the world. · The Council had declared a climate emergency in 2019. · The Council would report on Council emissions publicly this year for the first time. · There was a need to increase electric charging infrastructure, and it was noted that the developing economic and local plans were timely in supporting climate action. · The report set out some of the work going on to support climate action, as well as funding options for green projects. · The Schools & Youth Climate Assembly was currently taking place (February – July 2022) across 30 schools and 4 colleges in Stockport. Young people would come up with ideas for carbon literacy which would be shortlisted and debated by students in June 2022, and then submitted to councillors for their consideration. · The Board were encouraged to promote CAN funding as much as possible. Groups (including non-constituted groups) could apply for up to £500 for activities that help combat climate change. For example, community groups and schools could apply for funding for raised beds. It was noted that constituted organisations could apply for larger amounts of funding. · It was noted that the Climate action Now Summit 2022 was scheduled to be held on Friday 15 July, 12pm – 4pm. The event would be a hybrid event. · It was suggested that partners had strategic oversight of the decarbonisation scheme so that partners were aware of investment and work happening to be greener. The Board requested that an update report on outcomes from the Schools & Youth Climate Assembly be considered at a future meeting of the Board. It was suggested that CAN funding be promoted at the Health and Wellbeing Board. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Children and Young People Strategy Priority Update To consider a report of the Director of Children’s Services.
The report provides an update of the Children and Young People Strategy Priority – Early Help & Inclusion.
The Board is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Heidi Shaw, Additional documents: Minutes: Heidi Shaw (Service Director - Stockport Family Help & Integration) gave a presentation on the Children and Young People’s Strategy. The following comments were made /issues raised: · The vision was for children and young people to have the best start in life, to be safe and happy, and able to build and maintain healthy relationships. · It was noted that early help was a priority in the children and young people’s plan, and was important because an effective early help offer was essential to improving children, young people and family life chances. · The Early Help Strategy 2020 – 2023 would be refreshed in July 2022, and would include five key themes. · Early help was everyone’s responsibility. RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted. (2) That the Service Director consider how to keep SENCO and other networks up to date with progress on the work.
To consider the Forward Plan of agenda items for future meetings of the Stockport Family Partnership Board.
The Board is recommended to note the report.
Officer contact: Charles Yankiah, 0161 474 3206, Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal & Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out planned agenda items for the Stockport Family Partnership Board.
It was noted that there would be a focus on mental wellbeing, as well as the integrated care system, at the next meeting of the board.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the following items of business be added to the work programme: a) an update on Stockport CAN to feedback outcomes from the Stockport Climate Assembly; and b) an update on the recent Ofsted inspection of children’s services and improvement plan.