Venue: Conference Room 1 - Fred Perry House - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Damian Eaton (0161 474 3207)
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 18 September 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
No declarations of interest were made. |
Urgent Decisions To report any urgent action taken under the Constitution since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent decisions were reported. |
Public Question Time Members of the public are invited to put questions to the Chair and Cabinet Members on any matters within the powers and duties of the Cabinet, subject to the exclusions set out in the Code of Practice. (Questions must be submitted no later than 3 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting via the Council’s website at Additional documents: Minutes: One public question was submitted where the questioner was not in attendance at the meeting and in accordance with the Code of Practice, the Chief Executive was requested to respond to the questioner in writing. |
Key Decisions Additional documents: |
Project Skyline (GM Children’s homes) (CF&E10) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education.
The report provides an update on Project Skyline (GM proposal to create supply of children’s homes to increase availability of placements for Children Looked After in the GM region for some of the most vulnerable young people) and approve in principle the entering into of a Partnership Agreement with the remaining Local Authorities in GM, GMCA and NHS GM for delivery of the project.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve in principle that the council can enter into a Partnership Agreement for Skyline as referred to in this report.
(2) Delegate to the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Children, Families and Education, Section 151 Officer and the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance to agree the terms of the Partnership Agreement.
(3) Delegate to the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance authority to enter into any documentation required to give effect to the Partnership Agreement, including the Partnership Agreement and any related legal agreements referred to in the Partnership Agreement or arising out of the project as a whole.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on Project Skyline outlining a Greater Manchester proposal to create supply of children’s homes to increase availability of placements for Children Looked After in the GM region for some of the most vulnerable young people.
It was stated that the most important consideration was the welfare of the young people involved and that it made sense to accommodate Stockport children within the area that they grew up and were familiar with. It was also noted that there was currently a significant cost to the Council and other Greater Manchester authorities in sending children to be accommodated outside of the region.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given in principle for the council to enter into a Partnership Agreement for Skyline as referred to in this report.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director People and Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Children, Families and Education, Section 151 Officer and the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance to agree the terms of the Partnership Agreement.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Governance authority to enter into any documentation required to give effect to the Partnership Agreement, including the Partnership Agreement and any related legal agreements referred to in the Partnership Agreement or arising out of the project as a whole. |
Stockport Skills Plan (CF&E13) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education.
This Skills Plan is vital to achieving our One Stockport Ambitions, it sets out our overarching vision, ambition and priorities for our skills system for the next three years. It is a partnership plan with a shared borough-wide vision and shared ambitions which can only be achieved through harnessing the skills, knowledge and shared resources across services in the public, private and third sector.
The Cabinet is recommended to endorse the plan and agree that:
(1) A detailed annual delivery plan is produced that sets targets, actions and milestones for delivery of the plan.
(2) An index of the indicators identified in this plan to track progress and act accordingly is produced.
(3) Officers maintain a productive partnership of stakeholders.
(4) Officers working to align the Skills Plan priorities to any emerging funding opportunities created by central government and other funding agencies.
Officer contact: Chris Harland on 0161 474 1707 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education (Councillor Wendy Meikle) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the Council’s overarching vision, ambition and priorities for the skills system for the next three years.
RESOLVED – (1) That the Stockport Skills plan be approved and endorsed.
(2) That a detailed annual delivery plan is produced that sets targets, actions and milestones for delivery of the plan.
(3) That an index of the indicators identified in this plan to track progress and act accordingly is produced.
(4) That officers maintain a productive partnership of stakeholders.
(5) That officers working to align the Skills Plan priorities to any emerging funding opportunities created by central government and other funding agencies. |
Day Opportunities Framework- Adults (H&ASC6) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care.
This report outlines the proposals for a new 4-year (2 years plus 2 years) framework for the provision of All Adults Day Opportunities across the borough. This report represents the continuation of the strategic approaches outlined in our Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy, Think Carers Strategy 2024-2029 and The One Stockport Health and Social Care Plan. The council is committed to working with our partners in the private and voluntary sector to maintain and further develop a strong mixed economy of Day Opportunities that offers choice for individuals and carers and value for money for the council.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve the launch of the new framework; and
(2) Delegate to the Director of Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care and the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Governance to enter into all contractual documentation and agreements required to give effect to the framework referred to in this report.
Officer contact Emma Knight by email on Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mark Hunter) submitted a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the proposals for a new 4-year (2 years plus 2 years) framework for the provision of All Adults Day Opportunities across the borough.
RESOLVED- (1) That approval be given to the launch of the new framework.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care and the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Governance to enter into all contractual documentation and agreements required to give effect to the framework referred to in this report. |
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services.
The Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund is intended to create a commercial offer for residents without private off-street parking to have access to electric vehicle charging on residential streets near their homes to allow for on-street charging.
The Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund funding from Central Government has been awarded to Greater Manchester to create this market with commercial partners with the contribution and support of individual local authority priorities.
In order to take part in the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund scheme being taken forward by Transport for Greater Manchester, Stockport Council is required to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the local electric vehicle infrastructure fund.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve to delegate authority to negotiate and enter into the memorandum of understanding for the local electric vehicle infrastructure programme between Transport for Greater Manchester, Stockport Council and each of the other Greater Manchester local authorities to the Director of Place Management and the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transportation Services.
(2) Note the requests in paragraph 4.3 of the report contained in the Memorandum of Understanding identifying specific commitments for Stockport as a local authority involved in the Greater Manchester Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund scheme.
(3) Note that the Memorandum of Understanding requires Officers to work with Transport for Greater Manchester to develop the details of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund funding proposals for Stockport and approve the utilisation the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement funding allocation to support this work.
(4) Note that a report on the detailed proposals being developed for the proposed scheme together with the proposed contracts will be brought to a future scrutiny and cabinet meeting when greater details are available, which will require further decisions to be taken by the Cabinet.
Officer contact: Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways & Transport Services (Councillor Grace Baynham) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to create a commercial offer for residents without private off-street parking to have access to electric vehicle charging on residential streets near their homes to allow for on-street charging.
It was commented that the Council already had a clear focus in improving electric vehicle charging infrastructure through the development of a hub network in the borough and that the approach outlined in the report aimed to provide further facilities on residential streets closer to people’s homes. It was noted that further guidance from government was needed and that there may be a challenge in meeting all of residents’ hopes or expectations when it came to the delivery of charging infrastructure.
It was further commented that in those residential areas where parking space was already at a premium, there may be a challenge in ensuring that electric vehicle charging bays were kept clear.
RESOLVED - (1) That authority be delegated to the Director of Place Management and the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transportation Services, to negotiate and enter into the memorandum of understanding for the local electric vehicle infrastructure programme between Transport for Greater Manchester, Stockport Council and each of the other Greater Manchester local authorities
(2) That it be noted that the requests in paragraph 4.3 of the report contained in the Memorandum of Understanding identifying specific commitments for Stockport as a local authority involved in the Greater Manchester Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund scheme.
(3) That it be noted that the Memorandum of Understanding requires Officers to work with Transport for Greater Manchester to develop the details of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund funding proposals for Stockport and approve the utilisation the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement funding allocation to support this work.
(4) That it be noted that a report on the detailed proposals being developed for the proposed scheme together with the proposed contracts will be brought to a future scrutiny and cabinet meeting when greater details are available, which will require further decisions to be taken by the Cabinet. |
General Items Additional documents: |
Annual Report - Armed Forces Covenant 2023/24 (Non-Key) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture & Sport.
The report details the work the council has undertaken with stakeholders to support the borough’s armed forces community.
The Cabinet is requested to comment on and endorse the Armed Forces Covenant 2023/24.
Officer contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture & Sport (Councillor Frankie Singleton) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the purpose of the Armed Forces Covenant and providing an overview of key achievements against the identified priorities during 2023-2024.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· A significant amount of work had been undertaken to achieve the Gold Standard and the work of officers and members, including former Cabinet Members, was commended in driving progress in this area. · The work of local businesses in contributing to and supporting the work of the Armed Forces Covenant was recognised.
RESOLVED – That the Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2023/24 be noted and endorsed. |
Stockport Council Modern Slavery Statement 2024/25 Annual Review (Non-Key) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The report outlines the latest review of Stockport Council’s Modern Slavery Statement (2023/24) and presents the refreshed iteration of the Statement (2024/25) for Cabinet’s comment and approval.
The Cabinet is recommended to approve and adopt the Stockport Council Modern Slavery Statement 2024/25.
Officer Contact: Alan Lawson on 0161 474 5397 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Jilly Julian) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) outlining the latest review of Stockport Council’s Modern Slavery Statement (2023/24) and presenting the refreshed iteration of the Statement (2024/25) for Cabinet’s comment and approval.
RESOLVED – That the Stockport Council Modern Slavery Statement 2024/25 be approved and adopted. |
Annual Report regarding Councillor Conduct (Non-Key) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The purpose of the report is update the Council on the number of complaints made against councillors during the 2023/24 Municipal Year and whether they were upheld, partially upheld or not upheld.
The Cabinet is recommended to comment on and endorse the report and request that the Council Meeting formally receive the report at its forthcoming meeting.
Office Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Jilly Julian) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the 2023/24 Annual Report regarding Councillor Conduct.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· Members expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Monitoring Officer for her work in this area over the past year. · Concern was expressed that a member had failed to comply with the recommendation of the Monitoring Officer following the outcome of an investigation, and that the regulatory regime in relation to standards was insufficient to deal with circumstances such as this. · It was encouraging that the Council continued to receive relatively few complaints in relation to member conduct.
RESOLVED – That the Council Meeting be recommended to note and formally receive the report. |
Annual Complaints Report 2023-2024 To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources.
The report provides an overview of complaints received by the Council and the lessons learnt from complaints in 2023-24. The report includes complaints received by the local authority which are managed by the ‘Complaints Service’.
The Cabinet is recommended to:
(1) Note the information contained in the Annual Complaints Report.
(2) Note the positive progress being taken to improve complaints handling across the council.
Officer contact: Claire Grindlay on 0161 474 4191 or email Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources (Councillor Jilly Julian) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an overview of complaints handled by the council and giving examples of lessons learnt from complaints during 2023/24.
RESOLVED - That the information contained in the Annual Complaints Report, including the positive progress being taken to improve complaints handling across the council, be noted. |
Stockport Town Centre Residential Design Guide (Non-Key) To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing.
Stockport Town Centre continues to change. At the heart of this transformation are ambitious plans to increase and enhance the town centre residential offer. However, to ensure high-quality and sustainable residential growth takes place, we must clearly outline our expectations. As such the Stockport Town Centre Residential Design Guide sets out the council’s design expectations for this area of the borough.
The design guide has been through a period of consultation and subsequently some amendments are proposed. Following Cabinet approval a final version of the design guide will be prepared and made available on the council’s website.
The Cabinet is recommended to:-
(1) Approve the proposed amendments to the Town Centre Residential Design Guide as detailed in appendix 1 to this report and outlined in appendix 2; and
(2) Approve adoption of the (amended) Town Centre Residential Design Guide for publication on the council’s website and subsequent use as a material consideration in development management and other development related processes.
Officer contact: Hannah Mitchell on 0161 474 3771 or email: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing (Councillor Colin MacAlister) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the draft Stockport Town Centre Residential Design Guide that aimed to set out the council’s design expectations for this area of the borough.
RESOLVED - (1) That approval be given to the proposed amendments to the Town Centre Residential Design Guide as detailed in appendix 1 to this report and outlined in appendix 2; and
(2) That the (amended) Town Centre Residential Design Guide be approved and adopted for publication on the council’s website and subsequent use as a material consideration in development management and other development related processes. |
To consider a report of the Leader of the Council.
The Cabinet is invited to note the decisions of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) held on 27 September and 25 October 2024.
Officer contact: Damian Eaton on 0161 474 3207 or email: Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mark Hunter) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out decisions taken by the GMCA at its meetings on 27 September and 25 October 2024.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
To consider recommendations of Scrutiny Committees On:-
(a) Matters (if any) referred to the Cabinet Meeting
(b) Any called-in Cabinet Executive Decisions Additional documents: Minutes: There were no recommendations to consider. |