Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport. View directions
Contact: Charlotte Griffin (0161 474 3235/ 07815467634)
No. | Item | ||||||
To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes (copies of which had been circulated) of the meeting held on 24 November 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors and officers were invited to declare any interests they had in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.
The following interest was declared:
Personal interest
Exclusion of the public and the public interest test To consider whether it is in the public interest to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s)
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - That the press and public be excluded for the following item as exempt by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 as containing information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the local authority):
agenda item 10 – Stockport 8 Relocation |
Call-in To consider call-in items (if any).
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no call-in items to consider. |
Responding to our Medium-Term Financial Plan Update To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.
The report and appendix provides a further update on the council’s strategic approach in responding to the review of the medium-term financial plan. This follows on from the report presented at the Cabinet meeting on the 28 September 2022, and scrutiny committees during October 2022. In particular, it includes updated proposals within the appendix for scrutiny comment ahead of budget council in February.
The report outlines the budget proposals being considered by the Cabinet to address financial and demand challenges, enable longer term transformation, and ensure the delivery of shared strategic partnership ambitions.
The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on and note the report.
Officer contact: Holly Rae 0161 474 3014 | Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided a further update on the council’s strategic approach in responding to the review of the medium-term financial plan.
The Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· The report outlined the budget proposals being considered by Cabinet to address financial and demand challenges, enable longer term transformation, and ensure the delivery of shared strategic partnership ambitions. In particular, it included updated proposals within the appendix for comment ahead of budget council scheduled to be held on 23 February 2023. · The report was previously presented at the Cabinet meeting 28 September 2022 and Scrutiny Committee meetings during October 2022. It was noted that changes to the proposals since the last report had not varied significantly, however more detail had been included in relation to areas of savings. · In relation to a changing and/ or reduction in workforce, it was expected that current workloads would be absorbed by departments as far as possible, and therefore equality impact would be kept to a minimum. · It was requested that an update on the council’s digital strategy in relation to the portfolio and broader digital aims for the borough be brought to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee for member’s consideration. · Concerns were raised as to the news of the government’s latest round of levelling-up spending, following the rejection of Stockport’s bids for funding in supporting the reduction of regional inequality. · Concerns were also raised as to the low-level of responses on the budget options consultation. Further information as to benchmarks for what a ‘good’ level of response was to similar consultations was requested, and would be circulated to members via email in due course. It was suggested that engaging households directly could be a useful exercise for next year’s consultation to increase response levels. Members also requested that the relevant Scrutiny Committee be recommended to consider the public consultation and response in further depth, and that information on phase two of the consultation be included as part of the work.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer be requested to make arrangements for an item to be programmed onto the agenda for a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee on the council’s digital strategy in relation to the portfolio and broader digital aims for the borough.
(3) That the relevant Scrutiny Committee be recommended to consider the public consultation and response in further depth, and that information on phase two of the consultation be included as part of the work.
Draft Stockport Local Plan To receive an update from the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration, Councillor Colin MacAlister, and the Strategic Head of Place Making and Planning, Emma Curle, on the Draft Stockport Local Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration (Councillor Colin MacAlister) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.
It was noted that members would be informed when a further update was available.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted. |
Update on the work of the Scrutiny Review Panel To receive an update from the Chair of the Scrutiny Review Panel - Economic and Social Case for Metrolink in Stockport, Councillor David Meller, on the work of the panel. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor David Meller, Chair of the Scrutiny Review Panel, updated members on the work of the panel.
It was noted that Transport for Greater Manchester would be in attendance at the next meeting of the panel to present to members on the history of Metrolink, including an overview of the phases of Metrolink, and the impact and benefits of Metrolink, as well as Stockport specific information in relation to Metrolink. Following the meeting, members of the panel would be asked to begin considering any recommendations that they wished to put forward to Cabinet as part of the panel’s final report.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted. |
Portfolio dashboard The Scrutiny Committee is asked to consider the portfolio dashboard for the Economy and Regeneration portfolio and raise any matters and/ or concerns with regard to performance.
Members can view the portfolio dashboard on the Portfolio Performance Dashboard website. Additional documents: Minutes: The Scrutiny Committee considered the portfolio dashboard for the Economy and Regeneration portfolio.
It was noted that quarter 3 figures would be presented to members at their meeting on 2 March 2023.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted. |
To consider a report of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer.
The report sets out planned agenda items for the next meeting of the scrutiny committee, and details any forward plan items that fall within the remit of the committee for information.
The Scrutiny Committee is asked to:
1) consider the report and any agenda items for future meetings of the committee; and
2) to note the report.
Officer contact: Charlie Griffin 0161 474 3235 |
Additional documents: Minutes: A representative of the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out the planned agenda items for the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, and detailed forward plan items that fell within the remit of the committee for information.
It was requested that further detail around Stockport’s bids be brought to the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Assistant Director - Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer be requested to make arrangements for an item to be programmed onto the 2 March 2023 meeting agenda relating to Stockport’s bids. |
Item containing information 'not for publication' Additional documents: |
Stockport 8 Relocation To consider a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration.
The report seeks Cabinet approval for the acquisition of a site detailed in the confidential appendices, as well as the feasibility costs of the design and planning for the site (up to a maximum figure of £300,000, to include all legal expenses, planning and design costs).
The Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider and note the report.
Officer contact: Chris Carlisle | Additional documents:
Minutes: A representative of the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which sought Cabinet approval for the acquisition of the site detailed in the confidential appendices, as well as the feasibility costs of the design and planning for the site (up to a maximum figure of £300,000, to include all legal expenses, planning and design costs).
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |