Venue: Conference Room 1 - Fred Perry House - Stockport. View directions
Contact: Caleb Harris (0161 474 3229)
No. | Item |
Substitutes Councillors who require a substitute to be appointed should inform Democratic Services by 4.00pm on Monday 20 January 2025 (Councillors who wish to arrange their own substitute should inform Democratic Services of their substitute prior to the commencement of the meeting). |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2024 |
Declarations of Interest Councillors and officers to declare any interests which they have in any of the items on the agenda for the meeting. |
Call-In To consider call-in items (if any).
Update on Stepping Hill Foundation Trust To receive an update on the estates/funding situation at Stepping Hill Foundation Trust. |
Adult Social Care Medium Term Financial Plan PDF 163 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health & Adult Social Care.
The report outlines how the programme fits into the context of the wider change proposals, budget setting and the in-year financial position and provides more details following the November scrutiny committees on how this programme fits into the wider context of the Scrutiny Committees budget.
The Scrutiny Committee is asked to consider and comment on the report.
Officer contact: Gill Lawton on Tel: 0161 474 3014 or by email at Additional documents: |
Automated External Defibrillators PDF 251 KB To consider a report from the Director of Public Health.
The purpose of the report is to provide a summary of the current position for the provision of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Stockport.
The Scrutiny Committee is asked to note the report.
Officer contact: Sarah Clarke | Additional documents: |
Learning Disability Strategy PDF 140 KB To consider a report of the Director for Adult Social Care.
The report provides details relating to the strategy which has been co-produced with partners and represents a five strategy to promote the health, wellbeing and independence of people with learning disabilities within the borough and give people choice and control over their own lives.
The Scrutiny Committee is asked to comment on and to note the report.
Officer contact: - Emma Bowe | Additional documents: |
Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 189 KB To consider a report of the Assistant Director for Legal & Democratic Governance.
The report sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Committee’s next meeting and Forward Plan items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the information in the report and put forward any agenda items for future meetings of the Committee.
Officer contact: Caleb Harris 0161 474 3229 or email: |