DC078265 – 6-16 Lower Hillgate, Stockport
Demolition of the existing building and erection of a new mixed-use building providing 12 residential units, including six affordable units, (floors two to four) with flexible Use Class E excluding hot food and restaurant uses at ground floor (Revised description).
DC078266 – 1-3 Lower Hillgate, Stockport
Erection of a new mixed-use building providing 6 residential units (floors 2-4) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at a ground floor level (Revised description).
DC078286 – 29-35 Little Underbank, Stockport
Demolition of the existing building and erection of a new mixed-use building providing 12 residential units (floors 2-4) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at a ground floor level.
DC078287 – Land at Churchgate, Stockport
Erection of a mixed-use building containing 50 residential apartments (4 x studios, 40 x 1 beds, 6 x 2 beds) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at an upper ground floor level and provision of Public Open Space.
The Committee is recommended to defer and delegate the granting of permission subject to:-
· Negotiating obligations to be covered by a legal agreement to secure the phased delivery of the development to ensure that the 6 no. affordable ‘shared ownership’ (managed by a RP) apartments proposed for Site ‘A’ 29-35 Little Underbank are delivered as part of the first phase and that public open space including the provision of a ‘Pocket Park’ is provided at an appropriate trigger point mechanism associated with the delivery across the four sites and associated population capacity.
Officer Contact: Dominic Harvey on 0161 474 3544 or email:
Additional documents:
In respect of (i) plan no. DC/078265 for the demolition of the existing building and erection of a new mixed-use building providing 12 residential units, including six affordable units, (floors two to four) with flexible Use Class E excluding hot food and restaurant uses at ground floor (Revised description) at 6-16 Lower Hillgate, Stockport; (ii) plan no. DC/078266 for the erection of a new mixed-use building providing 6 residential units (floors 2-4) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at a ground floor level (Revised description) at 1-3 Lower Hillgate, Stockport; (iii) plan no. DC/078286 for the demolition of the existing building and erection of a new mixed-use building providing 12 residential units (floors 2-4) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at a ground floor level at 29-35 Little Underbank, Stockport; and (iv) plan no. DC/078287 for the erection of a mixed-use building containing 50 residential apartments (4 x studios, 40 x 1 beds, 6 x 2 beds) with flexible Use Class E floorspace excluding hot food and restaurant uses at an upper ground floor level and provision of Public Open Space on land at Churchgate, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That the Corporate Director (Place) & Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to determine the applications subject to the successful negotiation of obligations to be covered by a legal agreement to secure the phased delivery of the development to ensure that the 6 no. affordable ‘shared ownership’ (managed by a RP) apartments proposed for Site ‘A’ 29-35 Little Underbank are delivered as part of the first phase and that public open space including the provision of a ‘Pocket Park’ is provided at an appropriate trigger point mechanism associated with the delivery across the four sites and associated population capacity.