9 Parks Event Application - Morleys Funfair at Torkington Park PDF 267 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Place Management.
The report sets out an application received by the Council from Morleys Funfair to hold a Funfair at Torkington Park from Thursday 30th June to Sunday 3rd July 2022.
The Area Committee is recommended to approve the application subject to the organiser producing the appropriate health & safety documentation, insurances being in place and paying the fee.
Officer contact: Jacky Budd on 0161 474 3332 or email: jacky.budd@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
A representative of the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer) submitted a report of the Director of Place Management (copies of which had been circulated) detailing an application received by the Council from Morleys Funfair to hold a Funfair at Torkington Park from Thursday 30th June to Sunday 3rd July 2022.
The following comments were made/issues raised:-
· Noted that Morley’s Funfair had operated for a number of years and had always operated responsibility in the past.
· Whether there was an option to make changes to the operating hours.
· Agreed that the earlier finish time in response to comments from residents was a fair compromise.
· Requested that officers contact ward Members in relation to the specifics of the application in order to mitigate any concerns.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to an application received by the Council from Morleys Funfair to hold a Funfair at Torkington Park from Thursday 30th June to Sunday 3rd July 2022, subject to the organiser producing the appropriate health & safety documentation, insurances being in place and paying the fee.