Issue - meetings

Managing Risk – Stockport's Risk Management Framework & Strategy

Meeting: 16/03/2022 - Audit Committee (Item 13)

13 Managing Risk – Stockport's Risk Management Framework & Strategy pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer.


Stockport Council in line with most other Councils, is undergoing unprecedented change in the way it delivers services to the public.  The rapid advancement of new delivery models, partnership working across the region, greater demands on services and a significant reduction in funding, has presented significant challenges in how the Council operates and provides services both now and in the future.  The report provides details of how the Council’s risk management and strategy has been updated to ensure it is fit for purpose in the dynamic environment the Council faces.


The Committee is requested to approve the proposed updated risk management framework and strategy.


Officer contact: John Pearsall on 474 4033 or Email:

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out details of how the council’s risk management framework and strategy had been updated to ensure it was fit for purpose.


RESOLVED – That the proposed updated risk management framework and strategy be approved.