11 Quality Assurance & Improvement Programme (QAIP) and Self-Assessment 2021/22 PDF 219 KB
To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer.
The report sets out the quality assurance arrangements in place for internal audit for 2022/23 along with the self-assessment results of the QAIP for 2021/22 and the proposed basis that the Head of Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance will use for the external assessment of the Council’s internal audit function which is required under the PSIAS.
The Committee is requested to note the QAIP and the results of the self-assessment.
Officer contact: John Pearsall on 474 4033 or Email: john.pearsall@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which set out the quality assurance arrangements in place for internal audit for 2022/23, along with the self-assessment results of the Quality Assurance & Improvement Programme (QAIP) for 2021/22 and the proposed basis for the external assessment of the council’s internal audit function.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:
· A key objective of the QAIP was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity and identify opportunities for improvement via internal and external assessments. Members were advised that the council had achieved in all necessary standards.
· Areas for improvement were identified within the report.
· In relation to training and development within the Audit Team, members were advised that each internal auditor had a training plan. The team’s apprentice had been recruited to a full time post, and the team were now looking to recruit a new apprentice. An officer in the team was due to undertake a CIPFA course on counter fraud. Regular in-house training took place. Staff also attended CIPFA seminars for learning and networking purposes; this enabled staff to understand the challenges faced by other local authorities and best practice.
RESOLVED – That the Quality Assurance & Improvement Programme 2021/22 and results of the self-assessment be noted.