Issue - meetings

Updated report on Proposed amendments to the Constitution

Meeting: 03/02/2022 - Constitution Working Party (Item 3)

3 Updated report on proposed amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service and Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance).

The report sets out proposed areas of the constitution for amendment.

To consider the proposals set out in the report and confirm which proposed amendments to the Constitution be taken forward through the council’s governance process, to be decided at a future council meeting.

Officer contact: Vicki Bates 0161 474 3219 |

Additional documents:


The Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out proposed areas of the constitution for amendment.


The following comments were made issues/ raised:


·         Definitions in the Scheme of Delegations regarding Officer Functions


It was noted that the definitions of ‘Corporate Leadership Team’ and ‘Corporate Directors’ would be reviewed, and that interim arrangements detailing a delegation process were in place and had been agreed at the Cabinet meeting held on 2 February 2022.


·         Contract Procedural Rules (PR 6 page 251) (and Financial Procedural Rules)


It was noted that draft proposals would be considered at the next meeting of the Constitution Working Party.


·         Councillors Code of Conduct


It was noted that draft proposals would be considered at the next meeting of the Constitution Working Party.


·         Area Committee Functions (Part 3 Section 4 pages 58 - 62)


It was noted that a local government boundary review was scheduled to take place in 2022 which could have an impact on ward boundaries. It was suggested that Area Committee structure and functions be reviewed following the boundary review and subsequent polling district review that may need to take place. Overall, members felt that retaining a Planning and Highways Committee for central decision-making in relation to planning matters was important.


·         Length of comments and cabinet reports (Part 5 PR1 page 194 Rule 2.1(e)(i))


It was suggested that written cabinet reports should be encouraged to be submitted when a cabinet member could not be present at a council meeting to provide a verbal update. The Working Party suggested that, following the reports of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, the order of cabinet reports be rotated. It was also suggested that the order of questions be reviewed to enable questions to the cabinet member immediately after each cabinet report, and that comments be provided at the end of all cabinet member reports and questions. It was not proposed that the length of comments and cabinet reports be amended.


·         Notice period for amendments to motions (Part 5 PR1 page 201; Rule 12 (motions) and Page 203; Rule 14.6 (amendments)

It was proposed that the current notice period for amendments to motions remain as is.


·         Order of business (Part 5 PR1 page 194 Rule 2.1)


The Working Party were advised that the constitution dictated the structure of the summons, and members could propose changes if they so wished. Some of the section 41 spokespersons (Joint Authorities) named in the constitution had since been disbanded, and so it was suggested that an up to date list be provided to members at the next meeting of the Working Party. Members could then decide whether the joint authorities should be included within the summons and in what order.


·         2.4.3 Membership of committees that sit outside proportionality calculations


A report setting out the council’s working parties and other bodies and their political composition would be circulated to the group following the meeting. It was noted there was no requirement for working parties or outside bodies to be politically proportionate. It was suggested that the report be amended to include whether the working parties were time-limited or permanent, and submitted to the next meeting of the Working Party. 


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance) be requested to submit a report to a future meeting of the Working Party detailing proposed revisions to the constitution incorporating the views expressed by the Working Party during the course of the meeting.