Issue - meetings

Dates for Future Meetings

Meeting: 17/01/2022 - Scrutiny Review Panel - Access to Health Services (Item 7)

Dates for Future Meetings

To agree the dates of future meetings and the timescales for undertaking the review.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer) make arrangements for the next meeting scheduled on 9 February 2022.

Meeting: 08/12/2021 - Scrutiny Review Panel - Greenspace (Item 4)

Dates for Future Meetings

To agree the dates of future meetings and the timescales for undertaking the review.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer) be authorised to determine the date for the next meeting of the Panel in consultation with the Chair and members of the Panel.