Issue - meetings

Report to Constitution Working Party

Meeting: 09/12/2021 - Constitution Working Party (Item 3)

3 Report to Constitution Working Party pdf icon PDF 302 KB

To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance).


Following the last meeting of the committee on 4 November 2021 the

Monitoring Officer was requested to prepare a more detailed report on

the two areas of the constitution that were outlined for amendment in the report

that was considered at the meeting on 23 September 2021, namely informal

council and mayoralty.


That the Working Party review the proposals set out in the report and agree the way forward in relation to proposed amendments to take forward through the governance process.


Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email:






Additional documents:


The Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal and Democratic Governance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated).  Following the last meeting of the committee on 4 November 2021, the

Monitoring Officer was requested to prepare a more detailed report on

the two areas of the constitution that were outlined for amendment in the

report that was considered at the meeting on 23 September 2021, namely

informal council and mayoralty.


Members reviewed and discussed the proposals set out in the report and

agreed the following way forward in relation to proposed amendments to

take forward through the governance process.


RESOLVED (i) Members agreed that it was important to be flexible in

order that a range of people have the opportunity to be Mayor.  The

potential Mayor should have served at least one term in Stockport and

should where possible, be based on political numbers on the Council.  It

was not considered vital that the candidate should have served as

Deputy Mayor previously.  Due to the changes which lie ahead, for

example with possible boundary changes, Members felt it likely that this

issue would need to be revisited.


(ii) It was agreed that an informal Council meeting was unnecessary and

that there should be a two-part split of the Annual Council Meeting

with the ceremonial part of the Meeting taking place on a Tuesday and

the formal business taking place on the following Thursday.  It was

agreed that the Monitoring Officer would endeavour to get this matter

approved in January 2022 for implementation in May 2022.