4 Ward Flexibility Funding - Stockport Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club PDF 338 KB
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding from the Stockport Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club towards the cost of replacing two pull-up banners and purchasing two large feather banners for signposting the venue used for the Breakfast Club.
Additional documents:
A representative of the Strategic Head of Service (Legal & Democratic Governance and Monitoring Officer) submitted an application received on behalf of the Stockport Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club for a grant from the Ward Flexibility Budget towards the cost of replacing two pull-up banners and purchasing two large feather banners for signposting the venue used for the Breakfast Club.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to an application received from the Stockport Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club for a grant of £78.51 from the Ward Flexibility Budget towards the cost of replacing two pull-up banners and purchasing two large feather banners for signposting the venue used for the Breakfast Club.